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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and
Service Forces in the European Theater of Operations, to be
issued by the Stars and Stripes, a publication of the Information
and Education Division, Special and Information Services,
ETOUSA. Major General Walter M. Robertson, commanding the 2nd
Infantry Division, lent his cooperation to the preparation of the
pamphlet, and basic material was supplied to the editors by his
THIS booklet contains a sketch of our 2nd Infantry
Division during its first five months of active
operation in World War II.
Your division entered upon these operations backed
by traditions and military achievements "Second to
None" in our Army. Your division has fully lived
up to these traditions and has added new victories
and valorous acts as standards for the future. You
have maintained unblemished your record of never
having failed to take and hold your objective. Your
outstanding loyalty and devotion to duty is attested by
innumerable acts of gallantry and sacrifice throughout our entire
campaign. Your esprit and morale under adverse conditions
have been an unfailing inspiration to me. I deem it a high
privilege to have served as your commander.
With deep humility I dedicate this brief story as a tribute to
our brave comrades who have fallen in action in its making.
We must justify their sacrifice by our unswerving determination
to carry through to new victories, to new traditions, to complete
W. M. Robertson Major General, Commanding
The 2nd Infantry
Division's Story
Dates, soldiers and places change, but the fighting
tradition that won the fourragere of the Croix de Guerre
at Blanc Mont in 1918 remains the same.
Fighting in France is not new to the 2nd Div. It
fought in every major engagement of the first World
War where American troops participated. It left its
mark at Belleau Wood. It left its dead, too. The 2nd
Div. captured one-fourth of the entire number of prisoners
taken by American Expeditionary Forces, one-fourth of
the total guns. It suffered one-tenth of all casualties in
American armies. It won more decorations than any
other American division. It fought 56 consecutive days
without rest -- the longest period for any American
For 23 years between the two wars, the 2nd Div. was
garrisoned at Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. Many of its
officers and men are Texans, During the years of peace,
it was transformed into the first "streamlined" division.
Gone now are the 5th and 6th Marines, the victors of
Belleau Wood. In their place is the 38th Inf. Regt.,
the "Rock of the Marne." The 9th and 23rd Inf. Regts.
remain, as do the 12th and 15th F.A., now reconstituted
as the 12th, 15th, 27th and 38th F.A. Bns.
For the invasion of France, the 2nd Div. brought
with it a great tradition. Later, the record was to speak
for itself that such heritage was upheld.
Fanning Inland
From the Beach
Vehicles, infantry supporting weapons and
communications equipment remained aboard craft off the beach.
Three days were to pass before these vital supplies began
rolling inland. Communications were established with
salvaged wire found on the beach and abandoned enemy
equipment. The only vehicle in the division was a jeep
loaned by another unit to Division Commander Maj.
Gen. Walter M. Robertson.
By midnight the CP had been established and
assembly areas largely cleared of enemy. The silence of
darkness was shattered by heavy anti-aircraft fire when
German planes zoomed overhead. The division staff
already had planned the attack on the first objective,
Trevieres, a communications center 16 kilometers inland.
Field orders were scrawled in longhand on German
Snipers remaining in the area were killed the next day
and, at one time, a fusillade of sniper bullets spattered
into the division CP. One sniper was shot down from
a tree some 50 yards away from division headquarters.
Near midnight, June 8, the last infantry regiment
began to unload and a staff officer reported to
headquarters that the unit was ready to move to an area
previously selected. He was told that the area, far in
advance, had not been cleared according to plan -- that it
now was occupied.
"By whom?" he asked.
"By the 353rd, Inf. Div.," was the reply.
"Never heard of them, sir. Who are they?"
Although lacking supporting weapons and communications,
one regiment attacked the strongly defended
town of Trevieres June 9. Knowing that the infantry
possessed only the minimum of necessary transportation,
the artillery pumped in shell after shell. Battle plans
called for the regiment's second battalion to approach
from the north, while the third battalion was to cross
the Aure River and flank the objective from the west.
A second regiment was to attack on the east. Trevieres
was defended by an infantry battalion which had been
ordered to fight to the last man.
After the jump-off, one platoon got inside the city.
Heavy sniper and automatic weapons fire held up the
other attackers. The third battalion waded the
waist-deep river, stormed the defenses to the south, then
smacked the enemy from the west flank of the town. So
tenacious was the German grip that the objective was not
entirely outflanked and secured until the next day.
Only a limited number of hand grenades was available.
Not until the closing stages of the battle were machine
guns brought up from the beach area. To replenish the
meager supply of ammunition, a French two-wheel cart
was commandeered. But the ammunition still had to
be hand-carried across the river. Wounded were
hand-carried on the return trip across the stream.
One officer and six men were pinned inside a house four
hours during the first day of the fierce assault. They
were armed only with pistols and carbines while Germans
were within grenade-throwing range on three sides.
Liberation of Trevieres marked the fall of the first
major obstacle as the expansion of the V Corps
bridgehead struggled forward.
The Battle of
the Hedgerows
A well-defined German defense line was struck June
11 in the Berigny-St. Georges d'Elle-Ivon sector. Here,
the "Second to None" had its first encounter with the
3rd Parachute Div. of the Wehrmacht, took its first
prisoners. It was the beginning of a grudge-fight
which was to be renewed many times -- much to the
sorrow of the paratroopers. Between then and June 16
when a halt was ordered to prepare for the attack on
Hill 192, the division's tentacles wound around nearby
villages and consolidated gains. St. Georges d'Elle, the
town that was to change hands several times, was entered
by battalions of the 23rd and 38th Regts. The 23rd
also captured Berigny, while St. Germain d'Elle fell to
the 9th.
Fighting throughout this sector was fierce. The
battle of the hedgerows was on -- and with all stops out.
Mounds of earth, sometimes as wide as three feet and
almost as high as a man's head, divided the fields.
Behind and between these the Germans dug in and waited
to spray machine gun and automatic weapon fire on the
first American to step into the field. Most fields were
no larger than a house lot back home. Sunken roads
wove in and out of the fields, providing excellent
enemy cover.
In the battle for St. Germain d'Elle, fighting grew
extremely severe. Casualty lists mounted steadily. One
company lost 17 men one day, 15 the next. A company
commander told of knocking out seven machine guns in
one field and five in another only to have them replaced
from a seemingly endless chain.
During the entire struggle which preceded the smashing
of the forces defending Hill 192, artillery played an
important role in holding the Nazis inside holes they had
lined along hedgerows. The design was
to bring down surprise mass fire on every
possible position.
That this "time-on-target" firing,
in which shells from multiple guns
were timed to rock objectives simultaneously, had the desired effect was
attested to by patrols. At any minute, a barrage would
batter a position. The Germans quickly learned to
crouch in their holes.
Once, when an infantry regiment was staving off a
counter-attack, an artillery liaison officer hurriedly
called back for fire. Asked the nature of the target,
he replied: "Call it machine guns, call it tanks, call it
anything. Just give me fire." He got it -- from four
battalions -- and in time.
In the fight for St. Georges d'Elle, Pfc Ralston A.
Shepherd, 23rd Inf., saved three companies from mass
slaughter. Cornered in an area 30 by 100 yards, with
hedgerows skirting both sides, the companies lay in
direct line Of fire from a flak gun. Shepherd placed his
BAR over a gate post and fired more than 1000 rounds,
dispersing the Nazis gun crew before it had the
opportunity to go into action. The companies took advantage
of the precious time, reorganized and fought their way
out of the trap. For his action, Shepherd was awarded
the Silver Star.
There were many such heroes. Pvt. Joe Marez, an aid
man with the 9th Regt., disregarded a hail of machine gun
and rifle fire during an attack when he ran forward to
attend two wounded riflemen. As he applied a tourniquet
to the first man's leg, a bullet struck his head. But
Marez didn't quit. He started for the second man, then
suddenly collapsed. He was evacuated just in time to
save his life. For his heroism, Marez got the division's
first Distinguished Service Cross.
There was one corporal of the 38th Inf. Regt. who
was wounded and couldn't be evacuated. When German
forces advanced near his position, the corporal, unable
to stand, pulled a gas protective covering over his
body for camouflage and began sniping at them. Although
without food, he kept this up for two and a half
days until relief finally came. The bodies of two Germans
he had killed and the bloodstains of one he had wounded
during this time were found.
It was during this fighting, in which green troops came
to grips with seasoned German soldiers for the first
time, that "88 Corner" became the best-known crossroad
in the area. German artillery had zeroed in on the
much-used intersection of the St. Lo-Cerisy
La Foret roads. A day never passed
without shells landing nearby. Division MPs constantly braved
the fire to direct traffic.
The Bloody Hill
before St. Lo
From then until July 11, when the Indian Head boys
roared to success on the heels of a tremendous artillery
and aerial bombardment, the division got ready for more
of the same.
Thickly covered with heavy foliage, the hill commanded
a six-mile area. When "Second to None" wrested the
precious territory from the Nazis, the breakthrough at
St. Lo, vital communications center just six miles away,
was set to follow two weeks later.
The enemy had been fortifying Hill 192 for months.
It was studded with foxholes, machine gun nests and
expertly camouflaged observation points. Hedgerows
sprouted along its gradual slope. Behind these,
Germans huddled in dugouts.
Every crossing and road in the vicinity had been zeroed
in by enemy artillery emplaced on the rear slope.
German camouflage suits blended softly with the foliage
so well that one Nazi sniper remained in a tree only
150-yards from American lines an entire day before he
was located and killed.
Here, T/Sgt. Frank Kviatek gained fame for his skill
at picking off snipers. A veteran of 27 years in the
army, Kviatek used a bolt action Springfield with
telescopic sight to account for 21 Germans, mostly snipers.
His goal was 25 for each of two brothers killed in Italy.
Later wounded, he returned to combat to boost his
total to 36.
Opposing forces were so close together at this stage
of the struggle that infantrymen propelled hand grenades
With slingshots made from abandoned innertubes.
In one raid preparatory to the drive over the hill,
1st Lt. Ralph Winstead, 38th Inf., led a
combat patrol that blasted its way through
enemy hedgerow positions and killed or
seriously wounded at least 11 Nazis. With
clock-like precision, the patrol poured
through three holes cut out of the hedgerow
by engineers before returning to their
men and together they drove five more from dugouts.
By late afternoon, "The Hill" belonged to the men of
the 2nd. The division, its immediate mission
accomplished, faced south to await the great breakthrough.
Breakthrough, A Bubble
The 2nd now stood astride the St. Lo-Berigny highway,
and, with the key city of St. Lo in American hands
a few days later, the division attacked again on July
26 with regiments abreast. The objective was St. Jean
des Baisants. In the lull since Hill 192, the Germans
frantically had dug defenses three hedgerows deep.
Tank-infantry teams had evolved new methods of
attacking the miniature fortresses. No longer did tanks
carry dangerous satchel charges on their backs. New
devices, invented by ingenious GIs overnight, ripped open
the thick earth walls of the hedgerows while
infantry-tank-artillery coordination stunned the enemy to make
easier the task of the doughfoot.
Buttoned-up medium tanks charged into the attack
under time-fire of artillery to search out openings and
routes of approach. Their guns spat steel into enemy
machine gun nests. When the time-fire lifted, tanks
whirled around to their own lines behind a smokescreen
to be joined by infantry, which came up with close
support from the artillery -- this time firing ground
The Germans were making a last desperate stand and
every hedgerow was bloodily defended between the
St. Lo-Berigny road and St. Jean des Baisants.
Capt. George R. Michell, commanding Co. K, 23rd,
went ahead of his two assault platoons, fired five shots
into one machine gun nest to kill the crew, and then
charged another emplacement under withering fire,
emptying a clipful of Garand ammunition to silence it.
The 60 men left in his company after coming through
the barrage, stormed fortifications manned by 300
Germans. They took 400 prisoners, killing or routing the
remainder. Capt. Michell was awarded the DSC for
his action.
The Germans were tricky. Once 50 of them advanced,
hands held high in surrender. Suddenly they dropped
flat to the ground, while their machine guns opened
up on unwary GIs taken in by this treachery.
Minefields always were to be reckoned with. Heavy artillery
occasionally lobbed in death and destruction.
But the disintegration of the enemy, became more
apparent. By Aug. 2, the division had crossed the Vire
River -- still spearheading the attack of V Corps south
to the ruins of Vire and on to Tinchebray.
Aug. 15 saw the infantry slam into Tinchebray and
advance to the outskirts of the far side to guard against
possible counter-attack. Next day, the division drew
out of action and for first time in the battle of the
hedgerows, the 2nd no longer had the enemy to its front.
It had come 40 kilometers in 20 days. The breathing
spell came none too soon.
Contributing valuable support to the division in
crushing the Wehrmacht during the Normandy campaign
were the 462nd AAA (AW) Bn., 612th and 893rd TD
Bns., 741st Tank Bn., 192nd Cavalry Recon. Sqdn.
and 81st Chemical Bn.
Of the part the division played in the Battle of Normandy,
Maj. Gen. L.T. Gerow, Commanding General, V
Corps, said:
"The record of the 2nd Inf. Div. from its arrival on
the beaches of Normandy until the capture of Tinchebray
has been one of hard, relentless fighting against a stubborn
enemy. It was largely through the Persistent determination
and unfailing courage of the officers and men of the
2nd Inf. Div. that the battle of the hedgerows was won.
"For more than two months of continuous fighting, they
were to a great measure responsible for the success of
V Corps."
Almost immediately after the fall of Tinchebray, the
2nd embarked on a 300-mile journey and the Battle of
Mighty Siege for a
Brest housed the submarine pens from which U-boats
threaded their way into the Atlantic to attack Allied
shipping. As a port it was needed by the Allies, who
were hard-pressed for harbors through which to feed
the growing armies in France.
Knowing this, the German High Command had
ordered the Brest garrison to hold out for at least 90 days.
Pillboxes and emplacements of steel reinforced concrete,
plus the bitter defense of the paratroop garrison, testified
that the Germans had determined to make the port
another Stalingrad.
Hitler demanded three months. Brest fell in 39 days.
For generals and commanders, Brest was notable
because it involved street fighting technique. The GI
remembers it best because, while it was a deadly, bloody
business, he could at least sleep in a bed for the first time
since D plus 1, enjoy fine wines, and liquors and
investigate German billets, storehouses and canteens filled with
Nazi loot.
But he had to come a long, hard way before enjoying
these luxuries -- through hedgerows as thick and roads
sunk as deep as those in Normandy, past heavily defended
concrete emplacements, and against a vicious weapon, the
flak gun fired at point blank range.
Brest proper lies on the northern side of the harbor,
cut in half by the Penfield River, flowing south into the
harbor. Across the harbor to the southeast of the port
the Daoulas Peninsula juts out and to the southwest,
the Crozon Peninsula. Both the city proper and the
two peninsulas were heavily defended.
Three divisions, with a large amount of supporting
corps artillery, were assigned to reduce the garrison.
The plan for the 2nd Div. was to drive south through
the easternmost part of the city to the harbor. On the
right (western flank), the 8th Inf. Div. was poised to
whip south through the center of Brest. Farther to the
west moved the 29th Inf. Div., heading south to clean
out the western tip of the Brittany Peninsula. A task
force, composed of the 38th Regimental Combat Team
and other units, was scheduled to reduce the Daoulas
Commanding Task Force B was Maj. Gen. (then Brig.
Gen.) James A. Van Fleet, Ass't CG of the 2nd, now
commanding the 90th Inf. Div. This task force consisted
of the 38th Inf. Combat Team; Bty. C, 323rd FA Bn.;
3rd Bn., 330th
Inf. Regt.; 38th
FA Bn., 2nd Div.;
Co. C, 2nd Medical
Bn.; Co. C, 2nd Engr.
Bn., and Cos. B. and
C, 705th TD Bn.
It moved against Daoulas on Aug.
22 and soon overran the first major
objective, Hill 154, highest point on the peninsula. The
tactic was to creep Indian-fashion through low-lying
bushes which the enemy had failed to cut down around
the hill, to encircle and surprise.
One PW taken from a concrete emplacement said:
"I knew you were coming but I couldn't do anything.
I could see no one to shoot. The first American soldier
I saw was the one who captured me."
Too late the Germans attempted to reinforce the
concrete pillboxes, barbed wire entanglements and trenches
encircling the hill's peak. One infantry company held
off reinforcements while another bagged the position.
Entirely the doughboys' show without benefit of artillery
or air support, the maneuver was highly successful.
Hill 154 commanded the entire harbor area and was a
valuable observation post.
Although much hard fighting lay ahead, capture of
Hill 154 was the beginning of the end for the Daoulas
Peninsula. Seven days later the task force swept to
the tip to clean out pockets of resistance around
Plougastel, and reap a harvest of over 3000 prisoners. The
38th Inf. returned to the division, which now closed in
on the main defenses of Brest.
Attacking the hill's approaches, one company inched
its way toward a group of six bunkers. A platoon
crossed the Guipavas-Brest road, and one squad reached
the first bunker when a loud explosion, followed by
three successive blasts, rocked the terrain. Huge
boulders, sharp chunks of concrete and debris burst in
all directions. One man said later he "just kept climbing"
even though he was buried to the waist. Others
were not so lucky.
Force of the explosion left craters 100 feet wide and
50 feet deep. One man-sized piece of concrete smashed
a truck-size hole in a thick hedgerow 100 yards away.
The squad which reached the first bunker was
completely wiped out. Only two members of the platoon's
remaining squads were battle fit. Although few
were killed, many were stunned and hurt. The company
commander gathered 22 men together and pressed
on for 400 yards more before being stopped.
Two days later another company met its day of trial
with sacrifice and courage. Enemy paratroopers at
Fourneuf held a ridge threaded with tunnels, pillboxes,
foxholes and camouflaged gun emplacements. Because
little protection was offered by this terrain, a smoke
screen was thrown up to cover the advancing infantry.
One platoon struck out blindly through the smoke,
each man aware of the danger of the mission. They
were found later, lying in a field a1ong a sunken road,
still in perfect platoon formation. All but three were
dead, but bloodied bayonets, and 28 German bodies in
one field grimly told the full story of the battle.
That night the enemy withdrew 500 yards.
The fortunes of war were kinder to Co. E, 23rd Inf.,
as it attacked a similar stronghold on Hill 105. Boldness,
luck and surprise were accompanying features. GIs
blasted a flak gun with mortar fire and charged into a
pitted road with fixed bayonets, kayoing machine guns on
both flanks, and forcing the Nazis to surrender.
Artillery and air bombardment softened up Hill 195,
but it was the hard-hacking hedge-to-hedge infantry
slugging which finally took it. Hill 105 commanded
the outer defenses of Brest and the city itself. Hills
90 and 100 still had to be taken, but after the
highest -- 105 -- had fallen, the others were doomed.
"We've fought them again and again and beat them.
We'll do it again."
As soon as riflemen had secured both slopes of the
hill, tank destroyers again went into action, stabbing
into the hills on the same ridge and into the city's
outlying suburbs. Division and corps artillery also wheeled
into position, constantly lobbing accurate high explosives,
interspersed with smoke shells, to mark targets for
sweeping fighter bombers.
Brest Airfield was the scene of another bitter struggle.
South of the field the infantry was pinned down by
concrete emplacements which had resisted three days of
heavy shelling. To start the attack rolling, on one
company sector, flame-throwers were brought up to
fire into embrasures of an enemy machine gun emplacement.
Heavy losses in the company demonstrated
that no man experienced in using the weapon was available.
Company commander Capt. Cameron A. Clough
strapped the equipment to his back, crossed the
open field under heavy fire and destroyed the emplacement.
His action enabled the company to breach
the main line of resistance and outflank positions menacing
companies on either side. Capt. Clough was
awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
In Brest itself, pillars of smoke billowed constantly
from fires set by artillery and aerial bombardment.
Traces of gunpowder and burnt wood lingered in the
air. Only skeletons of buildings remained -- some blackened
by fire, others hollowed by concussion blasts.
Here and there blocks of apartments or stores stood
untouched. Piles of debris spilled, slopped into deserted
The silence was oddly accentuated by the random chatter
of machine guns and the sharp crack of rifles. Shells
whispering overhead to crash in the distance added to
the ghostliness. When a French civilian ventured among
the wreckage, his footsteps echoed blocks away. At
night the silence mounted until an occasional shell
descended and burst. Pale lights from flares quickly
disappeared in the surrounding darkness.
This was the scene as the 2nd Div. entered Brest for
the final battle. The original tactical plan had been
altered so that the division sector now included all of
the city east of Penfield, while the 29th Div. advanced
to capture the area west of the river. The 8th Div.
had moved around to the south to assault the Crozon
Peninsula. The stage was set for the final blow.
Over, Under, Through
the Walls
First Lt. Pichegru, Woolfolk, 23rd Inf., told how a
squad in his platoon had to bore through seven buildings
before reaching an enemy stronghold, But the
trick saved lives. Favorite approach to a building
was from above, because lower floor entrances invited
showers of hand grenades and rifle fire from the
upper floors.
Direct fire from the 705th TDs, emplaced on the front
lines knocked out many strong points. Men of the
2nd Engrs. punched holes through walls or pushed
paths through rubble as much as 15 feet deep in some
Surrounding, flanking, working their way from block
to block, sometimes knocking out a machine gun from
an upper story window, or engaging in grenade and fire
fights within buildings, the infantry inched forward.
One of the sharpest fights occurred in the cemetery on
the southern edge of town, where the Germans had set
up machine guns for crossfire, protected by ornate
French tombstones. One
platoon wormed its way
into this macabre battlefield, but had to withdraw
until holes could be blasted in the cemetery walls.
Buildings on both sides
were in American hands
before the cemetery finally
could be taken.
The division eventually reached the old wall of the
inner city. Patrols probed the ancient moat, searching
for an opening. The wall measured 60 feet across in
some places -- too wide for demolitions. Two plans
were considered -- a crossing of the Penfield west of the
Wall through the 29th Div. sector, or a penetration of
the wall itself.
To Lt. Col. William F. Kernan's 2nd Bn. went the
credit for finding a way through. Co. I, which had
distinguished itself at Forneuf, discovered the unguarded
weak spot. While the company trickled through this
hole, other elements of the battalion found another
entrance near the river, overwhelmed the guards and
To prevent the battalion from being cut off, another
battalion was ordered over the wall. Cos. E and H
scaled it before the early morning light could reveal
the attacks. The wall was the Nazis last hope. Once
it was breached the fight for the city was over. At
1100 hours on Sept. 18, all artillery fire ceased in order
to permit surrender of the garrison. By that time, the
Div. had swept past the submarine pens to the
Penfield to end all resistance in the western sector.
Now it was nearly 1500. From holes, caves and
underground dugouts Germans straggled into the Place
du President Wilson. Some wore well-tailored, fancy
uniforms, in sharp contrast to the more practical battle
dress of the Americans. Dirty, ragged clothes hung on
others. Collected in little groups in the enormous
square were the grey-haired labor troops, the conglomeration
of naval personnel who had been fighting as infantrymen,
the scrawny youths and the stiff, well-dressed
Groups were led off as new ones appeared. At one
time nearly 1000 troops packed the square, over which
an American flag danced lazily in the breeze.
At 1500 the German commander formally surrendered
the garrison in the presence of Gen. Robertson. Fortress
Brest had fallen.
But all of this would not have been possible without
the invaluable assistance rendered by units attached to
the division during the Battle of Brest. Units which
blended their efforts to make the 2nd Div. so effective
were the 612th TD Bn.; CO. B, 705th TD Bn,. Co. D,
709 Tank Bn.; CO. C, 86th Chemical Bn.; 687th FA
Bn.; Cos. A, C, E, 5th Ranger Bn.
Now, the 2nd Div. is poised for the all-time showdown.
Hundreds of miles to the east of Brest, where the thunder
of war reverberates, men of the 2nd, inside the blood-stained,
snow-swept Siegfried Line still slug their way
When there is time to reflect, memories revert to
the other weary hours of the past and especially to
those men who helped put the 2nd in Germany -- those
who now remain behind in Normandy and Brittany.
Recent deeds only have enriched the heritage created
by the forefathers of the 2nd Div. who cut the pattern
of courage in World War I.
In achieving its successes during the current campaign,
the going has been tortuous, back-breaking. But this
story is only a larger replica of the saga of 25 years ago.
Whenever obstacles loom on the road to ultimate victory,
Gen. Robertson's reminder answers the challenge: "We've
fought them again and again and beat them. WE'LL
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