In the initial stages of the recent British offensive in Egypt, the 51st Highland
and 9th Australian Divisions were assigned the mission of pushing a
salient through the minefield in the northern sector of the El Alamein line, where
the terrain is absolutely flat. After a penetration had been achieved, the
British X Armored Corps was to move through and fan out in rear of the Axis
positions. Because of the effective fire with which the Germans and Italians
covered the minefield, most of the operations had to be conducted at night, and
sufficient time allowed after completion to permit the infantry a minimum of 4 hours
to dig in, construct their own fortifications, and prepare to resist any Axis counterattack.
The Australian division, which was in the extreme northern position, employed
two regiments forward and one in reserve. The regiment on the right flank used
one battalion forward on a front of 1,000 yards. In addition to the mission
of attacking frontally, this battalion also had the task of securing the
northern flank of the salient opened up by both the British divisions. The left
flank regiment of the Australian division used two battalions forward and one in
reserve, and coordinated its advance closely with the 51st Highland Division's
right flank elements, which were immediately south of them.
The Australian division, operating on a 3,000-yard front, was heavily
reinforced with artillery and was reported to have used 336 guns. Thirteen of
these artillery regiments (probably about 300 guns) used 25-pounder weapons. In
general, the preparation by the artillery was set to begin 20 minutes
before H hour, and all guns were employed in counterbattery work for 15 of
the 20 minutes. It is stated that in general the British employed their artillery
on counterbattery missions at a ratio of 20 to 1 (presumably this means for all
divisions at the front).
The tremendous artillery barrages were apparently extremely effective, and
it is reported that for 2 hours after the initial attack was launched the
German artillery was practically silent, unable to answer requests from
their own infantry for defensive fire. Mention is made of attacks
supported by a rolling barrage which was moved forward at a rate of 100 yards
every 2 1/2 to 3 minutes, but it is not apparent whether this reference is
to the British operations or to the heavy Axis counterattacks.
One observer in this theater believes that the tank has definitely been
beaten by the antitank gun, and consequently the use of the tank in forward
positions will be primarily strategical rather than tactical. He predicates
this conclusion on the fact that the German 50-mm antitank gun and the
British 6-pounder (57-mm) antitank gun, as well as higher calibers, can
effectively disable any tank used today. The same observer also points
out that mines have assumed major proportions in any defensive system, since
infantry are prevented from making direct contact with the enemy until
they have cleared and crossed intensive minefields swept by the defensive
fire. Apparently, the British attack did not come as a surprise to the
Germans, who expected it any time after October 14. The exact sector in
which the main effort was to be made, however, was definitely not known to
the Axis, and the British infantry thereby gained tactical although not
strategic surprise.