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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and
Service Forces in the European Theater, issued by the Orientation
Branch, Information and Education Division Hq., USFET. Major
General John M. Devine, commanding the 8th Armored Division,
lent his cooperation, and basic material was supplied by his staff.
I congratulate you all for a job well done
and for the part you played in speeding the
arrival of V-E Day.
For me it has been a pleasure and an honor to lead in battle
such a body of men as the soldiers of the 8th Armored
Division. Now as we march forward to new tasks together
wish to each and every one of you, from the bottom of my
heart: Good Luck.
Kicking off under the command of Brig. Gen. Charles
F. Colson, tankers, doughs and artillerymen who made
up the combat command weren't long in receiving their
baptism under fire.
In an initial action two 7th Armd. Inf. Bn. men, Pfc
Wilfred L. Murray, Jr., Rockford, Ill., and Pfc Joseph
L. Bisch, St. Louis, Mo., crawled behind enemy lines,
dodged constant sniper fire, crept close to an enemy pillbox.
Unable to open the ammunition box with cold-numbed
fingers, they ripped off the cover with their
teeth. Steadying their bazooka long enough to take
careful aim, they fired, knocked out the pillbox, captured
15 prisoners, enabled their platoon to advance.
His own tank immobilized by a mine, Lt. Robert
C. Cox, Las Cruces, N.M., 18th Tank Bn., knocked out
two enemy tanks and an anti-aircraft gun. "After that,"
he said, "we didn't want to sit still and not do anything.
The whole company was jammed up behind us, and
we didn't like the idea of them shagging into the mines."
Lt. Cox dismounted, guided the company safely through
the mine field, earned a Silver Star.
For three days and nights, T/5 Robert A. Shapiro,
Cleveland, 7th, made countless trips in his half-track to
evacuate wounded, continued even after a shell had
blasted him from his vehicle. "It was just one of those
things," he commented. "I was most scared afterwards
when I stopped to look at my half-track. Boy, was it
banged up!"
By late afternoon, Jan. 24, Lt. Col. A. D. Poinier's
7th Armd. Inf. Bn., supported by Lt. Col. G. B. Goodrich's
18th Tank Bn. and Lt. Col. R. H. Dawson's 398th Armd.
FA Bn., had taken Berg. Troop A, 88th Cav. Recon Sqdn.,
and batteries of 476th AAA (AW SP) Bn., also were in
on the assault.
T/Sgt. Henry B. Schmidt, Chicago, 7th, won a Silver
Star and the division's first battlefield commission in
the action. With two bullet holes through his sleeve,
Schmidt took command of two platoons. Maj. Gen.
John M. Devine, 8th CG, in pinning the gold bars on
Schmidt, said: "A man is a leader if he has the guts to
step out in front when the going is the hardest."
Another Silver star went to T/5 Carl Hinton,
Pelahatchie, Miss., who played a triple role—mechanic, driver,
medic. Carried on the T/O of the 7th as a mechanic,
Hinton made more than 50 trips to evacuate wounded in
his peep. Four tires were shot from under him, but he
didn't quit until the shrapnel-pocked peep did.
With Berg captured, CC A aimed for Sinz, defended
by anti-tank ditch and fortifications manned by determined,
battle-tried Nazis. Co. A, 53rd Armd. Engr. Bn.,
sloughed through the snow on the night of Jan. 25, threw
a bridge across the ditch. Next day, the remainder of
CC A lunged across the span, began a fierce, toe-to-toe
slugging assault on Sinz.
Battle lines were formless. Once, 30 Tornado men dug
in on the side of a hill with Krauts on the crest and on
both flanks. Eight hours later 48 more Germans were
flushed from a chateau to their rear.
Another platoon bedded down in a barn for the night.
Five minutes after the men crawled out in the morning
a sniper fired at them from the same barn.
Fighting in the outskirts of Sinz was bloody, bitter.
Lt. Nathan Jaret, 18th surgeon, and his team evacuated
more than 25 wounded when Yanks occupied only three
houses in the town. Braving intense fire to bring out
the wounded were Lt. Raymond R. St. Germain, Fall
River, Mass.; T/5 James H. Morrison, Staten Island,
N.Y.; T/5 Elbert Ackley, McFall, Mo.; T/5 Howard Propst,
Monmouth, Ia.; Pvt. J. C. R. Miller, Jr., Dallas, Tex.;
and Pfc John Hicks, Meadville, Mo.
Under heavy fire, Sgt. Vincent A. Troiana, Corona,
N.Y., an 18th tank driver, dismounted to help a wounded
gunner, later drove two disabled tanks off the road
to let the rest of the company pass. He replaced an
injured tank commander to join in the attack. "It was
the luckiest day of my life," he said. "Five were in my
tank—one was killed, three were wounded, and I escaped
without a scratch." Troiana was awarded the Bronze
With the tip of the Saar-Moselle salient blunted at
Sinz, CC A was relieved on Jan. 28, rejoined the
remainder of the division near Pont a Mousson. It had been
a grueling 10 days but Tornado men had proved their
mettle, had given warning to the beleaguered enemy that
another well-trained armored division had arrived to
crack the Wehrmacht wide open.
Three months' maneuvers and a 21-day "D-Series"—which
old-timers insist were tougher than subsequent
battles—forged a smooth, confident fighting machine.
The sweat-and-chill Louisiana climate hardened the
men to withstand varying weather conditions.
First units of the 8th left chigger-choked bivouac sites
and Louisiana's pine woods, Oct. 29, 1944, for Camp
Kilmer, N.J. Time whipped by as men and equipment were
processed and duffle bags were packed.
The division sailed Election Day, Nov. 7, 1944, following
a short train and ferry ride to the Staten Island
docks. A bend played in the Port of Embarkation shed
as Red Cross girls dispensed coffee, doughnuts and candy
bars. A roll call of last names was answered with first
names as men labored up the gangplank, to be compressed
into quarters for the two-week voyage.
The crossing was uneventful save for a submarine alert
three days from Britain when a destroyer escort vessel
picked up suspicious noises, dropped two depth charges.
The soundings never were confirmed.
After disembarking Nov. 22 at Plymouth, Liverpool
and Southampton, the division encamped at Tidworth
Barracks, prepared equipment during the next six weeks
for the great test to come. Soon after the new year,
Thunderers piled ashore in France, stayed a few days
near Bacqueville, made a night march over ice-covered
roads in a blinding snowstorm to Rheims where the
division was assigned to the then secret Fifteenth Army.
While the 148th Sig. Co. still was aboard craft in Channel
ports, the 8th Armd. Div. skidded across winter-bound
France, arriving three days later, Jan. 12, at
Pont a Mousson, launching point of its initial engagement.
Feb. 19, 1945: The Tornado rushed north secretly to
join Ninth Army, relieving the famed "Desert Rats,"
British 7th Armd. Div., in a sector south of Roermond,
Holland. The 8th was to make a feint, strike a body
blow to distract the enemy from the main Roer crossing
in the south.
CC B and CC R saw their first action on numerous
patrols. Col. Robert J. Wallace's CC R lashed out Feb.
26 in a two-day battle south of Roermond, blasting its
way yard by yard against mines, booby traps, small arms,
machine gun and mortar fire. The enemy made a
determined stand in his prepared defenses, calling down heavy
mortar and artillery fire. By Feb. 27, enemy lines had
been pushed back to a factory, then southeast to the
north edge of Heide woods and east to the Roer River.
The Germans opposing CC R were identified as a Para
Lehr (Training) Regt., under control of the 8th Para Div.
Their platoon cut off all day, with both enemy and
friendly artillery working them over, S/Sgt. William
McClain, Pittsburgh, and Pfc Napoleon L. Bourget, Fitchburg,
Mass., 58th Armd. Inf. Bn., made a tortuous 400-yard
dash across a field erupting with all types of fire to
get a radio with which to call American artillery and loose
it on the Germans.
Plc Alex Urbanisk, Coleman, Mich.; Pfc Donald
M. Gibson, Warsham, Mass., and Pfc Rocco Cuteri,
Corapolis, Pa., Co. C, 58th, unknowingly walked a quarter
of a mile into Nazi lines and back; later two platoons
spent five hours clearing out the area through which
they'd gone.
S/Sgt. Warren Samet, Freeport, N.Y., 58th, leading
his mortar squad into its first action, knocked out an 88,
captured five Germans. In the squad were Pfc John B.
George, Beloit, Wisc.; Pfc John Ondeck, Duquesne, Pa.;
Pvt. Clifford Ramsey, Eva, Okla.; Pvt. Rolland J.
Messenheimer, Alliance, Ohio, and T/5 Harry G. Wible,
Forty hellish minutes were spent entangled in
concertina wire only 20 yards from a German machine gun by
S/Sgt. Fred W. Hamel, Hollis, L.I., Co. C, 58th.
Hamel's CO, Capt. Paul J. Malarkey, Cleveland, spotting
him, called down fire from the 405th Armd. FA Bn.
Some rounds landed only 75 yards from the trap, killed
the enemy gunners, enabled Hamel to escape unscathed.
German oldsters were found by the 8th near
Roermond manning dummy factories built to lure Allied
aircraft away from important targets. They said they were
alive because airmen had not been duped.
A bridge-laying tank, perfected by the 53rd Armd.
Engr. Bn. and 130th Ord. Maint. Bn., made its maiden run
successfully under fire. When a platoon from Co. C,
53rd, led by 2nd Lt. Richard J. Symonds, Melrose, Mass.,
was faced with spanning a 22-foot crater, S/Sgt. Dudley
A. Gerry, Gardner, Mass., guided the T-32 tank-retriever
under fire, dropped treadways into position. Medium
tanks crossed the bridge the T-32 had laid, immediately
took care of a pillbox which had held up the advance.
An artillery observer with 105s zeroed in on the pillbox,
had tried to call his battery but his line had been cut by
the weird monster.
The 53rd learned how to clear road blocks from a town
quickly. "We put an extra big charge on the first
obstacle," explained the engineers, "big enough to shatter
the windows of neighboring houses. Then the civilians
all would rush out and remove the rest."
Carrying a message back for badly-needed artillery
support to Co. A, 53rd, which was spearheading the attack
at Merbeck, Pfc Michael Paparo, Philadelphia, and Pvt.
John Diaz, Jr., Providence, R.I., ran into an 88 position.
One grenade was enough to convince the Krauts to
Tetelrath was tough. An anti-tank ditch, covered by
enemy artillery and a mine field limited maneuver while
15 pillboxes covered the only possible approach. Well
dug-in German anti-tank guns and heavy mortars
plagued the attackers. All available artillery went into
position to support the northwesterly push. Under cover
of both artillery and tank fire, the engineers, led by Lt.
Col. E. T. Podufaly, paved the way for the advance.
Lt. Warren H. Baker, Wilderville, Ore.; Sgt. Joseph
F. O'Neill, Philadelphia, and Cpl. Peter T. Certo, Staten
Island, N.Y., cleared mines, sometimes lifting them to
one side and detonating them after the troops had
passed. They returned sniper fire, using tracers to point
out targets to tankers. Tanks poured through the gap,
taking the pillboxes under direct fire. Tetelrath fell
Feb. 28 at 0600.
CC B captured Arsbeck, by-passed small resistance,
took Ober Kruchten Feb. 28. Roaring ahead on CC A's
right flank, Maj. A. E. Walker's 80th Tank Bn. seized
Grefrath March 2 without opposition.
Lt. Col. Tracy B. Harrington's 88th Cav. Recon Sqdn.
(Mecz.) paved the way to the Niers Canal which Co. C,
53rd, bridged under cover of darkness. Maj. George
Artman's 58th led off next morning, March 3, followed
by the 80th, spurted eastward until the attack was
halted south of Tonnisberg at 1500 by Corps order. The
command had been pinched off by
the 35th Inf. Div. on
the north and the XIII Corps on the south. The
division was ordered to assemble in Corps reserve, be
prepared to move north and northeast.
Box score of the whirlwind Roer-to-Rhine drive was:
15 sizeable towns overrun; 1300 prisoners, including deaf
mutes, epileptics, an OCS platoon and two old men
resplendent in gold braid and shako caps who had charge
of a railway station.
Add unique captures: Lt. Edward S. Klaniecki,
Pittsburgh, and Lt. Col. Carl Colozzi, Cranston, R.I., artillery
liaison pilots, circled low over 20 Krauts, signaled them
toward an 8th Armd. unit. Pvt. Vincent Willan,
Providence, R.I., Co. B, 7th, surprised three German
noncoms sitting down to breakfast with their girl friends.
A Kraut surrendered to Pvt. Richard Besoyan, Alameda,
Calif., Special Service projectionist, who was on his way
to show a movie, "The Uninvited."
The 8th Armd. claimed to be the first outfit to unveil
the sinister Werewolf organization. Several
underground hideaways were discovered, their entrances
ingeniously concealed. Each cell was stocked with three
months' provisions for two or three men.
Troopers from the 88th captured a German warehouse,
made battlefield distribution of Wehrmacht sardines,
cheese, cigarettes and candy as enemy shells fell nearby.
An armored car squad from
Lt. Mike P. Cokinos, Beaumont, Tex., was chagrined
when several rounds from his 105 failed to knock out an
enemy gun position and Germans added insult to injury
by openly thumbing their noses at 398th artillerymen.
('pl. Thomas Colligan, Bradford, Pa., and Pfc Samuel
Coleman, Brooklyn, N.Y., angered, scored a direct hit
on the jeering Krauts.
A "traveling foxhole—safe, quiet and warm"—was
invented by
Much credit for the speed of the Rhineward dash went
to service company truck drivers who braved shells,
snipers and mines to bring their highly inflammable and
explosive loads to the front.
"We violated every supply rule in the book," said
1st/Sgt. Robert G. Marcum, Dayton, Ohio, Service Co.,
18th Tank Bn. "As soon as a truck was empty it would
hightail for another load instead of waiting for a convoy.
It took a lot of nerve for two men to drive a single truck
through territory infested with snipers, knowing one
shell could send their load skyhigh."
M-25 tank transporters of the 130th Ord. Bn. were
used as mobile gas dumps. Loaded with 8000 gallons
in jerricans, a dozen of these vehicles could carry enough
gasoline for the 8th to roll all day.
A traveling service station in a 130th peep reduced
tire and maintenance troubles. S/Sgt. Virgil Crawford,
Buena Vista, Va., salvaged American and enemy parts
throughout France, Holland and Germany, built an air
compressor on the peep.
The 53rd played a key role in the Rhine drive. Men
from Co. C mopped up a mined road like a football team
racing goalward on a series of pass plays. Sgt. Theodore
J. J. Bielfeldt, Grand Island, Nebr., placed and set off
the charges. T/5 Angelo J. Manzo, Bridgeport, Conn.,
covered him against snipers while Pvt. Edgar A. Shiring,
Pittsburgh, carried a bucketful of TNT blocks. Setting
one charge sputtering, Bielfeldt ran ahead, lit another,
darted to light a third as the first one went off 60 yards
behind him. Behind the three-man team came a
half-track in which the charges were prepared. Within
15 minutes, this leapfrogging team cleaned out 200 yards
of road. Tanks, crawling behind, spurted into the clear.
Engineers had to contend with tricky German booby
traps. They found British and American dud bombs
placed beneath bridges and culverts, rigged to be set
off by pull igniters or primacord. There also were
roadside ammo dumps wired to nets of primacord—in one case
half a mile long—which could have wiped out part of a
Incidents of heroism were legion. With a painful
shrapnel wound in his leg, Pfc Roy S. Doan, St. Joseph,
Mo., 49th Armd. Inf. Bn., crawled forward under heavy
artillery and mortar fire as an observer. Aided by Pfc
William A. Gillchrist, Boston, he pulled two men from a
burning half-track; later, two more from a burning tank,
helped other wounded to the rear, then stayed up all
night guarding prisoners. Eighteen hours after he was
wounded, Doan went to an aid station.
T/5 Raymond Kurtz, Philadelphia, a 49th medic,
suffered a compound fracture from shrapnel while
rescuing an injured tanker. Despite intense pain, he
treated the tanker and several others before dosing himself
with morphine.
A task force under command of Lt. Col. M. G.
Roseborough, 49th Armd. Inf. Bn. CO, shoved off at 0830,
quickly took Lintfort.
Doughs from the 35th Inf. Div. moved up, inched
forward into Rheinberg.
"All we could do was sit there and sweat," remembers
Tank Commander Sgt. Vernon McLean, Towson, Md.,
of the Rheinberg battle. "We were hemmed in. We
couldn't turn." Despite their exposed position, Cpl.
William Grote, Long Island, N.Y., gunner, knocked
out four AT guns, a truck, a scout car and a
Pfc Edward Murray, Chicago, gun loader in the tank
of Lt. Col. John H. Van Houten, Detroit, Mich., 36th CO,
hopped out in the midst of cross fire to extinguish a blaze
on the rear deck.
His tank knocked out, Lt. Wesley S. Buller,
Brookshire, Tex., 36th, crawled out on the rear deck, blazed
away with a .50 caliber machine gun to cover his crew's
escape, sprayed houses concealing machine gun nests.
He later entered a fortified house, killed 15 enemy
"There were men like the captain who died shortly after
radioing: "I just got a Mark IV tank. Having a hell
of a good time killing Krauts."
There was no rest for CC B, which at 0700, March 6,
pushed toward the Wesel Bridge. Immediate resistance
by small arms and artillery pinned down the advance all
day. That night artillery softened enemy positions.
Next day, CC B attacked in the vicinity of Grunthal
where, on the 8th, the Solvoy Works was secured.
Ossenberg, village of many church steeples offering
perfect OPs for German observers, fell March 9. Weary
doughs and tankers punched into Broth and Wallach.
Although wounded in the face, Lt. Herbert L. Erickson,
Bruce, S.D., Co. B, 36th, single-handedly killed the
six-man crew of an enemy gun which had knocked out his
tank. When he was fired upon by six more Krauts,
he threw away his empty carbine, grabbed a grease gun
and killed them. He mounted another tank, continued
the fight. The tank later was found burned out. Lt.
Erickson was listed as missing.
Driving his ration truck to the front, Sgt. Wesley B.
Barringer, Columbus, O., Service Co., 18th, saw white
flags waving from a woods. He stopped the truck,
captured 34 prisoners, marched them to the nearest MP.
After what seemed interminable fighting, the command
was relieved at midnight, March 9, and sent to Venlo,
Holland, for a rest. Battle-grimed veterans returned
with a commendation from the 35th's CG.
While at Venlo, the 8th was host to Queen Wilhelmina
of Holland, who paid a surprise visit to the war-torn town.
She was greeted by Gen. Devine and Col. Kimball.
"D-For-Dog" was the first tank across the Rhine in
the Ninth Army sector. Under command of a Pearl
Harbor veteran, Lt. Tommie W. Yeargan, Colorado
Springs, Colo., Co. D, 18th, the new M-24 was ferried
across in a 30th Inf. Div. assault wave. Spellem, first
town in the Ninth Army's zone east of the Rhine, fell to
the light tankers.
Col. Henry W. Holt's forces—the 398th, 399th and
405th Armd. FA Bns.—joined the Ninth Army
artillery preparation for the crossing. Following the barrage,
the remainder of the Tornado crossed March 27 under the
protective cover of the 473rd AAA (AW SP) Bn., first
Ninth Army armored unit to hit the east bank.
In the misty dawn of March 28, Ninth Army attacked.
Spearhead was, in the words of Newsweek, "the
irresistible 8th—a giant ironclad snake—a thundering serpent
more than 22 miles long."
A decisive battle was fought at Zweckel, eight miles
north of Essen, where the Tornado pushed back the tough
116th Panzer Div., shook Lt. Gen. William H. Simpson's
columns loose after overcoming an estimated 350
artillery batteries and hundreds of depressed 88mm
A 15-minute artillery barrage—1000 rounds a minute—preceded
The Show Horse Division met tough resistance. Wrote
the Christian Science Monitor correspondent: "It has
been a tantalizing experience for those of us with the
Ninth Army to see on the briefing maps the big black
arrows and darting salients which have marked the
whirlwind progress of other American armies while our
forward troops were being held down by the stiffest
resistance encountered on the east bank of the Rhine."
The 8th was credited by The New York Times with
"amphibious operations in reverse when its tanks overran
U-boat pens at Ruhrort, near Duisburg, and captured
three midget submarines brought up the Rhine for safety.
No army has won this sort of victory over a navy since
Napoleon's cavalry galloped across the ice to capture the
ice-locked Dutch fleet."
Thunderers overran a concentration camp near
Paderborn, discovered a huge pile of bodies and 1,000 living
corpses. Surviving inmates told stories rivaling the
terrors of Lublin.
The trapped Germans retreated west toward Soest with
the intention of forcing a breakthrough near Bielefeld.
Enemy forces were further whittled down by the 8th on
April 4 at Enwitte, Berge, Stirpe, Vollinghausen, Nordorf
and Ebbinhausen. In Erwitte, doughs overran a graduate
school of Nazi ideological and political indoctrination.
Continuous pressure and threatened encirclement of
Soest from the south made the panzer division withdraw
from the only suitable springboard for an escape attack.
The Soest sector was cleaned out April 6 by
Six miles south of Soest, three German heavy tanks
lay in ambush to smash the advance of
While the enemy was withdrawing,
The Schaller burgomeister tried to surrender but SS
troopers rushed in to organize defenses which had to be
overrun by tankers. Doughs, told by a PW that Mawicke
was clear, were greeted by a hail of rifle and machine gun
Sgt. Walter Anderson, Chandler, Okla., pitted his
473rd ack-ack half-track against a Tiger tank and won.
Anderson depressed his 40mm gun, fired three rounds
into the ground 50 yards ahead of his own thin-skinned
vehicle. Behind the resulting screen of dust, he escaped,
then dismounted with other ack-ack men and fired
bazookas. The Tiger turned tail.
Pfc Leroy F. Stone drove Maj. Robert L. Wick, Philadelphia,
Acrobatics of a 23-man patrol from Troop A, 88th,
prevented the enemy from blowing up the famed
Mohne Talsperre Dam which would have flooded the Mohne
Valley and delayed for weeks the job of clearing out the
Ruhr Pocket. Led by Sgt. Roman H. Woods, St. Louis,
Mo., and Sgt. Emil Dragosita, Allentown, Pa., the men
reached the dam at 0100 April 7 under cover of a howitzer
barrage from Troop E. Climbing out on an eight-inch
ledge, they crept to the spillway and out on a plank
30 feet above the roaring water to another narrow ledge.
They then lowered themselves on a 20-foot cable, leaped
across a six-foot creek, overpowered the guards to capture
the dam. Only once did they draw fire.
Communications Chief Sgt. Donald R. Hayes, Baltimore,
Co. A, 80th, returning to the rear area after
fighting all day and night, mounted a driverless tank
without waiting for orders, drove back to battle, fought
continuously for two days and a night.
His tank knocked out the first day by an 88, Hayes
changed tanks, continued fighting. He automatically
became platoon leader when his lieutenant, platoon
sergeant and section leader were wounded by the same
round while standing together. Still acting without
orders, he reorganized the platoon and slashed five miles
forward. Once a shell knocked him from the rear deck
of his tank—a man inside was wounded—but Hayes
escaped unhurt. After 10 days of fighting, his platoon
was the first to reach the division's objective. Hayes
was given a battlefield commission.
CC B telephoned the burgomeister of Werl to surrender
the town. Capt. William E. Hensel, Buffalo, N.Y., and
T/5 Frederick W. Deschermeier, Petosky, Mich., found
the burgomeister willing but the military commandant
not. To convince the latter, the 8th pressed the attack
April 9 by shelling Werl, took it the same day. When
the 8th marched in, a German hausfrau approached an
MP crying, "The most important Nazi in town has
committed suicide! What shall I do?" Replied the
souvenir-conscious MP, "Bring me his gun." He got it.
The ghost of the 116th Panzer Div., which once had
been one of Germany's proudest, continued to haunt
the 8th with delaying detachments at all important road
junctions. In its death throes, the 116th put up its
last resistance at Unna which was taken April 11 by
Recovered from the enemy were four Tornado men,
among whom was CC R CO, Col. Robert J. Wallace.
While in reserve the division captured at Halberstadt
a 75-wagon, 150-horse train, all that remained of the
116th Panzer Div. The hayburning convoy was such a
startling contrast to the mobility of the Americans that
Lt. Gen. Simpson came to inspect it. Krauts lined up
for a formal inspection by Gen. Simpson, Gen. Devine
and Chief of Staff Col. Charles G. Dodge.
When the 8th freed 840 Allied soldiers near
Halberstadt, men heard the story of an estimated 80,000
American and British captives who suffered treatment similar
to that of the infamous Jap "death march." Released
PWs were thin and worn after as long as three months
on the road where food consisted of cattle fodder and
winter beets.
Armored might of the 8th struck its last major blow
at Blankenberg, nestling at the foot of the Harz
Mountains. Aircraft hammered the city April 20, but
officials failed to surrender. Artillery opened up in late
afternoon, and the city was overpowered by dusk after a
lightning assault by Lt. Col. E. H. Burba's CC B.
Col. Gen. Walter Lucht, supreme commander of
German Armies in the west, who told his troops to "go
home," surrendered the city to Capt. Henry I. Tragle,
Richmond, Va., Service Co., 36th, and Pfc Frank Fox,
Germanic legend has the Harz Mountains crowded
with elves, fairies, gnomes, trolls. Thunderers found
SS, Werewolves and Hitler Jugend. Between April
12-22, the 11th Panzer Army, which had defended the
Harz Mountain redoubt, was smashed. Remnants of this
force had fled to the wild Harz region for a last-ditch
stand. They had been engaged there successively by
the 1st, 9th and 83rd Inf. Divs.; now i it was the 8th Armd.
Div. which took over the tree-to-tree clean-up. Crews
from the 148th Signal Co. fought a winning battle against
saboteurs to keep their lines intact.
The forests also were alive with rumors, chief of which
concerned a phantom train which was said to have
entered the woods from Blankenberg, never to emerge.
It was ascertained, however, that a train with two
luxury coaches and protected by flak cars did leave
Blankenberg, presumably carrying von Kesselring and
other tarnished Nazi brass. Some Germans, according to
Capt. Carroll M. Wood, Roxbury, Mass., S-2, CC B,
believed Hitler, Himmler and Goering were aboard.
Painstakingly sweeping the dense woods, the division
uncovered several large caves, believed to be Werewolf
hideouts. Discovered were six more generals, including
Lt. Gen. Hermann Floerke, a corps commander; Brig.
Gen. Heinz Kokott, a division commander who claimed
the dubious honor of being a brother-in-law of Gestapo
Chief Heinrich Himmler. Lt. John Sunman, Plainfield,
N.J., and Sgt. Ray Westerdale, Irvington, N.J., bagged
three-star Admiral Hermann Mootz, friend of Admiral
Doenitz. Kaiser Wilhelm's son-in-law, the Duke of
Brunswick, one-time provincial king of Hannover, was
routed from a castle overlooking Blankenberg. The PW
bag reached 32,000.
Alert troops seized German foreign office documents of
such vast importance that the Nazis had previously
risked two divisions in an attempt to keep them from
falling into Allied hands. A Ninth Army staff officer
declared them to be worth a "far greater expenditure of
The 8th found Wehrmacht hospitals and rest centers
in the pleasant picturesque towns of the Harz. Despite
their peaceful appearance, exploding mines and Hitler
Jugend often reminded the division that the war wasn't
over. Cpl. Frank Kolb, New York City, found a trio of
Hitler youths, the oldest 17, armed with rifles, waiting
for American soldiers to turn their backs.
Just before V-E Day came the order: "Occupy and
govern." Dispersed in the Harz Mountains, the 8th
now had time to take stock, recall the hard-working,
unheralded units that had helped make the division's
record a proud one. There were Lt. Col. P. D. Marx's
78th Medical Bn., the 130th Ordnance Bn., under Lt.
Col. I. O. Drewry, Jr.; the QM truck companies, MPs,
attached units such as the 809th TD Bn.
The 8th also could remember the long, tortuous trek
from the Louisiana swamps through foggy England and
blustery, freezing France; the din and confusion of
battle; wide autobahns, blown bridges, rivers, pillboxes
and narrow streets of Germany; streams of refugees and
grateful, liberated prisoners. They remembered, too,
their buddies, killed and wounded.
The 8th Armored Division—sometimes called Show
Horse, sometimes Irresistible, Tornado, Thunderer—had
earned the right to "occupy and govern," had earned
it the hard way.
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