23. COMPOSITION.—The light machine gun squad mounted in half-track car M3 or M3A1 is composed of 12 men:
24. FORMATIONS.—a. Dismounted posts.—When accompanied by the vehicle, the light machine-gun squad normally forms dismounted in two ranks in front of the vehicle (fig. 2). The squad leader is 3 yards in front of the right fender of the vehicle, facing the front. Odd numbers of the squad (Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) are at his left in that order at close interval. The assistant squad leader is directly behind the squad leader, covering in file. Even numbers of the squad (Nos. 2, 4, 6, and 8) and the driver are at his left in that order, at close interval covering their respective files in front.
b. Mounted posts.—The light machine-gun squad takes mounted posts as shown in figure 2.
(1) Squad leader, seated in the right front seat or standing in front of the seat. If the vehicle has machinegun mount M32, he stands inside the mount.
(2) Driver, seated in the driver's seat.
(3) Gunner No. 1, seated in the center front seat.
(4) Nos. 3, 5, 7, and 9, seated on the right side of the crew compartment in that order from front to rear.
(5) Nos. 2, 4, 6, and 8 and the assistant squad leader, seated on the left side of the crew compartment in that order from front to rear.
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Figure 2.—Dismounted and mounted posts of light machine-gun squad. |
25. TO FORM THE SQUAD.—Being dismounted, at the command or signal FALL IN the squad leader takes his post and other members of the squad take dismounted posts as prescribed in paragraph 24. (See also par. 7.)
26. TO FALL OUT.—Being at dismounted posts, at the command FALL OUT the squad falls out as in paragraph 7.
27. TO MOUNT.—a. Being at dismounted posts or dismounted, at the command or signal MOUNT, No. 1 and the squad leader mount to their seats from the right side of the vehicle in that order. The squad leader remains standing facing the rear until the remainder of the squad is mounted. The driver mounts to his seat from the left side of the vehicle. The others of the squad move around the right of the vehicle and mount through the rear door to their seats in the order, Nos. 3, 5, 7, and 9 (front rank) and Nos. 2, 4, 6, and 8 (rear rank). The assistant squad leader opens the door, supervises mounting, and takes his post last (par. 7 and fig. 2).
b. Being dismounted or at dismounted posts, at the command OVER THE SIDE, MOUNT—
(1) The squad leader, gunner No. 1, and driver take their mounted posts as in a above.
(2) Nos. 3, 5, and 7 simultaneously mount to their seats over the right side of the vehicle.
(3) Nos. 2, 4, and 6 simultaneously mount to their seats over the left side of the vehicle.
(4) Nos. 8 and 9 and the assistant squad leader mount to their seats through the rear door (par. 7).
28. TO DISMOUNT.—a. The squad being mounted, at the command or signal DISMOUNT (1) The squad leader and No. 1 dismount on the right side of the vehicle.
(2) The driver dismounts on the left side of the vehicle.
(3) The remainder of the squad dismounts in the reverse order to that prescribed in paragraph 27a. (See also par. 7.)
b. Being mounted, at the command OVER THE SIDE, DISMOUNT, the squad dismounts in the reverse order to that prescribed in paragraph 27b. (See also par. 7.)
29. TO PREPARE FOR ACTION.—At the command PREPARE FOR ACTION, members of the squad proceed as follows:
a. Squad leader.—(1) Uncovers, checks head space, and half-loads the vehicular machine gun, if the vehicle has mount M32.
(2) Supervises preparation for action by the squad.
b. Driver.—If the vehicle is not moving, checks the submachine gun to see that it is ready for action. If the vehicle is moving, he continues to drive, and No. 1 checks the submachine gun.
c. Assistant squad leader.—Assists the squad leader in supervising preparation for action.
d. No. 2.—If the vehicle has a pedestal mount, uncovers, checks head space, and half-loads the vehicular machine gun.
e. Nos. 3 and 4.—Check light machine guns and tripods in their stowage places to see that they may be put into action with minimum delay.
f. Nos. 5, 6, and 8.—Remove rifles from their scabbards, lock, load, and hold them in their hands there after until OUT OF ACTION or other command is given.
g. Nos. 7 and 9.—Prepare for action as rocketeer and loader, respectively (par. 9).
30. OUT OF ACTION.—The squad being prepared for action, at the command or signal OUT OF ACTION the squad proceeds as follows:
a. Squad leader.—(1) Unloads vehicular machine gun (mount M32).
(2) Supervises actions of squad.
b. Assistant squad leader.—Assists in supervision of squad.
c. No. 2.—Unloads vehicular machine gun (pedestal mount).
d. Nos. 5,6, and 8.—Unload and replace rifles in their scabbards.
e. Nos. 7 and 9.—Stow launcher, ammunition, and equipment.
31. DISMOUNTED ACTION.—a. For dismounted action the light machine guns of the squad are numbered 1 and 2. Nos. 1 and 3 are the crew for No. 1 gun. Nos. 2 and 4 are the crew for No. 2 gun.
b. Being mounted and prepared for action, the squad goes into dismounted action upon appropriate orders from the squad leader, as prescribed in FM 23-45, 23-60, and 22-5, followed by the command of execution ACTION. At the command of execution—
(1) Squad leader.—Dismounts and supervises the disposition of the dismounted squad.
(2) No. 1.—Dismounts and receives tripod of gun No. 1 and one box of caliber .30 ammunition from No. 2.
(3) No. 2.—Passes tripod of gun No. 1 and one box of caliber .30 ammunition to No. 1 on the ground. Dismounts with tripod of gun No. 2 and one box of caliber .30 ammunition.
(4) No. 3.—Dismounts with gun No. 1 and one box of caliber .30 ammunition.
(5) No. 4.—Dismounts with gun No. 2 and one box of caliber .30 ammunition.
(6) Riflemen Nos. 5 to 9.—Dismount and take positions as indicated by the squad leader.
(7) Driver.—On signal from squad leader, moves vehicle to position designated by the squad leader and mans vehicular machine gun (par. 13).
(8) The guns are put into action as prescribed in gun drill, FM 23-45. In drill,
gun No. 1 is placed 5 yards in front of the vehicle or any location designated
by the squad leader; gun No. 2, 10 yards to the left of gun No. 1. Gunners
Nos. 1 and 2 perform the duties of No. 1 for their respective guns; Nos. 3
and 4 perform duties of No. 2 for their respective guns. Fire and
displacement orders are as prescribed in
c. Out of action.—At the command OUT OP ACTION, the guns are taken out of action as prescribed in FM 23-45. The squad leader signals BRING UP VEHICLE. At the command MOUNT the squad mounts and replaces equipment and ammunition in the reverse order to that prescribed in b above and resumes mounted posts. Unless otherwise ordered, the squad remains prepared for action.
d. Dismounted action with vehicular machine gun.—For dismounted action with the vehicular machine gun as well as the light machine guns, the orders referred to in b above include "DISMOUNT WITH CALIBER .50". At the command of execution, the squad leader, assistant squad leader, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 take action as prescribed in b above. Other members of the squad proceed as follows:
(1) No. 5.—Dismounts caliber .50 machine gun and hands it to No. 6 on the ground. Dismounts and removes caliber .50 tripod from vehicle.
NOTE.—If the machine gun is on mount M32, No. 5 must climb into the front seat to dismount the gun.
(2) No. 6.—Dismounts and receives the caliber .50 machine gun from No. 5.
(3) No. 8.—Dismounts with two boxes of caliber .50 ammunition.
(4) Driver.—At command or signal of squad leader, moves vehicle to cover, dismounts, and rejoins the squad with his submachine gun, one box of caliber .50 ammunition, the spare parts roll, spare barrel, and the vehicular first aid kit. If the driver must remain with the vehicle, as in a defensive position, the assistant squad leader takes this equipment before the vehicle departs.
(5) Nos. 5, 6, and 8.—Move to positions designated by the squad
leader and put the gun into action as prescribed in
e. Out of action.—At the command CALIBER .50 OUT OF ACTION, the gun is taken out of action as prescribed in FM 23-60. The squad leader signals BRING UP THE VEHICLE. At the command MOUNT, the squad mounts and equipment and ammunition are stowed in the reverse order to that prescribed in d above.