Eyewitness accounts appearing in the German press of the operations against Sevastopol
between June 7 and July 4, 1942, permit the Military Intelligence Service
to reconstruct this siege operation in a detail not possible for any other operation
of the Russian-German War. German press accounts term the fortress of Sevastopol
the "strongest single fortress of the world" and unanimously declare neither the
Maginot Line nor their own "West Wall" compared in strength with this mightiest of
Russian fortresses.
The fortress of Sevastopol was initially constructed in the two decades between the
years 1806 and 1825. These ancient forts showed great strength in the Crimean War,
1854 - 1856, when they held up an allied army composed of British, French,
Italians, and Turks for a period of nine months. Since 1939, the Soviets devoted special
attention to the modernization and enlargement of this fortress, recognizing that, with
the coming of airpower, the retention of the Crimea was all-important for control of
the Black Sea. An examination of the map discloses that the island-like Crimean Peninsula
lies in the middle of the Black Sea, and that an air force based on Crimean air fields
can control the maritime trade routes across the Black Sea in any and all directions.
In November, 1941, the Eleventh Germany Army under General of Infantry, von Manstein, after
hard fighting forced the Russian fortified lines across the Perekop Isthmus at the north end
of the Crimean Peninsula. Following this penetration, von Manstein's troops advanced
rapidly to the south and captured the city of Simferopol, the capitol of the autonomous
republic of the Crimea. The bulk of the Russian armies defending the Crimea, then withdrew
to the eastward into the Kerch Peninsula, and eventually were forced to withdraw
completely out of the peninsula when the Germans captured the city of Kerch. While these
operations were in progress, a group of Russian divisions, cut off from Kerch, withdrew
within the Sevastopol defense lines. While von Manstein's operations against Kerch were
in progress, Sevastopol was contained by a small German force.
Early in December, the bulk of von Manstein's army returned westward from Kerch and began
offensive operations against the fortress. This initial attack had, at first, some success, and
one of the outer forts, "Balaklava" was captured, but German offensive operations had to
be completely halted, when a larger Russian counter-offensive began from the mainland. Taking
advantage of their maritime control of the Black Sea, powerful Russian forces were landed
simultaneously in several places on the Crimean Peninsula. The city of Kerch was
recaptured, as well as the towns of Eupatoria and Feodosia to the north and east of Sevastopol
respectively. The entire German position in the Crimea, for a time, appeared to be
threatened. All reserves had to be thrown toward Feodosia and Eupatoria. In consequence, the
German forces attacking Sevastopol retired to their blockading lines some miles in front of
the outer Russian fortified lines.
From December until June, hostilities in the Sevastopol region were of a minor
nature. Occasionally, local counter-attacks were launched by the Russians, but these attained
no great success. The Germans, on their part, found themselves confronted with a serious
guerrilla war in their rear areas, where Russian guerrilla bands roaming the Jaila Mountains
attacked German supply columns, troop headquarters, and base depots. In January, 1942, the
German position gradually improved, as a result of this recapture of Feodosia and
Eupatoria, and the suppression and extermination of the Russian guerrilla bands
In May, 1942, the main body of the army of General von Manstein resumed offensive
operations with a carefully planned and well-executed attack against the three Russian
armies which had reoccupied (in December, 1941) the Kerch Peninsula. The German press
unanimously declares that this local offensive was one of the best prepared and well-executed
attacks of the entire war, and that complete success was achieved; three Russian armies
being completely destroyed and 165,000 prisoners captured. This victory, it is
declared, ended for all time the Russian threat to relieve Sevastopol. Preparations
for the storming of Sevastopol were at once begun by von Manstein's army, and the
opening of the attack was scheduled for the first week in June. At least eight German infantry
divisions, three Roumanian divisions, and one German armored division were
assembled in the western Crimea for this operation.
The strength of the air force units which were assembled in the Crimea to support the
ground army is not entirely clear; but it would appear, from German accounts, that its
strength could not have been less than 1500 planes. These air forces were organized as
the VIII "Close Support" Air Corps, and were under the command of General of Aviators,
von Richthofen. A small naval force, comprising German, Italian, and Roumanian units, the
largest of which were destroyers, operated as a unified fleet under the command of
the Roumanian Vice-Admiral Georgescu.
As in the Cretian operation, of the year 1940, all branches of the German armed forces
served as a unified command -- a task force, under the command of General von Manstein.
The terrain within and around the fortress lines of Sevastopol presents great difficulties
to an attacking army. Sharp hills and deep ravines alternate across the landscape. Vegetation
is scarce. The Russians had utilized the months of the winter 1941-1942 to
greatly strengthen the existing fortifications. Several deep and broad tank trenches had
been constructed, barring the way to the German tanks. About 137,000 tank mines were
also laid within the fortified zone. German reports state that, by May 1940, Sevastopol
was defended by modern forts and 3,597 pillboxes and other lesser defense installations
of a permanent character.
The principal weakness of the fortress lay in the fact that it was cut into two parts of
equal size by the Sevastopol Harbor, a deep and broad fjord-like channel of the
Black Sea, which ran for some six miles inland. Sevastopol city lay on the south
shore of this bay. Only a narrow strip of land connected the two portions of the fortress.
During the month of May, the German High Command assembled an immense amount of special
material and equipment to assist their troops in overcoming the fortress' works which
confronted them.
The tactical plan of campaign envisaged a deep and rapid penetration by the German
ground forces of the northern half of the fortress down to the northern shoreline of
Sevastopol Harbor. While this main attack was in progress, German and Roumanian elements
confronting the southern and eastern fortress were expected to advance from the east and
capture the Sapon Hill, an elevation which dominated the terrain between Sevastopol and
Balaklava. A very important role was given the German Air Force. The Russian air units
stationed in Sevastopol were perforce few in number and restricted to operation from a
very few air fields. The Caucasus was too far away to permit the Russian air units
stationed in that region to intervene in the fighting at Sevastopol. The neutralization
of the minor Russian air units stationed at Sevastopol therefore, appeared to the
German High Command a relatively simple matter. The bulk of the Air Force was, therefore, to
be used to support and cover the attacking German ground forces. In particular, the
Air Force was given the mission of neutralizing or destroying the permanent fortified
works in the area of the fortress lying to the north of Sevastopol Harbor.
![[The Siege of Sevastopol, 1941-1942]](pics/siege-of-sevastopol.jpg) |
It is known that as far back as 1936, the German Air Force was developing special bombs
and fuses for use against permanent fortifications. There is evidence in the German
accounts of the Sevastopol operations to suggest that these special bombs and fuses
were used extensively. It is also of great interest that the Germans speak of their
Air Force in these operations as a "rolling barrage controlled by radio".
General von Manstein planned to use his tank forces only sparingly in the
coming attack. The terrain was highly unfavorable for tank operations, and the
pillboxes, antitank mine fields, and forts indicated that pioneers and infantry
would prove more effective than tanks. It is German doctrine, moreover, not to
employ tanks in attacks against lines of permanent fortifications.
The artillery preparation for the storm began early on June 2d and lasted until
3 o'clock on the morning of June 7th, when infantry and pioneers moved forward
in the northern sector against the Russian outpost line located on the south
bank of the Belbek. German accounts state that the amount of artillery employed
and the intensity of fire delivered rivaled that used in any battle on the west front
in the First World War. While the bulk of the fire, both from artillery and
airplanes, was placed on the front lines and the Russian forts on the high ground
south of the Belbek stream, the long range artillery and heavy bombing squadrons
concentrated on the city of Sevastopol itself; in particular, the navy yard and
the commercial docks.
Despite the intense artillery preparation, the German infantry and
pioneers, as they moved forward, could do little more than overrun the Russian
outpost line. By June 8th, it had become clear that further artillery and air
preparations were necessary before the forts themselves could be stormed. In
particular, Fort Maxim Gorki in the extreme northwestern end of the Russian
defense line, succeeded in repulsing all the infantry and pioneer attacks which
were made against it. Maxim Gorki is declared by the Germans to have been
stronger than any individual fort in either the Maginot Line or their
own "West Wall". Its armament consisted of two armored turrets of battleship
construction, each containing two 30-centimeter (11 inch) guns. Underground, there
were four levels which were provided with all necessary conveniences for the garrison
as well as heavily armored ammunition chambers.
While the German infantry and pioneers were advancing slowly against the line of forts
south of the Belbek, other German and Roumanian units attacked the southern half of the
fortress. This southern attack began on June 11th. Initially, these attacks were on
merely a local scale and aimed at advancing the line in the decisive direction of
Sapon Hill. So determined and skillful was the Russian resistance that this southern
advance also could make only gradual progress. Great difficulties were encountered by
the Germans in particular in capturing the Russian cave pillboxes built into the
sides of hills and ravines.
It became clear to the Russians, as the attack developed, that the greatest threat
to the fortress came from the north. In consequence, the bulk of the Russian troops
were bit by bit transported across Sevastopol Harbor and thrown into the battle
raging for the line of forts on the heights to the south of the Belbek.
The decision in this crucial battle came on June 18th, when German infantry and
pioneers, after a very heavy artillery and air concentration, succeeded in capturing
Fort Maxim Gorki. Previously, Forts Stalin and Siberia had been captured. German accounts
give the credit for the fall of Maxim Gorki in equal measure to the ground forces and to
the air. In particular, however, a dive-bomber pilot is declared to have sealed the
fort's doom when he scored a direct hit on the southern turret of the fortress, putting
it out of commission and enabling pioneers and infantry to force their way into the
interior of the fortress. Here underground the struggle continued for four days
until the last resistance of the garrison was extinguished.
It is thought desirable, at this time, to review the special German technique for
reducing fortresses. The special weapons and the tactical methods for this mission
were developed between the years 1935-1939. All infantry and pioneer (engineer) units
of the German army devoted a portion of their training schedule to rehearsing attacks
on modern fortifications. The time and energy spent by the Germans on this special
form of warfare was believed by them to be essential inasmuch as it was their
intention, sooner or later, to breach the French Maginot Line and other permanently
fortified lines by a frontal assault.
The reduction of Sevastopol constitutes the crowning achievement of
this "assault technique". Assault technique is a team proposition. The team
consisting of infantry, antiaircraft artillery, dive-bombers, and other elements
operates to the end of placing its engineer component into position where the
engineers can apply their explosives directly to the enemy works. The use of
engineers, and engineer materials and weapons, in this strictly combat capacity
is the distinguishing characteristic of German assault technique.
As has been indicated, the forts of Sevastopol were protected on all sides by dense
systems of obstacles: wire, ditches, mines, and others. These obstacles were deranged
and to some extent destroyed by the violent bombardments, both from the air and
from artillery, which preceded the actual assaults. It was then the mission of the
engineers to move forward ahead of the infantry and complete the clearing of paths
through the obstacle belts. The detection and removal or neutralizing of mines must
have been the most difficult part of the job. For this operation, the German engineers
probably depended chiefly on distributed charges of explosives ("Bangalore torpedoes"),
which, pushed ahead and detonated, "induced" in turn the detonation of nearby mines. The
entire operation demonstrated once again that under present conditions in Europe, a
principle function of combat engineers is the removal of obstacles, in the face of
enemy resistance.
The fall of Fort Maxim Gorki opened for the Germans a path to Sevastopol Harbor. Advanced
elements of the assaulting infantry reached the shoreline on June 20th. By June 21st, the
last of the main northern forts (Fort Lenin) was captured. The entire city of Sevastopol
and the naval base of the Russian "Black Sea Fleet" now lay under the fire of German
guns. To all intents and purposes, the fortress was doomed. Nevertheless, the Russian
resistance gave no indication of diminishing. Even though the struggle was hopeless, the
Russian commanders and soldiers never thought of surrendering.
The German forces attacking the southern half of the fortress now began
to redouble their efforts. Attack after attack was launched toward the village
of Inkerman. Gradually, bit by bit, ground was gained in the direction of the
city, and on June 28th, advance infantry elements succeeded in crossing Chernaya Creek
and securing lodgment on the line of hills immediately east of the city of
Sevastopol. Flanking fire from German artillery stationed north of Sevastopol Harbor
assisted this infantry advance. Nevertheless, the Russians successfully
maintained themselves on the ridge of hills west of the Chernaya for several
days. It appears that General von Manstein became convinced that still further
measures were necessary to end Russian resistance.
On the night of June 28-29, the German High Command launched its decisive blow -- an
amphibious operation under cover of night and a dense artificial smoke screen across
Sevastopol Harbor. This attack was made in conjunction with renewed infantry assaults
from the east. This two-pronged assault succeeded in placing in German hands the whole
of the important ridge lying west of the Chernaya. In effect, the fortress had now fallen.
The Germans gave much of the credit for the success of this attack to their skillful
employment of their power-driven motor launches ("stormboats") which transported the
assaulting infantry and pioneers to the south bank of Sevastopol Harbor. This boat, with
its 50-horsepower motor, its 12-man capacity, its 30-mile speed,
was developed in great secrecy by the Germans during the late peace years, and
has been one of the real revelations of this war. The boat was first employed in
the crossing of the Vistula by the Fourth Army at Culm in September of 1939. In June
of 1940, at the crossing of the Rhine near Breisach, the Germans used the stormboat
in great numbers, and showed that, through such use, they had altered profoundly the
tactics of the forced crossing of wide rivers. The speed with which assault waves
were landed on the hostile bank was unprecedented.
The use of the stormboat in the crossing of Sevastopol Harbor at the storming of
Sevastopol appears to have followed the form of the Rhine crossing. That is, the boats
were organized in "stormboat companies". The crews remained with the boats, and continued
to ferry loads back and forth across the bay until conventional type ferries could be
put in operation.
An important supplement to the use of the stormboat at Sevastopol Harbor was the laying of a
dense smoke screen to conceal the operation. Since stormboats betray their general
position by the noise they make, smoke to screen them becomes especially important. It
is possible that the heavy smoke screen at Sevastopol Harbor was partly, at least, a
result of the considerable losses suffered by stormboat crews in the Rhine crossing
near Breisach.
Conventionally, the crossing of an initial assault wave is accomplished in utmost
silence, the assault boats moving normally in twilight, with muffled oars. It will be
observed that in the stormboat, silence is sacrificed for terrific speed.
On July 1st, the German troops, advancing on Sevastopol from the east, captured
Fort Malakhoff on a dominating height just to the southeast of the city. In 1855 it
had been the fall of this fort which ended the earlier siege. Again in 1942, the
fall of Fort Malakhoff ended the city's resistance. Sevastopol was occupied on July 2d.
Russian resistance still did not end, however, with the fall of the city. According to
German accounts, some 70,000 Russian troops withdrew to the Khersonese Peninsula to the
southeast of the city, hoping to find there the ships on which they could withdraw to
the Caucasus. No transportation arrived, however, and on July 4th, the last Russian
resistance ceased. Vice-Admiral Oktjabrskij, Commander of the Russian combined
forces (land, sea and air) and Major General Petrov, Commander of the garrison, succeeded,
however, in escaping.
The German High Command, in its review of the fighting at Sevastopol, states
that 97,000 prisoners were captured between June 7th and July 4th. They state that the
loss of their own troops was as follows:
Killed: | | 190 officers, | | 4,147 men |
Missing: | | 11 officers, | | 1,580 men |
Wounded: | | 671 officers, | | 17,512 men |
The Roumanian High Command states that approximately 2,500 officers and soldiers were
also killed, wounded, and missing during the Sevastopol operation.
It behooves the United States, which, in the course of this war, will
certainly be confronted with the task of storming fortification lines of permanent
character, to heed the German experience in this most bitterly contested of
modern sieges -- SEVASTOPOL.