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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air
and Service Forces in the European Theater of Operations,
issued by the Stars and Stripes, a publication of the Information
and Education Division, Special and Information Services
ETOUSA... Major General Robert T. Frederick, commanding the 45th
Infantry Division, lent his cooperation to the preparation of the
pamphlet, and basic material was supplied to the editors by his staff.
We stand, today, ready to go on with the task of
destroying the German defense. That task has
demanded, and will continue to demand, the utmost
effort by all of us. Your record of achievement
under great hardships promises successful
accomplishment of the task before us. It will not be
easy, but I am confident that the division will
continue to meet the demands placed upon it.
I wish to congratulate the men of the 45th Division
and attached units. Without the whole-hearted
cooperation and effort you have given to
the long hard fight, the division's successes would
not have been possible.
Milestones: The Winter Line below Cassino ...
Rome ... the Vosges mountains ... Alsace ... Germany.
Over a thousand miles and through more than 420
combat days, the 45th Infantry Division has taken
every one of its objectives.
"You are going to make an amphibious
landing in Europe. Your job and that of
the few divisions who will land with you is to keep the enemy busy and occupied
while we prepare a huge American Army."
The Thunderbird veteran wasn't pounding an iron fist against Der Fuehrer's door
by accident. This marked the beginning of the showdown campaign. To reach the
German border, the 45th Div. had gained one objective after another — punched
through the Vosges mountains, spearheaded the first army ever to penetrate the
thickly wooded Alsatian terrain. It had plunged, shoved up the
Before this came the sweating out of another — the fourth — amphibious
operation. In the background hovered a series of daring plans and an equal number
of successful operations.
Italy was the jumping-off point for the landing on the Riviera. When the first
landing craft scraped the beach near Ste. Maxime, men who had learned the hard way
charged ashore. These were the same veterans who had slashed into the defensive
breastworks guarding the Sicilian coast, July 10, 1943. These were the same veterans
who made it possible for the 45th Div. to write the glorious record of 420 days in
the front lines.
The 45th team brought the experiences of Sicilian operations to Salerno's
beaches. It had learned to match new problems with new tactics. During
mountain fighting of the Winter Line below Cassino, the 45th added new
chapters to its book of tricks.
Thunderbird troops were on the last lap of the long road to Rome, when the
45th landed on the tiny strip of beach that was to become the hell of Anzio. Four
months later, after incessant shelling, constant air raids and unflagging
tension, 45th Div. doughs stormed from their foxholes to smash the iron ring
which crack German troops had clamped on them from January to May, 1944. They
moved forward in daylight for the first time since the initial landing.
Capture of Rome, the liberation of the first great European capital, marked
the beginning of the payoff in Fortress Europe. During the twelve months the
45th had carried out its mission of "keeping the Germans occupied," the invasion
of western Europe was being planned. Normandy landings came on the heels of
the fall of Rome. For the 45th Div., which knew what ship-to-shore landings
were like, the Normandy operation represented lessons learned in the bloody
laboratories that were Sicily, Salerno, Anzio.
Immediately after Allied forces smashed into Normandy, the veteran 45th
resumed an old routine. It rehearsed amphibious landings.
The fourth D-Day broke at 0800 Aug. 15, 1944. Thunderbird troops, now part
of the Seventh Army, struck along Riviera beaches. Once again, the 45th Div.
faced north — faced towards Berlin.
Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7 — (AP) — Huge Japanese naval and air
armada attacked here two hours ago.
On Sept. 16, 1941, the 45th Div. was reactivated, and the boys at
Fort Sill, Okla., during ten minute breaks said, "We'll be back in a year."
But they didn't go home at the year's end. Instead, they settled down to
intensive training. The Jap attack on Pearl Harbor settled the question
while the division was stationed at Camp Barkeley, Tex.
Thunderbird labored in all kinds of terrain and weather
to prepare for the big job. The division moved to Fort
Devens, Mass., then to Pine Camp, N.Y., and to Camp
Pickett, Va. Special mountain training was conducted
in Virginia's Blue Ridge range, and amphibious training
at Cape Cod, Mass., and Norfolk, Va.
This was the shake-down period when tactics were
learned, physical endurance built up.
Thunderbird finally was ready for flight. The formidable
convoy of 45th Div. troops and equipment sailed June 8, 1943, from
Norfolk for Oran, North Africa.
In the Arzew area of French Morocco, the first Arabs and their
overloaded burros were encountered. Here, the final polish was
rubbed into amphibious operations. While doughs attempted to figure
the Moroccan monetary system, final plans were made for the assault
landing on Sicily.
The sergeant looked at his watch. "Ten minutes to go." He wiped
his forehead, then gripped the gunwales of the landing craft.
Sicily was the scene of sharp and stubborn fighting, of
long marches. Doughs had a battle on their hands,
blisters on their feet.
From Scoglitti, the division moved inland, grabbing off Vittoria and
Ragusa. Directly to the north lay the strongly defended Comiso
airport. It housed 120 aircraft of which at least 25 were
operational. Huge ammunition dumps ringed the field for several
miles. Striking hard from the flank, Thunderbird troops took the
airport, all the planes and valuable ammunition and materiel. The
Germans fell back, reorganized and launched a desperate counter-attack. But
the thrust was repelled, and attackers were battered even harder.
With Comiso taken, the division moved to its next objective. After
a bitter fight, during which elements of the Hermann Goering Div. were
defeated, Biscari was occupied. Again the division plunged ahead, along
with the British. Vizzini, headquarters for the Goering troops, fell.
"Man! I don't mind fightin' these Krauts, but it shore is rough
tryin' to catch up with 'em !"
Now, the division swung east on the coast road, clearing and mopping up
resistance until it reached the Motta Hill mass. This was the sector, near
San Stefano, which the world was to know as "Bloody Ridge."
"Bloody Ridge" was the toughest fight of the Sicilian campaign. It was
a series of five peaks with slopes so steep that equipment and supplies
had to be manhandled. The enemy was
After four days of fighting up steep ridges under complete enemy
observation, "Bloody Ridge" finally was taken. The 45th Div. had
proved itself. Thunderbird pulled back to rest near Trabia — a well
deserved rest after 22 days of sustained combat.
Sicily had been occupied. The first major step on the long rough
road to Rome had been achieved. The next station change was Salerno.
"Hell, no," the doughface laughed. "Nothing's going to happen to
me. My wife's too young to be a widow."
The Calore-Sele Rivers salient became the pivot on which the Salerno operation
revolved. Here, Thunderbird troops smacked the line harder than ever
before. Forces were consolidated, the beachhead made secure.
Although casualties were high, the enemy began referring to The Team as
the "Falcon Division." Death stalked the Nazis wherever the Thunderbird
was seen.
The division pitted its major strength against the cracking German defense, then
turned inland. Stiff resistance was encountered near Olivetto and Quaglietta
where, months before, Germans had constructed strong defenses. But the 45th
breached this line and rolled over Eboli and S. Angelo di Lombardi. Again the
direction of the advance swerved as the Thunderbird moved on Benevento, to
the northeast.
It is 209 miles by air from the beaches of Salerno to Venafro, but much longer
as the infantry moves — most of these miles were up and down.
As in Sicily, the Germans exercised great skill in
mine-laying and demolition. Nearly every bridge in this
rugged, mountainous country was blown and every
The fight the Germans put up at Guardia was their strongest bid after
Salerno. Here, a steep hill separated the division from the town proper
and the drive up the hill's slope had to be made in the face of
devastating fire. During this action, Germans first used their multi-barreled
mortar. Someone labeled it "Screaming Meemie." Men dug deeper. The battle
for Guardia lasted most of the day and that night. The following morning
the town had been taken and the penetrating troops shoved ahead, adding
Telese and Piedimonte d'Alife to the captured list.
Suddenly, the terrain flattened out and veteran doughs
saw the broad, flat "pool table" that was the valley of the
Volturno River. The swift-moving stream, swollen by continuous
rains, snaked diagonally across their path. To reach the enemy
staring down at Thunderbird from
Immediate objective after bridging the Volturno was Venafro. Here again,
extremely bitter fighting preceded the taking of the town. With the tortuous
mountain trails too steep and winding for jeeps to pass, supply problems
became acute.
Mule teams were formed. Supply personnel became "mule skinners." Food,
ammunition — everything the troops needed for living and
fighting — were hauled up the mountainside on the backs of these
mules. Where mules couldn't go, men struggled with pack-boards to "get
the stuff up there." Mule skinners operated at night because nearly all
the treacherous and steep trails were under observation by day.
To reach Venafro, division elements pulled an end run. A week later, the
"pool table" became an impact area and the mountains echoed the screech
of "Meemies" and the wail of artillery.
On the town's far side, Germans had established a well-defended, prepared
line. It was their intention to hold off the Allied advance at this line
for the winter. Continuous snow and rain, extremely difficult terrain
and constant enemy observation made the fighting exceptionally severe. To
the dough, it seemed that every hill he took led to a still higher hill. And
the Germans always were there — waiting. Despite these conditions, the
division pushed ahead to capture Pozzilli, Concasale, Lagone and other
mountain towns, each of which bristled with enemy defenses.
Germans had been using Acquafondale, Viticuso and Lagone for supply
points. Bitter fighting occurred daily in the exchange of ridges, hills
and mountains surrounding these towns. These were days when Thunderbird
troops built "foxholes" from mountain boulders because the ground was too
rocky and solid for digging. These were the days when the wounded were
evacuated by mule-back. The area was tagged, "Purple Heart Alley."
Division Artillery came into its own and hammered the enemy without
letup. Combat patrols and raiding parties added to the enemy's
punishment. Slowly, but steadily, the Nazis were being shoved
back. Thunderbird GIs fought their way up Mt. Molino, took
Hills 960, 1040, 1115, all along the road to
Early November sped along to Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving gave way
to Christmas. Gifts got up to mountain foxholes by muleback. The low,
occasional humming of "Silent Night" often was shattered by the rushing
"whoosh" of the Purple Heart Blues.
After 119 combat days, the 45th was relieved Jan. 9, 1944. There
was another job to do.
Routine: the sergeant gripped his band grenade and crawled toward
the German machine gun nest. He pulled the pin, lobbed the grenade
and crawled away as his buddy sprayed the nest with his Tommygun. The
"day's work" had started at nightfall for the patrols.
Elements of the 45th landed at Anzio Jan. 22. Nine days later, the
entire division was committed.
Anzio was flat.
It was open to complete daytime observation because the German perimeter
defense was built along the hills surrounding the beachhead. Nazis perched
on these hills, spitting shells from semi-circular vantage points. Thunderbird
men dived for foxholes, stayed there.
Everyone moved underground at Anzio. All day,
long-range artillery fire harassed the small strip
containing Allied forces. German railroad guns, sited in
the Alban Hills, pounded the area. Nicknamed the
"Anzio Express," these high-caliber guns ran strictly "on
time." Air raids by the Luftwaffe pasted port and front
line positions. Germans bombed and strafed at will
until Spitfires met their challenge.
"Photo Joe," the lone German reconnaissance plane, made its milk run with
fidelity, while "Popcorn Pete" unloaded crackling anti-personnel bombs
with a regularity that would have turned the conductor of the Orange Blossom
Special green with envy.
By the first week in February, beachhead forces had
pushed their lines as far out as their small numbers would
permit. Hastily-summoned German reserves forged
a steel ring around the beachhead. This was to be the
scene of four months of stubborn warfare.
Then, the Nazi worm turned.
Attempting to hurl Allied beachhead forces into the sea, the enemy unleashed
three major counter-attacks. From Feb. 16 to 19, the 45th Div. sector was
subjected to wave after wave of Germany infantry and tanks that poured down
the Albano-Anzio road like steam through a whistle. Elements identified as
six different divisions were thrown into the battle.
Much of this fighting was in the "Factory" (Carroceto) area. Casualties
were heavy. Thunderbird artillery, armor and tank destroyer units accomplished
magnificent results in helping stave off the threat to the
beachhead. Infantrymen clung tenaciously to each dip in the ground, each
furrow, each rock.
When one small group of doughs was forced to withdraw, another group pushed
forward in a different sector. It was during this period that the 2nd Battalion
The flies had attacked the flypaper.
From that dramatic week until the final push that broke the German
line, the condition was one of extreme tension for all. For the first
time in its experience, the 45th was denied movement. Patrols were
daily routines. Probing, searching for enemy weak points and raids
by combat patrols became habitual. During March, enemy artillery and
planes monotonously harassed forward and rear area installations.
In April, artillery ammunition dumps mushroomed as preparations
were made for the Big Push.
After 76 days of continuous combat, Thunderbird was pulled back to what
ironically was called a rest area. When GIs wrote home, they hardly
recommended the place as a tourist's paradise. Thunderbird troops were
out of the lines just two weeks. Time was devoted to infantry-tank training.
The first three weeks in May were marked by numerous coordinated
artillery shoots in which Division Artillery and its supporting battalions
participated. For more than a week before the final attack began, every
gun on the beachhead, from 37mm anti-tank guns to the giant 240s, fired
into enemy positions each morning just before daylight. The number of
artillery pieces alone totalled more than 800.
On May 23, after artillery and the Air Corps had combined to saturate
the area, the division jumped off — destination: Rome.
The artillery preparation, aggressive and determined infantry action and
the coordinated effort of the supporting arms and services, forced the
steel trap to bend, snap open.
For the next 12 days, Thunderbird pressure on the retreating Germans
never lagged. The breakthrough became a rout. Three days later, when
beachhead troops contacted doughs from the Cassino front, Nazis were
falling back in slap-happy disorganization.
With the division grinding on relentlessly and air support combing
their rearward flight, the Germans paid dearly for the casualties they
had inflicted. Stubborn rear-guard forces resisted fanatically until
finally mopped up.
The 45th had been in Anzio foxholes for a long, frustrating period. Here,
at last, was the chance to move. Infantrymen sighed relief at being able to
stand up again during daylight hours. Artillery displaced time and again
as it leap-frogged in support of attacking riflemen. Corioli, Campoleone fell
before the advance;
The step-by-step progress of the division gradually blended into the
overall picture of relentless pressure on the retreating enemy. No one
who experienced those twelve days will ever forget the bitter battles,
the gallantry displayed or the physical weariness brought on by the
unceasing attack.
For the 45th Div., the push on Rome climaxed the long Italian siege
that began back in Sicily. On June 6, after reaching the historic
hills on the far side, the division was placed in reserve and, a
few days later, sent to Battipaglia for a well-deserved rest.
From the time the division landed at Salerno until the day it was
withdrawn after Rome, Thunderbird had been in the line 249 days. Sicily
boosted the total to 271 combat days.
At Battipaglia, after several days of sheer luxury, the division moved
again, this time to southern Italy for additional training in amphibious
landings. The hot, semi-tropical July sun beat down on assault craft,
flame-throwers, barbed-wire obstacles and demolitions as Thunderbird
troops prepared.
"Hell," said the sergeant. "I've been on more boats than half the
guys in the Navy."
With scattered enemy resistance pockets rocked by the Naval Western Task
Force's pre-invasion shelling and bombs dropped by
Riviera operations demonstrated the results of experience. Careful planning
made the fourth Thunderbird amphibious landing a complete success. Men, supplies
and equipment moved ashore with precision. Once ashore and inland, the 45th,
for the first time in its year of combat experience, encountered friendly and
cooperative civilians.
In 17 days, the division had branched out from the beachhead to Bourg. The
going still was no walkaway. German troops fought fierce delaying actions,
dispersing Thunderbird from the Rhone valley nearly to the Italian border.
As each resistance pocket was cleared, regiments spurted ahead until delayed
by more strongpoints. Movement was so rapid and so far ahead of schedule it
was difficult to provide advancing troops with maps and gasoline. Prodigious
work by supply personnel, which used every available vehicle to haul
materiel, kept troops supplied.
The division raced ahead to exert constant pressure on retreating Germans. Everyone
strove to maintain this lightning pace. Drivers, who couldn't take time out for
proper vehicle maintenance, somehow contrived to keep trucks loaded and rolling
through dust, rain, mud, blackout.
Communications personnel laid hundreds of miles of
wire daily so contact could be kept with various units.
In rifle companies, kitchens moved three or four times
a day. Supplies, ammunition and rations were delivered
with the same success that front line troops
The confused enemy never was allowed to relax. Pressure applied by a
determined Thunderbird the first 17 days resulted in the capture of
4781 prisoners, representing the battered remnants of eight German
divisions, 12 Luftwaffe units and 20 miscellaneous battalions.
The rapid pace limited the use of artillery, but observation planes,
launched from flight decks on converted LSTs, worked overtime. During
the drive to Bourg, the artillery expended only 6648 rounds of ammunition,
which would have represented only a fair day at Anzio.
Sharp battles, however, raged during this period. The 45th Div. long
will remember the resistance met and heroism displayed by its troops
at Frejus, Vidauban, Le Luc, Barjols, Cotignac, Le Puy, Grenoble,
Briancon, Loyettes and Meximeux.
The Team lived in farmhouse cellars, haystacks, holes in the ground. Thunderbird
learned that "de l'eau chaude" meant "hot water" and that it was customary
to shake hands continually with the French. Men heard personal accounts of
the treatment French civilians had received from the Gestapo. They saw
concentration camps, memories of which never can be forgotten.
This was the race up the Rhone valley. After Bourg came Baume les Dames where
the division crossed the Doubs River to attack the city.
By Sept. 21, 36 days after the landing, Thunderbird moved toward Epinal, the
strongly-defended, strategically important city straddling the
Moselle River. The river was approximately 80 feet wide. All bridges had been
destroyed. Road blocks covered every entrance to the city.
Despite determined enemy resistance and the fast-flowing current, elements
of the division crossed the river and assaulted the city. After three days
of preliminary operations, during which strong enemy artillery concentrations
pounded away incessantly, Thunderbird forced a crossing of the Moselle at three
different points.
A few days after the advance from Epinal, a sign post was erected on the
improvised main bridge. Arrows pointing in both directions
read: "St. Tropez, 430 miles; Berlin, 430 miles."
The division then entered the heavily-wooded forests
of the Vosges foothills. Movement was slower,
resistance stronger and better organized. Increased
enemy activity and heavily-mined fields hampered
operations. Rambervillers, St. Gorgon, Grandvillers, Fremifontaine,
Brouvelieures were scenes of house-to-house fighting.
In the Vosges woods, troops engaged in rugged fighting. It was November
and winter had come again. Cold and rain retarded forward movement. Density
of the forests made observation difficult and sharp hand-to-hand clashes
became routine.
Still, the division pressed on, taking St. Benoit, crossing the Meurthe River
and liberating Houseras, after clearing multiple road blocks challenging the
After 86 days in which the entire division had been committed, the 45th moved
to a rest area south of Epinal. Some units remained active, attached to other
elements of Seventh Army. Many Thunderbird troops enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner
in the rest area. After two weeks the 45th was ready for action once more.
Now it was pushing forward into the Vosges mountains, probing for a weak spot
that would open Army's advance through the mountain passes. Following in the
wake of an adjacent French unit, the 45th moved to Baccarat, Sarrebourg and
through the Saverne Gap on to Gougenheim.
The 179th Infantry, temporarily attached to the French 2nd D.B. (Armored), cracked
forts north of Mutzig, one of the heavily-defended anchors of the Maginot Line.
As they moved through Alsace, clearing the enemy from Obermodern, Utterwiller,
Kindwiller and Bitschhoffe, 45th doughs found Alsatians speaking less French
and more German. Attacking enemy strongpoints at Zinswiller, the Thunderbird
forced Germans to pull out of Pfaffenoffen, Ueberach and La Walck.
Towns succumbing to the 45th's advance were many, but the story was fundamentally
the same: stiff opposition, road blocks, mines, artillery, mud, cold. Always,
the forward movement continued.
By Dec. 13, the date which marked the division's 365th combat day, the
Thunderbird was well through the Maginot defensive belt, meeting bitter
opposition in the Lembach-Wingen valley.
There is no adequate measure of the individual gallantry
and heroism of the men who made possible the long,
successful advances toward the fortress of Germany. The
contribution of every man of the division was essential
to the accomplishments.
There were those, however, who proudly wear the honors their
government had bestowed — honors which every man had a part.
By the close of 1944, men of the 45th had been awarded
these decorations and citations:
2nd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment Company I, 157th Infantry Regiment Company G, 180th Infantry Regiment
The story of the 45th is the story of a team. Every member of that
team has earned the right to say, "We have taken every one of our
objectives." For whatever indelible mark the 45th has made on the
course of American history represents the joint achievement of many
men and many units, organic and attached, all working toward the
same end — Victory.
To those members of the team who have fallen, we promise that this
great tradition will never change. We will finish the fight!
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