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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and
Service Forces in the European Theater, issued by the Orientation
Branch, Information and Education Services, Hq., TSFET. Major
General Walter B. Lauer, commanding the 66th Infantry Division,
lent his cooperation, and basic material was supplied by his staff.
Wearied by the previous night's ride from Dorchester to Southampton in crowded
English trains, the men stretched out on tables and the floor or curled up in
improvised hammocks. They thought of America 3000 miles away where next day
families, sweethearts and friends would be opening presents, drinking toasts
and attending church; where Christmas celebrations would be subdued because
of the German successes in the Ardennes. The coast of England was not out of
sight. Ahead lay France—and combat.
There had been a brief alert earlier in the afternoon and many had gone on
deck to watch the escorting destroyers dump depth charges. This was nothing
new to the men. A month ago, they had heard the muted rumble of
exploding "ash cans" on their trans-Atlantic crossing to Great Britain. The
alert was over by 1700 and most of the men drifted back to their quarters.
At 1755 the Leopoldville shuddered and rocked from a thunderous
explosion. A torpedo launched by a German
In the troop compartments where the projectile struck, steel beams snapped, tables
and equipment spewed into the air, wood and debris crashed down on the helpless
men. Ladders leading to the well deck were twisted into a mass of steel and
splintered wood, leaving only two steel ladders for evacuating survivors.
Half-dazed men, some with torn clothing and bruised bodies, groped for the
exit. They helped each other get to their feet, extricated others from the
Soldiers rose to heroic heights one minute, died the next. But there was no
panic even in the wrecked and rapidly-flooding compartment in which the
explosion occurred. Many severely wounded were rescued from the shambles
and brought to aid men by their comrades. Most of the troops filed calmly
to the deck.
Pfc Walter E. Blunt, Ursa, Ill., narrowly escaped drowning. He worked his way
to a hole in the compartment wall but couldn't crawl through completely. He
related: "The waves were coming faster and the water was rising. I held my head as
high as I could and each time a wave came I held my breath. I was getting very
weak. Suddenly, I heard a voice above me saying, 'Give me your hand, son.' It
was my CO. After about three more waves, I was through the hole and on my feet."
"The men were magnificent," said Sgt. Albert J. Montagna, Agawam, Mass., who
also was caught in the flooded compartment. "They were calm and very orderly. Not
one of them pushed or yelled. Capt. Hal F. Crain, Pasadena, Calif., whose
troops were in the compartment below us, started down. I followed. I noticed
someone floating in the hold. He kept trying to catch hold of the ladder but
couldn't. I reached down and pulled him up."
The same courageous calm and immediate obedience to orders prevailed throughout
the ship. Now the lights of Cherbourg harbor, curiously undimmed by wartime
restrictions, could be seen. Lifeboats loaded with injured men were
lowered. Several small boats were overturned before getting safely in the
water and away from the floundering ship.
Pfc Henry R. Brassor, South Vernon, Mass., Co. I, 262nd, lowered the last
lifeboat almost single-handed. In it were 30 of his buddies. Refusing a place
himself, he lowered the boat with the supporting ropes and saw it rowed to
safety before he was washed off the deck. In the water he broke loose from one
desperate soldier, then helped him to a rescue tug where both were pulled to
safety. For his display of strength and courage, Brassor was awarded the
Bronze Star.
Meanwhile, a British destroyer came alongside. Long towlines were made fast to
hold the two ships together and the transfer of stretcher cases and wounded
soldiers began. Medical men worked swiftly to move the injured. When the
majority had been transferred to the destroyer, some of the uninjured jumped
or swung over on ropes and nets. The destroyer pulled away with a capacity
load and a Coast Guard cutter took her place. Battered severely by the choppy
sea, the cutter had to be cut loose before many survivors could get aboard.
As late as 2000 it still was believed that the Leopoldville would not
sink. A cheer greeted word passed down the line of waiting soldiers that she
would be pulled into the harbor by tugs. In his official report, Lt. Col.
John R. Martindale, Bloomington, Ind., 3rd Bn. CO, 262nd, wrote: "The
officers and men everywhere kept quiet and maintained strict discipline; in
no case, at any time, was there the slightest instance of panic. The men
obeyed orders at once and aided whenever they could."
Hundreds of 66th Panthermen were still aboard at 2035 when the big ship lurched
heavily to starboard and sank swiftly, stern first.
S/Sgt. Luther A. Dennis, Durham, N.C., and S/Sgt. Robert L. Paulick, Dayton,
Ohio, both of
In the swirling waters caused by the ship's sinking bobbed scores of soldiers,
clinging to bits of wreckage. They climbed onto the loosened life rafts or swam
with life preservers and floating duffel bags for support. Those that were able
to withstand the icy waters were picked up by tugs, Coast Guard cutters and
PT boats that came to the rescue.
It was a sad Christmas Day when the two regiments reassembled at Cherbourg. Men
searched vainly for missing buddies. Reports of deaths trickled in. From nearby
hospitals came word of men suffering from injuries, cold and exposure. As
stragglers arrived at the armory which served as a temporary barracks, they
were given a rousing welcome. It took days of painstaking search and identification
of bodies washed up on the Normandy beaches before the final casualty list was
Several months later the U.S. Navy announced that the Leopoldville sinking
produced the second largest loss of life from a troopship disaster in the
entire European war. The toll: 14 officers, including two battalion
commanders, and 784 enlisted men dead or missing.
The Soldiers Medal and Bronze Star Medal were awarded to officers and enlisted
men for bravery displayed aboard the doomed ship. Two days later, assigned to
fight approximately 60,000 Nazis in the pockets along the French Atlantic
coast, the Black Panther Division, the 66th, entered combat with grim
determination—its claws sharpened to avenge those who died in the
English Channel.
Panthermen Claw Stubborn Enemy
The balance of the division left the States
This was the final step in one and one-half years of training. Activated at
Camp Blanding, Fla., April 15, 1943, with a cadre of officers and NCOs from
the 89th Inf. Div., the Black Panthers spent three months in individual
training before moving to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Ark., for unit
exercises. There, under XXI Corps, Fourth Army, it completed division
problems, including rigorous "D Series," and transferred approximately 5000
fully-trained men to ports of embarkation as overseas reinforcements.
Camp Rucker, Ala., was the next stop for the division. There, personnel
underwent further specialized training including small-unit infantry-tank
tactics. Seven thousand reinforcements from ASTP' training centers, Army
Air Forces and the AAA Command were brought into the division. Sailing
orders came in October and the division moved to Camp Shanks and Camp Hamilton
outside New York City to prepare for embarkation.
When the Leopoldville was torpedoed, another transport, HMS Cheshire,
with other foot elements of the division aboard, was ordered to make port. It lay
over in the safety of Cherbourg harbor that night. Troops disembarked Christmas
Day with motor elements which shipped from Weymouth aboard LSTs. While units
that had been aboard the lost vessel reassembled, the rest of the division
went to St. Jacques airport near Rennes. Plans were made to relieve
the 94th Inf. Div. in the St. Nazaire and Lorient sectors on the west
coast of France.
These two pockets of German resistance, left far behind in the wake of the
retreating Germans, had a nuisance value out of proportion to the small bit
of territory held. They consisted of die-hard fanatical troops who were
determined to fight to the last ditch. At St. Nazaire there were 35,000 Nazis
who had slipped into the port instead of making a run for it when the Allies
began their chase across France. The impact of the Allied smash drove 25,000
more Germans into the port of Lorient. Still more withdrew into smaller
pockets along the rugged coast and Channel Islands.
After G-2 had made a complete investigation of intelligence reports from
other pockets, it was estimated that 100,000 well-equipped Germans—soldiers,
sailors, and marines—were bottled up hundreds of miles behind the
Allied lines.
Believing that the German retreat across France was only a temporary setback, the
100,000 leftovers announced with guns and shells that they intended to
fight. Trapped with their backs to the Atlantic, they settled down to deny the
Allies the use of the ports of Lorient, St. Nazaire, Bordeaux and La Rochelle. At
the time of the St. Lo breakthrough, the 6th Armored Div. was left behind to
seal off the 60,000 in St. Nazaire and Lorient. The 83rd Inf. Div., and
later, the 94th Inf. Div., took over the task, in turn.
U-boat crewmen, ground forces, pilots and crews of the Luftwaffe and naval
personnel from minelayers made up part of the German garrisons on the south
Brittany coast and the islands of Belle Ile and Ile de Croix, a few miles
off the coast of Lorient. In all, the territory amounted to approximately
850 square miles.
Cut off from the rest of the Reich except for occasional ships that reached
the ports under cover of darkness with supplies from Germany and Spain, Nazi
commanding generals organized infantry recon-version courses and even
went so far as to form officer candidate schools. German submarines
occasionally entered the huge
That was the situation when the Black Panther Division, operating under
direct control of the 12th Army Group, took over from the 94th Inf. Div. on
Jan. 1, 1945. Maj. Gen. Kramer was placed in command of the 12th Army Group
Coastal Sector which included the 66th Division in addition to French
forces numbering 1201 officers and 28,820 enlisted men. Because of the
Leopoldville disaster, Panthermen sought revenge. They lost no
time in showing the Nazis that this was going to be an active front.
S/Sgt. Fred C. Poulnot, Athens, Ga., Co. I, 263rd Regt., had been in the
line only a few days when he got his chance. Trying to spot snipers that
were harassing platoon activity and limiting observation, Poulnot and his
first scout surprised some Krauts in a dugout. Firing simultaneously, they
killed one. The scout was wounded by a grenade and the two men returned to
their lines by separate routes. Sgt. Poulnot killed a second German on the
return trip, then organized a squad and led it to the scene where some
well-placed small arms fire silenced all enemy activity. He was one of
the first Panthermen to win the Silver Star.
Holding a 112-mile front, the Panthers were spread thinly against a
numerically superior and well-entrenched enemy. Snow and penetrating
cold increased the difficulties but doughs of the 66th continued
aggressive tactics.
Heavily-armed battle patrols raided the German lines day and night, destroying
installations and taking a heavy toll of the enemy. Reconnaissance patrols were
on the prowl constantly in search of new targets for the artillery. Other
patrols laid traps to ambush the wary Boche.
First Lt. Harry O. Williams, Williamansett, Mass., a Cannon Co. forward
observer, accompanied a patrol Jan. 27, charged with capturing a small enemy
force harassing front-line outposts. Losing contact with the patrol when it
withdrew to a better position, Lt., Williams crawled forward alone, straight
into the withering small arms fire. He killed the enemy commander with
Compelled to fight back, the Germans at one time retaliated by sending a
small fleet of gunboats up the Loire River from St. Nazaire to shell 66th
positions. Forward observers saw the boats coming and called for artillery. The
first shell missed the vessels but ploughed into a hidden oil dump, blowing
it up in a series of roaring fires and explosions. The gunboats beat a hasty
"Sink Sighted Ship — Sink Sank Same"
One reconnaissance patrol captured a German soldier who had a copy of the
movie schedule for the biggest German theater in Lorient. Intelligence
reports already had spotted the theater on a firing chart. Next night
the 66th Field Artillery operated on movie schedule. The theater was
demolished. The Nazis thereafter showed their films in concrete bunkers.
Lead scout in a combat patrol, Pfc William T. MacCulloch, New York City,
Several truces were arranged with the German commanders from time to time
at the request of the International Red Cross to evacuate French civilians
suffering from lack of food. Small prisoner exchanges also were carried out.
Artillery fire was particularly effective around the badly battered city of
Lorient where infantrymen pushed forward in the early spring to gain new
ground for heavy gun positions and commanding terrain for
observation. Eight-inch howitzers were brought up and in short order
knocked out three huge 340mm guns that had been lobbing 700-pound shells 21 miles
inland from the Quiberon Peninsula.
Field artillery 155s also took their share of prizes. Flying over Lorient
in mid-March, Lt. Kenneth W. Sink, Berrien Springs, Mich., an artillery
observer, spotted an enemy coastal freighter pulling into port. He waited
in his Piper Cub until the 5000-ton ship came within range, then called for
fire. Five minutes later he radioed: "The ship is no longer visible." Paraphrasing
a famous report, Lt. Sink's battalion commander reported to higher
headquarters: "Sink sighted ship; Sink sank same." Within a short time, 13
German freighters that had been bringing supplies to the besieged garrison
were sunk in the harbor.
Artillery searched out ammunition dumps, command posts and communication
centers in Lorient, pouring effective salvos into the crumbling city. The
only bakery in Lorient was laid wide open with pin-point firing, further
complicating the food problem for the Germans.
Artillery duels between the division and the enemy were frequent and heavy. During
the month of February, an average of 1140 rounds a day was fired by artillery
units under 66th control. This rose to an average of 2000 rounds a day during
March. The peak was reached in April when 66,000 shells lobbed into the
resisting pockets.
One day an artillery observer saw a Nazi officer march a group of 32 men into a
building for a class. He called for fire. On the first volley of overhead
bursts, several were killed; the remainder ran inside the building. Three
rounds of heavy stuff crashed into the building, crumpling it into rubble. The
observer was about to put his telephone away when eight more Germans ran over
to the site. There were two more overhead bursts. Result: 40 dead Krauts.
A coordinated attack by three combat patrols, one from each battalion of
the 262nd, was launched April 19 in the north sector of St. Nazaire near
La Desertais. Six light tanks and two assault guns, under the command of
2nd Lt. Leon F. Austin, Durham, N.H., 107th Cav. Recon Sqdn., led the
assault. Lt. Austin won the Silver Star for bravery in the face of heavy
machine gun and artillery fire. His action resulted in 31 enemy killed, 26
wounded and four prisoners.
In the same attack, T/Sgt. George Chun Fat, Hilo, Hawaii, Co. I, led a
support squad which followed the tanks. Sgt. Fat discovered a strongly
fortified position overlooked by tanks that threatened the entire force. At
bayonet point he captured two defending Germans, then led his squad in the
face of heavy fire to destroy the dugout position.
T/5 Raoul V. Glaude, Lowell, Mass., a medic in the 3rd Bn., also distinguished
himself in the action. When enemy artillery was concentrated on the group to
which Glaude was assigned, he sprawled over a wounded soldier to protect him
from further injury. Disregarding his own wounds, Glaude dragged and carried
the wounded man to litter bearers stationed 150 yards to the rear.
A Silver Star was awarded to Pfc Anthony F. Hammel, Northampton, Pa., for
neutralizing two machine guns while his squad withdrew to safety.
66th Topples Last Nazi Strongholds
On one Nazi raid, a 24-man patrol attacked the outpost where Pfc
Richard D. Parks, Syracuse, N.Y., and three others were stationed. When the
raiders called for surrender, Parks replied with successive bursts of
his BAR. The gun jammed. Parks continued firing with his two rifles
until all ammunition was expended. Although wounded twice, he still
refused to surrender and when the Germans swarmed over the position
and took two of the men prisoner he pretended to be dead. While the
fourth Pantherman escaped, Parks lay quietly until the Germans withdrew
to their own lines. Then, he painfully made his way back to his unit.
Bitter fighting continued as V-E Day approached, but as the German war
machine collapsed it became evident that the Nazis still holding out on
the coast would surrender. The Black Panther Division, now assigned to
the Fifteenth Army with no change of mission, prepared to accept the
capitulation of the two pockets.
Only a few days before V-E Day, Pfc Elbert H. Nickells, Fresno, Calif., 264th,
had a narrow escape. After having been relieved of guard duty, he was
awakened by the cry, "Get up, they're attacking!" A grenade exploded
nearby. Nickells ripped away a door, saw a second grenade roll in. He
made a grab for it but missed. Luckily, it was a dud. Picking up his
BAR just as a mortar shell struck the doorway, he dashed outside through
smoke and dust. As he jumped over a hedge he confronted five of the enemy
raiding party crouched in indecision. A sixth Kraut came over the hedge
with his machine pistol ready for action. Nickells fired the BAR, then
turned it on the rest of the enemy patrol. The Germans fled, leaving
several wounded behind. Nickells, also wounded, received an Oak Leaf Cluster
to his Purple Heart, awarded for injuries sustained during the Channel
torpedoing, and a Silver Star for gallantry in action.
Foreseeing the eventual breakdown of all enemy resistance, the division
laid complete plans for subsequent action and surrender terms were drawn up
and revised in collaboration with the French military authorities. The first
meeting with the Germans at which surrender terms were discussed took
place May 7. Terms for unconditional surrender of all Nazis on the
Lorient Pocket were agreed upon; hostilities on both sides ceased next day.
Division staff officers then turned their attention to St. Nazaire. In a
shell-torn cafe near Cordemais, Col. John W. Keating, Neenah, Wis., 66th's
chief of staff, met with the Nazi representatives to effect a similar
surrender May 8. Once inside the cafe, the Germans started to haggle. A
captain, representing Maj. Gen. Junck, was evasive, spoke vaguely
of "technical" difficulties. But Col. Keating was adamant. He demanded
immediate surrender and sent the Nazis back for authority to sign. They
returned that afternoon and complied.
Mission Number 2: Occupation
A French and an American rifle company were drawn up on either side of the
field. After presentation to Gen. Kramer, the Nazi commander saluted smartly
and then handed over his sidearm in token of surrender.
The same scene with a different cast of German characters was repeated the
next day at 1000 in a field near Bouvron when resistance in
the St. Nazaire Pocket officially ended. The last stronghold of the
Germans in France had fallen.
American and French occupying forces immediately began moving into the 856
square miles of coastal area to begin the huge task of rounding up, guarding
and screening German prisoners, neutralizing mine fields and impounding weapons
and ammunition.
Everywhere, the victors were greeted by wildly cheering Frenchmen. Motorized
and marching columns were stopped and showered with flowers by the liberated
people of many small villages who had organized reception committees. Along
country roads French civilians dressed in their Sunday best hailed the combat
Hostilities in the Lorient Pocket ceased May 8, although formal surrender
did not take place until two days later at Caudan. On May 11, the forces at
St. Nazaire followed suit. The surrender ended all Nazi resistance in France
and liberated an estimated 186,000 French civilians. The 66th was relieved
in the Lorient sector May 18 and at St. Nazaire two days later. French forces
took over both areas.
Total casualties for the 66th Division, including the Channel sinking, were
78 officers and 2170 enlisted men. Medals awarded to Panthermen included:
Silver Star, 31; Soldier's Medal, 34, mostly for heroism in
the Leopoldville disaster; Bronze Star, 483, and
French Croix de Guerre, 34.
Ordered to an occupational mission May 14, the 66th made a 700-mile trip
into Germany where the Black Panthers occupied 2400 square miles of Reich
territory, including 11 landkreises and the city of Koblenz. All division
elements were in position by May 24. As a security guard the division was
charged with establishment of military government and control of all
German activities. Weapons and ammunition were inpounded; procedure was
set up to register and administer civilians and discharged prisoners of
war. In addition, it was necessary to begin the job of evacuating huge
numbers of displaced persons to their home countries. Within a short time
after taking up its occupational duties, 3000 former slave laborers were
being sent home each day by the division.
Hardly had the division settled down to its new role when plans suddenly
were changed. The 66th was ordered to proceed immediately to the staging
and assembly areas of Southern France, and units began the long trip May 26. After
a speedy movement which was completed by June 7, the Panthermen were ready to
take over their third mission in the ETO—billeting, feeding and
processing troops being redeployed to the Pacific Theater and the United States
through the port of Marseille.
"...In the Highest Traditions of the U.S. Army"
Dust, heat and windstorms were problems that had to be overcome by the men
of the 66th to provide suitable housekeeping, recreational and entertainment
facilities for units being staged. Ingenuity, determination and hard work
eventually produced two model camps.
Personnel of the 262nd and 264th staffed the camps in the Arles area while
men of the 263rd had charge of the St. Victoret staging area. Division
artillery battalions were assigned various duties: the 870th FA became
MPs; the 871st FA guarded installations at the Miramas Depot; the 872nd FA
took over Marseille and Port de Bouc and the 721st FA operated as a
transportation unit.
The 266th Engr. Bn. kept oil trucks in constant operation to combat the dust
problem. Malaria control crews of the 366th Medical Bn. sprayed Diesel oil
over a vast area of ditches and canals. Not a single case of malaria
developed in the staging areas, considered to be in a "malaria zone."
In staging the men assigned to the Pacific and the United States, the division
had to tackle a number of complicated problems as well as a huge amount of paper
work. High-point men had to be screened from units and their places filled with
low-pointers. Complete physical examinations were required, another job for the
medics. Tons of ordnance and individual equipment had to be serviced by the
766th Ord. Co., then crated for shipment.
Normally supplying one division, the 66th QM Co. was required to serve 100,000
men at the peak of the load, the equivalent of seven divisions. A bakery,
attached to the QM, supplied 33,000 pounds of bread each day and in the
three-month operation a total of 1,400,000 gallons of gasoline was issued.
In the meantime, the 66th Cav. Recon Troop was assigned to MP duty and guard
patrol along the Spanish border. The MP platoon policed the towns in the
vicinity of Arles and the 266th Engr., in addition to its other duties, supplied
and maintained utilities for the two areas. The 566th Signal Co. installed a
telephone system that handled an average of 21,804 calls a day.
Five motion picture amphitheaters were constructed by Special Services at
Arles; three were built at St. Victoret. Some zoo USO and GI stage shows
played to 1,500,000 GIs. Four division dance bands furnished musical
entertainment. A program of organized athletics was begun following
construction of baseball and softball diamonds and horseshoe and
volleyball courts. A beach was laid out on the Mediterranean to
accommodate 7500 bathers. Thousands of men were taken on pass each day
and on furloughs to the Riviera, Paris and Lourdes.
To prepare men for the trip to the Pacific and for a return to civilian
life, personnel of the division I&E section supplied USAFI textbooks on
many subjects and set up orientation centers. At Arles, the largest dental
field clinic in the European Theater was placed in operation, augmenting
the 250-bed field hospital.
Nearly 150,000 troops—almost 40,000 per month—were redeployed
before the two staging areas were closed in September. During that time
Maj. Gen. Kramer returned to the States and was succeeded
by Maj. Gen. Walter B. Lauer, former commanding general of the 99th Inf. Div.
Operation of the Army's point system began to break up the Black Panther
Division shortly after
Alerted to return to the United States, the 66th prepared for deactivation. A
permanent organization of 66th personnel, the Panther Veterans Organization, was
created. Through it would be perpetuated the memory of the Leopoldville
torpedoing, the bitter siege of St. Nazaire and Lorient, and the comradeship of
men who had fought and served in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.
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