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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air
and Service Forces in the European Theater, issued by the
Orientation Branch, Information and Education Services,
Hq., TSFET. Brigadier General Thomas L. Harrold,
commanding the 9th Armored Division, lent his
cooperation and basic material was supplied by his staff.
This is the story, told in broad outline, of
a fighting division. The gallant exploits of
individuals of the Ninth Armored Division
cannot be treated adequately in the brief space
allotted here. But in reading this little book
you will identify yourself with the places and
battles recorded.
The Ninth Armored Division's brilliant
achievements were made possible by the actions of brave men
fighting as a united team. This, then, is the story of that team.
It is a team in which every member can justly feel the deepest
Every man, I am sure, is aware of the personal sacrifices that
were required to win the war. The deeds of our comrades who fell
at Bastogne, Remagen and on the road to Leipzig will burn forever
bright in our memories as we continue to uphold the principles in
which we believe.
The Story of the 9th Armored Division
The Ludendorff bridge was still intact!
German vehicles were moving across the span—across
the only Rhine bridge Nazis had failed to blow
in their frantic withdrawal from the hammer-like blows
of the mighty Allied war machine.
It was apparent that Americans—this task force
from Combat
But even if the Germans had waited too long, there
was no assurance they would make the capital mistake
of failing to blow the bridge. Col. Engeman reasoned
the enemy probably would wait until his tanks roared
into Remagen and then would cheat them of the prize
by setting off the charges.
He acted quickly. After summoning a platoon of
the 14th's Pershing tanks—new tanks with 90mm guns
that could handle anything the Germans had—Col.
Engeman gave instructions to
Go down into the town. Get through it as quickly
as possible and reach the bridge. The tanks will
lead. The infantry will follow on foot. Their
half-tracks will bring up the rear. Let's make
it snappy.
With their long-barreled 90s pointed down into
the valley, the Pershings clattered over the winding
road toward Remagen. Infantrymen, accustomed to
working with tanks, trotted along behind.
Tanks and doughs moved swiftly against spotty
resistance, mostly from snipers. Prisoners were taken
from houses on the outskirts of the town. Quizzed
about the defenses in the town and at the bridge, one
PW volunteered the information that the bridge was
scheduled to be blown at 1600.
Early that afternoon, similar information was
obtained by the 52nd Armd. Inf. Bn. at Sinzig, several
miles away. Civilians there corroborated the report
that the Germans were to set off the blasts at 1600.
These reports were relayed to Brig. Gen. William
M. Hoge, Lexington, Mo.,
You've got 45 minutes to take the bridge.
Checking the progress of the task force immediately,
Col. Engeman radioed Lt. John Grimball, Columbia,
Get to the bridge as quickly as possible.
The lieutenant reported:
Sir, I am already there.
The Pershings wheeled into firing position near the
west end of the bridge, prepared to smash any opposition
across the river. One of the first targets
was a locomotive which pulled a string of freight cars
along the east bank. Tanks knocked out the train.
Infantrymen, spurred on by Lt. Karl Timmermann,
West Point, Nebr., dashed along the main street of
Remagen toward the bridge.
Time was running out and German engineers at
the bridge realized their peril. They set off a blast
in the roadway leading to the west approach of the
bridge, blowing a large crater which they hoped would
slow down tanks and infantry.
As 9th Armd. troops forged ahead, machine gunners
opened up from each tower and the tunnel on the
east side of the bridge. Anti-aircraft guns blazed.
Ten Minutes To Save A Bridge
Lt. Timmermann gathered his forces near the
bridge, gave them instructions. It was 1550. In the
face of murderous fire, the 27th Armd. doughs had
As the men started onto the bridge, a heavy blast
rocked the span two-thirds of the way across. The
attacking platoon halted momentarily, then took off
again when it saw the three spans still standing.
Three members of the 9th Armd. Engr. Bn.—
All hands, especially the engineers, worked with a
speed never attained before. As the doughs rushed
ahead, engineers cut all the wires below the bridge
deck, preventing the Nazis from touching off a
Next, engineers raced across to the far side of the
bridge to cut the main cable. Sgt. Dorland squeezed
the cable with a pair of small pliers but couldn't even
dent it. Without hesitating, he fired three shots into
the cable with his carbine, smashing the line completely.
Ninth Armd. men later learned how close they
came to disaster. Engineers located one
While engineers were hard at work, doughs dashed
across the bridge, firing as they went. Enemy fire
didn't disturb them nearly as much as the thought
that the bridge might be blown up at any minute. It
was a long drop to the river.
The leader of the first platoon,
Now, infantrymen received covering fire from the
towers. First across the Rhine was Sgt. Alexander
A. Drabik, Holland, O., who was closely followed
by Pfc Marvin Jensen, Slayton, Minn. On their heels
were Samele, Delisio, Chinchar, Massie,
Reaching the east end of the bridge, Drabik and
several others cut to the left. Some moved into the
railroad tunnel while the remainder, led by Lt. Emmet
Burrows, Jersey City,
A complicated command problem developed for
Gen. Hoge at the time of the crossing. The III Corps
had not yet received word that the Remagen bridge
had been captured and sent down orders for the 9th
to move south across the Ahr River.
By driving swiftly along the west bank of the Rhine,
the 9th could link up with Third Army forces and
prevent thousands of Germans from crossing the Rhine
to the south.
But the division already had troops on the east
bank of the Rhine and needed all its forces for the
bridgehead operation. Gen. Hoge held those troops
on the east bank while he contacted Maj. Gen. John W. Leonard,
Toledo, O., division commander.
The decision to hold the bridgehead will live
in military history. It brought highest praise from
Allied commanders. Gen. Hoge had sensed every
hazard. German forces across the river were an
unknown quantity. This could well be a trap. Artillery
might knock out the bridge after the division
had crossed over.
The reward seemed worth all risks. An Allied
bridge across the Rhine would be of immense strategic
and tactical importance. It might be a blow from
which the Germans never could recover.
Gen. Hoge, with full confidence in his troops,
obtained authority from Gen. Leonard to stick with
the bridgehead and to expand it. "A moment for
history" was Time Magazine's comment later.
While awaiting III Corps confirmation of the decision,
Third Corps ordered an all-out fight to build up
the bridgehead as soon as it was informed of
the Rhine crossing.
Foot troops—doughs who could dig in and hold
their positions—rushed across the bridge. A heavy
fog cloaked the span that first night as the first tanks
started across about midnight. They were Shermans
of the 14th Tank Bn.; the roadway wasn't wide enough
for the new Pershings. Sgt. William. J. Goodson,
Rushville, Ind., commanded the first tank to span the river.
A serious threat to the over-all operation loomed
when a tank destroyer from the 656th TD Bn. slipped
into a hole in the bridge flooring, then balanced
precariously on two beams. Because of the delicate
balance, the vehicle was unable to use its own power
to extricate itself. Meanwhile, armored reinforcements,
sorely needed to repel the inevitable German
counter-attacks, were prevented from crossing.
Commanders worked feverishly to remove this
obstacle. For a time they considered dumping the
tank destroyer into the river but decided against that
move because it might further damage the bridge.
Meanwhile, foot troops continued to make progress.
Moving with extreme caution, salvage crews finally
towed the TD from the bridge, enabling men and
vehicles again to pour across the bridge in an unending
Speed and Daring Pay Off At Remagen
The whole Allied force is delighted to cheer the
First Army whose speed and boldness have won the
race to establish the first bridgehead over the Rhine.
Please tell all ranks how proud I am of them.
Reported the New York Sun:
The Germans misjudged by a fateful ten minutes the
speed at which the 9th Armored Division was moving... To
all who utilized that ten minutes so advantageously
goes the deepest gratitude this country can bestow.
Ninth Armd.'s movement to Remagen possessed a
story book flavor. First Army's capture of Cologne
was hailed as one of the major successes of the big
Allied drive. But the Hindenburg bridge at Cologne
went the way of all Rhine bridges. As the right
flank of the Army, troops of the 9th Armd. struck
swiftly towards the Rhine.
As its tanks roared through Euskirchen, the 9th
gained speed. The closer the division got to the river,
the faster the columns moved. Near the end of the
historic dash, half-tracks crowded with infantrymen
were streaking through town after town.
The speed of the advance so startled the enemy
that he was caught off-balance. Pay-off of that speed
and daring was the capture intact of the Ludendorff
bridge—the bridge that became a dagger pointed at
the heart of Germany. Before two months had passed,
that dagger was plunged to the hilt in the German heart.
The German press and radio remained silent about
the crossing for two days, but the full import of the
disaster did not escape the Nazis. Field Marshal Kesselring,
rebuking his troops for the costly failure at
Remagen, said: "We have suffered unnecessary losses
and our present military situation has become nearly
But while the United Nations cheered, the fight to
hold and enlarge the area raged with intensity. The
enemy quickly turned the bridgehead into a crucible
of crashing bombs and bursting shells. Precious
reserves of planes and self-propelled guns were
expended with reckless abandon in the savage fight to knock
out the bridge.
This was one of the war's hottest spots. German
artillery shells whistled in from the Rhine hills. Nazi
planes sneaked up to the sector from behind the hills,
made fast runs for the bridge. Enemy pilots, ordered
to "get the bridge" at any cost, paid a tremendous
No sooner was the order given to exploit the bridgehead
than Remagen became an MP's nightmare. All
roads leading to the bridge were clogged for miles
with vehicles and men. Amid magnificent confusion,
traffic continued to flow across the Rhine under the
direction of Col. Walter Burnside, Columbus, O.,
commander of Combat
Confusion was rampant on the east side of the river
as well. Germans were in such a hurry that their
convoys sped through the night with headlights blazing.
The Americans had gambled and won a bridgehead.
The Germans were gambling to erase an error.
The bridgehead was crowded. American flak wagons
were banked bumper to bumper. Artillery of every
caliber lined up in the hills west of the Rhine and
fired over the river with telling effect.
Luftwaffe pilots who braved the murderous ground
barrage to drop bombs on the bridge usually paid
with their lives.
Enemy artillery was particularly accurate. When
work was begun on a ponton bridge downstream from
the railroad bridge, German guns zeroed in on it. One
shell after another crashed into the target. But engineers
continued their hazardous work.
Civilians were moved from Remagen to reduce the
enemy's chances of getting reports on the effectiveness
of the artillery fire.
Engineers toiled day and night on the railroad bridge
to keep it in operation. Holes caused by air and
artillery attacks were quickly sealed. Officers and
men of the 9th Armd. Engr. Bn. sweated out heavy
fire to keep traffic moving.
As soon as they could rally their forces and send
reinforcements from the north, Germans counter-attacked
savagely with tanks and infantry. The Nazis
employed every stratagem and trick in the book to
get at the bridge but were thwarted in every attempt.
They sent a barge carrying explosives down the
river but the craft was captured. They filled the river
with floating mines, but these were picked off by
riflemen. Especially trained swimmers in rubber
suits who towed floating explosives drowned or were
Finally, the bridge which had stood for 10 days
despite bombs and shells, toppled into the Rhine. The
framework had been weakened by enemy fire and by
the terrific loads carried across. But when the span
gave way,
Ponton bridges already had been thrown across the
Rhine and now were carrying the full load of men
and materiel.
The Ludendorff bridge had served its purpose
well. The men who had died to keep it in operation
had performed a mighty task. A storm of annihilation
was about to break over the Wehrmacht.
Heroes Step Forth In The Ardennes
The Ardennes gave the 9th its first opportunity to
show what it could do in a major battle. Its baptism
was a bitter defensive action fought under the most
difficult conditions. After the Ardennes, combat
came much easier.
Gen. Leonard sent his troops into the front lines
for the first time along the Luxembourg-German
frontier in October, 1944, soon after they had arrived
in the little duchy. Although 9th Armd. technically
was in VIII Corps reserve, the division commander
wanted the men to get the feel of combat. Because
it was a comparatively quiet sector, he obtained
permission for the units to relieve other troops in the
line for periods of conditioning.
The 9th underwent this battle training for nearly
two months. Troops operated in an historic invasion
area. The Eifel Hills had been selected by
Gen. Eisenhower and Gen. Bradley paid the division
a visit at Mersch, Luxembourg, in November. Infantry
outfits were strung out along a wide sector of the
front. The 9th was backing them up.
Dec. 16, 1944: VIII Corps' sector came to life with
a terrific roar. German artillery opened up all along
the front. Infantry divisions in the line were the
106th, a new, untried outfit to the north, and the 28th
and 4th, to the south, both of which nearly had been
exhausted by recent action.
Von Rundstedt hardly could have picked a more
propitious time and place to strike the blow that stunned
the Allied world and carried the American forces close
to disaster. He smashed his juggernaut into the
weakest sector of the line and moved his panzer reserves
behind the front with such cunning that the Nazis war
machine was rolling at high speed before the Americans
realized what was happening. Sheer guts saved the
Allies in the Ardennes. Ninth Armd. men are quietly
and deeply proud of their part in that heroic defense.
Widely spaced along the front, the 9th's three combat
commands were forced to fight separately.
Clattering through St. Vith at dawn,
Without flank protection, CC B was forced to pull
back from the Our that night. This was the first of
a series of disappointments for the command in the
St. Vith action.
Next morning, a task force was sent north of the
city to beat back an enemy armored column. One
medium tank company of the 14th Bn. knocked out
six tanks.
German forces surged forth again in an effort to
knock out the command's stronghold. In addition
to the 1st SS Panzer and 62nd Volksgrenadier Divs.,
Nazi units included elements of the 116th Panzer and
the 18th Volksgrenadier Divs.
Despite ammunition and food shortages, the lack
of air support and the constant threat of being cut off
When the 27th Armd. Inf. Bn.'s CP was captured,
Gen. Hoge sent tanks and doughs to recapture it;
they did. Although rumors spread among the troops
that they were surrounded, men stuck to their guns. A
BBC broadcast declared: "The brightest spot along
the western front is at St. Vith."
"If this is a bright spot," remarked one GI, "what
the hell is going on everywhere else?"
German artillery, which had been shelling
Considerable heavy fighting continued before
CC A, commanded by Brig. Gen. (then Col.) Thomas L. Harrold,
Troy, N.Y., defended a front line sector
near Beaufort, Luxembourg. The 60th Armd. Inf. Bn.
controlled the front when the Germans unpacked their
power punch and the entire combat command went into
action when the magnitude of the attack was realized.
Four to five battalions of German artillery ranging
from 88s to 240s pounded the sector. Telephone
communications were knocked out immediately. Nazis
then began infiltrating. A regiment of enemy infantry
advancing southwest down Mullerthal Draw through the
4th Inf. Div. sector attempted to get behind
the 60th's positions. Artillery, mortars and rockets pounded
Contact with the surrounded rifle companies was
maintained only through a radio operated by Lt. Ira D. Cravens,
Springfield, Ill., forward observer for the 3rd Armd. FA Bn.
When CC A took over, it had instructions to maintain
its positions until they became untenable. The command
led off with a counter-attack,
CC A now turned to aid its isolated rifle companies.
The Stars and Stripes gave this account of the withdrawal:
Nobody told the doughs of the 60th Armd. Inf.
Bn. to pull out, so they stayed and fought until word
finally got through to them. A few days later they
showed up in German helmets and with blankets draped
over their shoulders, their rifles slung with bayonets
fixed. They walked through German lines that way... They
kept right on going until they reached the U.S.
lines. After that, they fought some more.
Upsetting The German Timetable
When CC A was relieved Dec. 26 by
Without rest and lacking time for sufficient preparation,
Gen. Harrold's troopers attacked the next morning. Hooking
up with the 4th Armd. Div.,
Still the fight continued. New Year's Eve,
The third combat command,
Small CC R task forces of tanks from the 2nd Tank Bn.
and doughs of the 52nd Armd. Inf. Bn. took up
positions along the roads leading to Bastogne from
the east. Their mission was to block the roads at all
costs. They clung to their positions even when
surrounded. Masses of German tanks rolled around
them; enemy infantry infiltrated in the darkness.
There were no front lines in this melee. Artillerymen,
tankers and engineers fought as doughs. The
2nd Tank Bn, encountered elements of nine German
divisions. The 73rd Armd. FA Bn. fought its way
out of a trap, kept its guns in action.
Although casualties were heavy and all three of its
battalion commanders lost,
TF Snafu became a potent force in the ensuing
battles. Organized chiefly as a trouble-shooter for
the 101st, this unit operated on a 10-minute alert
and sped to threatened areas as needed. Bolstered by
armor, it proved to be an ace in the hole.
CC R received the Presidential Unit Citation for its
action at Bastogne.
Because its forces were widely separated, 9th Armd.'s
outstanding fight in the Ardennes didn't receive the
attention it deserved until the battle was over. Then,
military men pointed out the remarkable job the division
had accomplished. Commendations came from two
army commanders, Gen. Courtney H. Hodges and
Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., from three corps and four
By training and background, 9th Armd. troops
were well equipped for the furious Ardennes fighting
and for succeeding roles.
Made up largely of former horse cavalrymen of the
famous 2nd Cav. Div., the 9th was activated July 15, 1942,
at Fort Riley (Camp Funston), Kan. One unit,
the 3rd Armd. FA Bn., dates its battle record back to
1794. It fought in every major military campaign in
American history.
The 9th trained for nearly a year at the Fort Riley
reservation, then went to the Mojave desert near
Needles, Calif., for additional hardening. Reorganized
as a light armored division, the 9th participated in
Louisiana maneuvers where its army commander was
Gen. Hodges.
The 9th was well known before it saw combat. It
put on two firing demonstrations in the spring of 1944
while stationed at Camp Polk, La. The first was for
American press and radio representatives; the second
for the press of Allied and neutral nations.
In August, 1944, the division sailed for England
aboard the Queen Mary. After drawing equipment in
the Tidworth area, the 9th crossed the Channel, then
made a six-day march across France. Its units
entered the lines in Luxembourg.
Gen. Eisenhower's Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Walter B. Smith,
assaying the value of the Remagen bridge
over the Rhine said: "It was worth its weight in gold."
The time had come for the Allies to cash in on the
valuable property acquired in the Remagen deal. From
that toe-hold, seized by the 27th Armd. Inf. Bn.,
had grown a military project of great dimensions.
The story is that when Gen. Bradley informed
Gen. Eisenhower of the bridge seizure, the
Supreme Commander said casually: "Why,
hell, Brad, put a corps across."
When the time came for the Allies to capitalize on
their advantage all along the Rhine River line, the
Remagen springboard already had been built, exploited.
Gen. Bradley didn't stop with just one corps across.
To the north, the long-scheduled "main event"
was about to come off. This was the combined operation
which had been in the making so long. Preparations
by the British Second and the American Ninth Armies
were hidden behind thick clouds of smoke. The
Germans now were off balance. The threat from the
north had been anticipated, but the Remagen bridgehead
had thrown such an added burden on German
defenses that Nazi confusion was multiplied.
With the Remagen bridgehead already well extended
toward the north, Gen. Hodges began expanding it
to the south.
While Gen. Hoge gave attack orders to
Col. Burnside, CC R commander, became Chief
of Staff, and Col. (then Lt. Col.) Charles Wesner,
Oshkosh, Wis., commanding the 16th Armd. FA Bn.,
took over
9th Armored In On The Kill
Racing over rugged terrain,
The tankmen were rescued when Co. C, 52nd Armd. Inf. Bn.,
threw a makeshift bridge across the river
and infantrymen fought their way into Limburg.
Capture of the city was highly significant. Not
only did it mark the complete breakout of the Remagen
bridgehead, but it was the forerunner of swift armored
advances across Central Germany that put American
forces in position to help seal the industrial Ruhr.
The first German prison camp was captured at
Limburg and its occupants liberated. Gen. Leonard
visited a Limburg hospital and met patients who had
been former members of the division. "You are in
good hands now," he encouraged them.
Ninth Armd. combat commands next raced in two
directions. While
CC B covered 67 miles one day during the drive
to the north.
Considerable resistance was encountered at Fritzlar,
site of a large German airport.
The 9th's advance to the north helped complete the
encirclement of the Ruhr. German forces struck at
the steel ring in the Warburg area, but few succeeded
in escaping.
CC B sent reinforcements and a large number of
the enemy was caught in the open by artillery fire and
direct fire from tanks. The Nazis withdrew after
suffering heavy casualties.
The number of prisoners ultimately taken from the
Ruhr pocket far exceeded the total anticipated. Altogether,
the Allies captured 327,000. This was the
first great dividend of the Remagen bridgehead. Gen.
Eisenhower commended all forces involved in the Ruhr operation:
This victory of Allied arms is a fitting prelude to
the final battle to crush the ragged remnants of Hitler's
armies of the west, now loitering on the threshold of defeat.
The 9th now assumed a spearheading role, leading
the way for First Army's drive eastward. The race
through Central Germany began April 10. Division
tanks smashed so deeply into the enemy's rear that
Nazis became hopelessly confused. Communications
were slashed, vital supply points seized.
In their April operations, the 9th's combat commands
advanced approximately 280 miles—from Warburg
to the Mulde River—in carrying out the encirclement
of Leipzig. Attacking abreast, the three combat
commands captured hundreds of cities, thousands of
prisoners, knocked out scores of German tanks, guns and vehicles.
Lt. Col. Wesner and his driver, Cpl. Sam Pernicci,
East Point, La., captured a bridge intact over the
Saale River near Naumburg. When they removed
charges from the bridge, the 9th's column rolled on
without stopping.
Rugged fighting developed through the thick defense
belt around Leipzig. Germans used hundreds of
ground-mounted anti-aircraft guns, 500 of which
were either knocked out or found abandoned by
The same combat command captured a radio-radar
station at Audgast, reputed to be the most powerful
in Germany, as well as seizing an airfield at Polenz
containing 250 planes.
The 2nd and 69th Inf. Divs. completed the capture
of Leipzig, Germany's fifth largest city, after the 9th
had completely encircled the area.
The division's drive to the Mulde, in the military
sense, split Germany in two. Instead of rolling eastward
to link up with Soviet forces, the division was
taken out of the lines for a well deserved rest.
An additional assignment remained, however, before
the Germans were thoroughly beaten. When the
enemy threatened a prolonged fight in Czechoslovakia,
the 9th was sent on a long march south to join
Third Army and help administer the coup de grace.
CC A advanced into Czechoslovakia with the 1st Inf. Div. By
the time the combat command linked
up with the Red troops near Karlsbad, the Germans
were completely kaput.
Being in the fight until the closing moments was
more than an ordinary triumph for the gallant men of
the 9th Armd. The Germans had reported them
completely destroyed on three separate occasions. Yet,
despite bitter fighting, sometimes against heavy odds,
the men of the 9th held without yielding until their
mission—the destruction of the enemy—was
Germany surrendered unconditionally at Rheims,
France, May 8, 1945, two months to the day from
the time the 9th seized the Ludendorff railroad bridge
at Remagen which sped victory for the Allied Nations.
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