Since 1937 there has been a great increase in the number of Japanese
days of commemoration and celebration, but most of them have been made
the excuses for special drilling, assemblies, or labor effort, rather
than for relaxation.
A distinction should be drawn between (a) national
holidays which are officially designated and observed with appropriate
flag display throughout the empire, and (b) festivals which are observed
by popular custom by some or all of the people but have no official government
Before the war (1937) there were 12 official national holidays. Since
then there has been an increased emphasis upon military celebrations, and
all events relating to the Imperial family, such as birthdays, death days, etc.
The following is a list of the more important Japanese national holidays:
January 1, New Year's Day
January 3, Emperor celebrates opening of New Year - the event being called Genshisai
January 8, Beginning of the Army year
February 11, Anniversary of accession of the Emperor Jimmu, and the
founding of the Empire (Kigen Setsu) (this date as well as the
year to which the founding is assigned--660 B.C.--has, of course, no
foundation as an anniversary in fact)
March 6, Birthday of the Empress
March 10, Army Day (anniversary of Battle of Mukden, 1905)
March 20 or 21, Spring Equinox Festival
April 3, Anniversary of the death of Emperor Jimmu
April 29, Emperor's Birthday (this day is always especially associated with the Army; in
peacetime it was marked by elaborate military reviews in Tokyo)
April 30, Festival of Yasukuni Shrine
May 27, Navy Day (anniversary of the Battle of Tsushima, 1905)
September 23 or 24, Autumn Equinox Festival
October 17, Kannamesai, or Imperial Thanksgiving of Autumn
November 3, Commemorative festival for the Emperor Meiji
November 23, Niinamesai, or Autumn offering to the Imperial ancestors
December 8, Great East Asia Day
December 25, Anniversary of the death of Emperor Taisho
Since September 1939, the Japanese have been required to
observe "Greater Asia Commemoration Day" (Koa Hoko bi--
) on
the first day of each month, a day of national self-denial
in honor of the men fighting for Greater Asia. On this day there
was to be no smoking, drinking, etc. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the
day for commemoration was altered to the 8th day of each month.
The Yasukuni ceremonies have assumed major importance, because on these
occasions the soldier dead are enshrined and deified. This is the great
reward which makes all the sacrifices seem bearable to the people at large. This
is the only occasion throughout the year when the Emperor bows to the tablets and
spirits of dead subjects who have become minor gods in the spirit world. The actual
ceremonies last 3 days, beginning April 30; the relatives arrive from all parts of
Japan throughout the preceding week, during which entertainment is provided for
them. The second, less important of the semi-annual Yasukuni Shrine Festivals
takes place on October 22 or 23.
It may be worthy of note that the public is never told of the true extent
of Japanese losses, but that the announcements of names to be enshrined at
Yasukuni are designed to give popular impression of low losses. Furthermore, announcements
include the names of soldiers who died in the Meiji and Taisho periods as
well (1868-1926), thus making the announcements obscure and uncertain, and
impossible to check.