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![[Lone Sentry: Photos, Articles, and Research on the European Theater in World War II]](../pics/lonesentrylogo.jpg) Photos,
Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
U.S. Intelligence Bulletin Series
April 1946
Guided Missiles—The Weapon of the Future / Compulsory Military Training in the U.S.S.R. / Defense
by Flame / German Combustible Cartridge Cases / Credit—Where It's Due / Black Dragon / German
Induction Mine Detonator / Hasty Minefields—Russian Style / AMT VI D 4—A Story
of Nazi Espionage / Incendiary Rifle Grenade / Oberlt. Oster Reports / Japanese
Intelligence Methods—Part 2: Undercover Intelligence
COVER: One of the big German war
boners was their failure to coordinate their aggressive plans with their development
of guided missiles. Had this program, in which the Germans held the lead, been pushed
to real fruition, the results would have been incalculable. Guided flak missiles, like
the Rheintochter model here shown under German test, might have driven Allied
planes from the air over Germany. The story of German guided missiles and the light they
throw on future weapons of this type begins on page 1.
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