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Three more sergeants were commissioned second lieutenants Thursday in a ceremony in front of the Division CP at Konstantinovy. They are 1st Sgt. Wilson J. Bishop, 397th FA Battalion; M/Sgt. Eugene J. Miller, CC "B," and T Sgt. Lawrence A. Nuce, 64th AIB. Six sergeants last Saturday morning received battle commissions as second lieutenants in the first ceremony of its kind in the 16th Armored Division. The commanding general pinned the gold bars on each of the new officers at a ceremony in front of the division CP at Konstantinovy, Czechoslovakia. The newly-commissioned officers with their former rank, organization and city are: M/Sgt. Ralph S. Kaczor, 26th Tank, Mount Vernon, Ohio; 1st Sgt. Myer Rodels, 23d Cavalry, Monticello, N.Y.; M/Sgt. Charles H. Moscovitz, 396th Field Artillery, New York; S/Sgt. Charles Jones, 396th Field Artillery, Baton Rouge, La.; S/Sgt. Charles H. Bliss, 23d Cavalry, Detroit, and Sgt. Allen B. Snoddy, 23d Cavalry, St. Joseph, Mo. HONORED 3RD TIME The ceremony marked the third instance in which Lt. Rodels was honored in less than a month. On May 20 he was awarded the Bronze Star for heroic achievement in connection with military operations against an armed enemy on May 8 and 9 in Czechoslovakia. June 6 saw his promotion from staff sergeant to first sergeant, and three days later he was commissioned a second lieutenant. The new lieutenants were the first enlisted men in the division to receive combat appointments as second lieutenants. Each man was elevated to the commissioned ranks for outstanding performance of duty before and during combat.
Infantrymen Bring 'Ft. Smith' Here
The boys from the 64th Armored Infantry Battalion's Service Company haven't forgotten the time they spent in Fort Smith and neighboring Camp Chaffee... and it looks as if they won't forget it for a long time. A group of dewy-eyed sentimentalists got together recently and transformed their billet into "Little Fort Smith", complete with everything except the "off limits" joints. "Little Fort Smith" has its Winter Garden, a small dance hall built into the Little Fort Smith Club. The tap room has become "Pete's". The steak and French fries at the People's Cafe are still nostalgic memories and so the People's Cafe has its counterpart. No French fries and steaks here -- the potatoes are boiled and the steaks aren't, but there's a menu in case you get really hungry. The Joie Theatre has its duplicate in the reading room and the cocktail lounge (whazzat?) has been aptly christened the "21 Club". Nope, no orchestra and juke box. There isn't any Old South and no bus station. No civilian cars buzz through town and it doesn't do much good to hand out the "h'ya honey" to a passing girl because it happens to be a $65 question. You can't call up that girl and tell her you'll meet her at the service club or in front of the hospital or at Cooley's. That telephone call is the thing the boys miss most.
What Will They Think Of Next?
The following memorandum was copied from one of the company bulletin boards within the division: "The siren will be blown for three minutes each morning for first call. The next call will be reveille. In the case of a person not hearing it (the siren), they must contact the CQ and have him wake them. Not hearing the siren will not be reason to excuse someone from reveille." Just a bunch of sleep walkers, eh?
Medics Cop Title As Priaulx Stars
If you want to pick a hero in the 216th Medics' victory over the championship you don't have to go any further than the pitcher's box, or one Cpl. John Priaulx who capped a sensational three-game pitching performance by blanking the Infantrymen, 3-0, in the third and final series game last week at Plana. It was the third series game he had pitched in six days. A recapitulation of his efforts reveals he allowed only six hits, 10 walks and two runs in 21 consecutive innings. The 69th got only two singles in each of the three tilts. 6 HITS IN 3 GAMES. In the opening game he blanked the 69th, 4-0, but in the second contest he bowed to Maurice VanRobays, 3-2, in a stellar hurling duel. The payoff battle, however, saw Priaulx avenge the VanRobays setback by outpitching the former Pittsburgh Pirate outfielder. The finale was no bed of roses for the 216th chucker who gave up those two hits -- both doubles -- at critical moments. But he bore down in championship style to stop any further threats. A pitcher has got to have some hits to win and Priaulx got them from Sgt. Paul Hess and Corporals Laddie Bicak and Delmar Edwards in the deciding tussle. The Medics clinched the game in the second frame. Hess led off with a double, John Killerlain got on by an error and Hess scampered to third. Bicak doubled home Hess, but Killerlain was tagged at third. Edwards came through with the third double of the canto to score Bicak. The 216th came back in the next inning to score their final tally on singles by Cpl. Casey Groh, Chester Wingate and Killerlain. Groh, team manager, received the championship trophy from Col. Edwin C. Greiner, chief of staff, following the game. The Medics have lost only three games this season, all by one run. Two of the games went into extra innings.
Sergeant Wins Riviera Furlough For Naming Division Newspaper
Baseball Pitcher Is Very Surprised When Told Of Selection
"Well, I'll be damned", was the exclamation made by Sgt. Orville Williams, D Co, 16th Tank
Battalion, when he was informed that he was the winner of the contest to name the Division
newspaper entitling him to a Sgt. Williams, who is 26 years old, hails from Portland, Oregon where he pitched for the Portland Beavers in the Pacific Coast League during 1938, 1939 and 1940. At present he is on special duty with the Division baseball team trying out for a berth on the pitching staff. For two years prior to his induction into the army in 1942 he was employed at the Oregon Shipyards in Portland, operated by Henry Kaiser. From 1942 until December 1944 he served as a draftsman in the Air Corps at which time he was transferred to the infantry. Sent overseas on April 1 this year as a replacement, Williams joined the Division at Mainz. His job in the 16th Tank has been that of loader on a light tank. He was stationed at Foster and Randolph fields while with the Air Corps. When asked why he had suggested the name Armadillo for the paper, Sgt. Williams said he had seen a lot of the little animals by that name while he was stationed in Texas and that they always reminded him of miniature tanks with their covering of "armor". Because of that resemblance he felt that the name Armadillo would be very representative for an Armored Division newspaper. The judges who selected the name took into consideration the fact that the name is representative and at the same time is not a name used by some other publication. While all of the suggestions received were good quite a number were names that are being used by other newspapers and magazines. Sgt. Williams is postponing his trip to the Riviera until he learns whether or not he has succeeded in becoming a member of the Division baseball team.
Nine Tankers Rejoin Outfits From France After War Ends
GI's Catch Up To Unit After Nearly Month On The Road
This is the fantastic story of four 16th Tank Battalion Joes who loaded their tank on a flat car back in Forges les Eaux, France, when the Division moved into Germany and Czechoslovakia, how they got sidetracked a couple dozen times and rejoined their outfit almost a month later -- or eight days after the ETO war had ended. The story begins at Forges les Eaux on April 22 when Corporals Calvin Kensing and Roy Mustion, Pfc. Paul Smith and Pvt. Robert Readd loaded their tank on a flat car, bound for Mainz, Germany. Everything went along fine for 75 miles, then the flat car developed a hot box and was dropped out of the train. HEADED FOR NAMUR On their own, the quartet watched the train pull out like a baby waving goodbye to its mother. Hustling over to the Rail Transportation Office, they got help them and put their tank on a flat car headed for Namur, Belgium. They got to Namur all right but were sidetracked there for 36 hours. The RTO again. An officer hooked the boys and their tank onto a ration train that took them through Luxembourg and dropped them into another siding in Thionville, France. Once again they pleaded with RTO officers for help. They were told the only trains moving out were food and gasoline priorities. They went back to their tank. The next day they went back to the RTO. The same story. Every day for the next 12 days they visited the Thionville RTO. SIDETRACKED AT MAINZ At long last they got space on a train -- 16 days behind their outfit. Meanwhile, Lt. John R. Antonucci, of the 16th Tank, had been sweatin' it out in Nurnburg waiting for the wandering Tankers to put in an appearance. He traced them to Thionville, took off in a peep and reached the beleaguered Joes before they left. The GIs figured the train was bound for Nurnburg so the lieutenant sent them on with instructions to meet him there. In Mainz, long after the division had left, the Tankers were sidetracked for the upteenth time. More RTO. After handing around three days, they and the tank hopped a train for Frankfurt. In Frankfurt luck was with them for the first time and they got to Nurnburg. Lt. Antonucci was nowhere to be found and in their attempts to find him they had a slight skirmish with a Nazi sniper. The German disappeared and the Tankers went on their way to find the lieutenant. CRANK TANK Finally, after much scouring around, they met up with Antonucci. By this time the 16th Tank had moved to Vseruby, Czechoslovakia, so the weary GIs cranked their tank and took off for their unit.
Upon reaching their destination it was May 17 -- 26 days after they started out in France and
eight days after "You know something?" Corporal Mustion said reflectively. "On May 9 some troops passed us on the road headed toward Germany. They left New York City two days before we left France".
5 Men Travel Through 4 Countries; AWOL With Charlotte
After being AWOL for 16 days, traveling through four countries, and having been given up as lost by her company commander, Charlotte rejoined her outfit just too late for the shooting in Pilzen. Charlotte is a dainty 34-ton Sherman with a 76mm snout -- No. 5 tank, First Platoon, "C" Co, 26th Tank Battalion. With her loyal crew consisting of Sgt Horace M. Phillips, tank commander; Cpl George Nelson, gunner; Cpl Coleman Varga, driver; Pfc William L. Huttron, cannoneer, and Pfc Richard Bamforth, assistant driver, she was separated from her company when her flat car developed a hot box on the trip from the staging area in France. 24-HOUR LAYOVER It has never been decided whether passionate Charlotte or the French railroad system caused the hot box. At any rate the French mechanics at Chalmes were unable to fix it. It took a 24-hour layover before an American railroad battalion gallantly came to the lady's rescue, jacked up her car, and repaired the wheel and axle. Charlotte, like a lady of loose virtue, moved along from town to town until she hit a long grade on the slope east of Thionville, France. The French locomotive huffed and puffed, but it couldn't quite get Charlotte's bulk over the top. Back she came to Thionville. AVOID STEEP GRADES There the American Rail Transportation Office suggested routing her north through Luxemberg, Belgium, and Cologne as a way of avoiding such steep grades. North it was, through Luxemberg City, Arlon, Namur and to Liege. At Liege, after a 22-hour layover, Charlotte finally learned that there was no sure way open to the south of Cologne toward Mainz. The one train that had tried it never had been heard from. So Charlotte headed back south through Belgium and Luxemberg to Thionville again. This time she finally made friends with an engine that had enough stuff to get her over the hump and on to Mainz. TROUBLES NOT OVER But her troubles were not over there. No one at Mainz, it seems, had ever heard of the 16th Armored. Several other units looked hungrily at the sleek young tank and her crew. It took four days for Charlotte to get in touch with CWO McLeay who had been sent back to find her. Once she had found this friend, however, she rolled off her car and took the 281 mile run through Germany to Pilsen in just two and one-half days. She spent V-E day on the road, and joined "C" Co in Pilsen only to find all the shooting over.
18th Receives Combat Infantry Badge Award
Thirty-two officers and 831 enlisted men have been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge in the 18th Armored Infantry Battalion. Only those men who have participated in combat against the enemy are entitled to wear the badge. Enlisted men receive ten dollars per month additional pay after they are awarded the badge.
Cokes Issued To All -- You Must Turn In Bottles
Coca Colas have been issued to the entire division on the basis of one bottle per man, according to T/4 Sam Weinberg, of the Special Service Office, and it is hoped that this ration can be increased to 3 bottles weekly soon. But, Sgt. Weinberg warns, issuing future coke rations depends entirely on the return of the empty bottles to the unit and division PX officers. Coca Cola is available, he explained, in Fulda, where the division draws PX rations. However, there are no bottles there, and the PX office obtained the bottles they now have only at the expense of an extra 100-mile trip and a day's labor for Capt. Arjenter B Cardwell, PX Officer, Sgt. Weinberg and 20 other enlisted men who dug these bottles out of a bombed out Coca Cola plant at Kassel, where they obtained 18,000 bottles. They returned these bottles to the Fulda coke plant where they were filled, and brought back 10 truckloads of "the pause that refreshes" for the division. They are now arranging for another trip to Kassel, where they hope to obtain additional bottles so that the weekly allotment can be increased to 3 bottles per man.
64th AIB's B Co Builds Homes In Valley To Avoid Tenting
Home isn't what you make it -- its what Co. B of the 64th Armored Infantry Battalion makes it. The boys got together when the 16th Armored Division moved into Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland and decided that this bivouacing in mere tents was strictly for the birds. A couple of Big Time Operators were culled from the outfit and the fun began. The BTO's found a sawmill nearby with piles of newly sliced lumber neatly piled near it. The entire company was summoned and the house-building program was in full swing. Some of the boys went in for just plain home building. Others got more elaborate and erected little cottages, complete with shelves, places and pegs to hang duffel, stands for shaving and washing and other little items. There was no hot and cold running water or inbuilt latrine but the places began to shape up nicely. STREAM IN VALLEY A nice little stream that would make a trout fisherman drool flows in the little valley in which the company has made its homes. The houses are arranged neatly by the numbers and there is a great deal of fish-frying and beer-drinking in leisure time. The stream, incidentally, acts as an excellent cooler for the suds. One of the fancier chateaux belongs to Tech. Sgt. Roy Nutt, of Sunbury, O. Nutt's Tepee C. P. is a model of efficiency. A telephone completes the elaborate layout. Sgt. Nutt explains that a platoon leader has to set an example for the men. SHOWERS SET UP Showers have been fixed up in one large building and he mess hall is so nicely erected that one native has offered a fancy price for it when the boys move out. The folks around the neighborhood are frankly curious about the American housing program. They walk by on the road above the valley, looking down at the array of homes covered by shelter halves and other waterproofing, materials. Some of the Sudeten kids are bolder and come down to gape as Pvt. Nicholas J. Witkovasky, of 756-A Union St., Brooklyn, gives out on the harmonica. The boys are going to hate to move out.
"Mitzi" Flirts With MP's, Goes AWOL
"Mitzi" didn't show up for reveille Tuesday morning. "Mitzi" is French, a flirt with blue eyes, long silky lashes, a longer nose and still longer ears. She is black and white and weighs about six pounds with an anchor tied to her stubby tail. According to her owner, Pfc. Marvin E. Welch, called the "Voice" by some, and the "Noise" by others, she was last seen hanging around the MP's which Welch considers a sign of deteriorating morale on the part of Mitzi. Welch picked up Mitzi when she was a puppy back in France and she is going on four months old now and he doesn't thing she is old enough to face life alone. Neither does he think that she is consorting or fraternizing with male dogs. She's too young. A reward has been offered but Welch hasn't said what it is yet. The G-5 section is taking up a collection to get its mascot back. They had taught her to sit up and say, "Cigarette pour Papa".
The 16th's Special Service Office really hit the jackpot Wednesday night when it opened the first live talent show produced by the division since it came overseas -- yeah, and it's really complete, with nine beautiful girls and a couple of scenes that will knock your eyes out. Capt. Albert K. Stevens is producing the show with the assistance of some GI talent who are headliners in the performance. Nine men from the division take part -- three in the cast and the six that make up the band. COMEDY ROUTINE The comedy routine is well handled by Pfc. Bernie Lichstein, who is known as Bernie on the radio, stage and in night clubs in the states, along with Cpl. Sam Friedman, in civilian life a radio and stage writer and director, and Cpl. Larry Baird, who plays a Western style guitar in addition to taking an active part in the stage comedy. Soon every man in the division will have an opportunity to see this show at the Marienbad Opera House -- don't miss it, particularly if you enjoy leg art and beautiful girls.
"A soldier's paradise" is the way one sergeant returning from a 7-day furlough on the French Riviera recently described his holidays at Europe's most swanky resort. Furloughs and passes are also being granted officers and men in the 16th for trips to Paris and the United Kingdom, but none of the lucky ones have returned yet from trips to either of these places. But to Master Sgt. Robert W. Centen, the 395th AFA Battalion's sergeant major, the Riviera is "a soldier's paradise. Next to returning to the states, that's about the best vacation anyone could ask for." SALUTING TABOO Shortly after V-E Day Sergeant Centen, who comes from Green Bay, Wis., flew to Nice, capital of the Riviera, where he was quartered in the Hotel Nationale and clean sheets, and immediately informed "you are out of the Army for a week". Saluting officers was taboo and all Army Regulations pertaining to the wearing of the uniform were amended to include T-shirts, shorts, sandals and OD's with rolled-up sleeves. Neckties and hats were optional. Any and all combinations were acceptable in the best night clubs. The men could go where and when they pleased. The only restriction was observance of the 2 A.M. curfew. SPEED BOAT RIDE Turning in his old clothing, Centen was issued a complete new uniform, had his German marks converted into francs, received his weekly PX rations and was turned loose. High sports of Centen's visit included a speed boat ride in the Mediterranean, a motor tour along the route of Napoleon's Grande Corniche Road, visits to an old Roman arena and the romantic coastline of the Riviera. There also was a tour by way of the Promenade des Anglais to Grasse for a visit to the famous perfumery, lunch at the Park Palace Hotel and to Cannes with its picturesque harbor and palm-lined Promenade de la Croisette. Located in the once most luxurious casino on the Riviera, the Palais de la Mediterranee, is the American Red Cross casino, complete with game room, lounges and reading and writing rooms.
16th Film studio Flooded With Work
The Division film developing studio was swamped with business on opening date and hasn't seen daylight since. It was necessary a short time ago to discontinue accepting films until those already on hand had been developed, prints made and returned to the officers and men who sent them in. About 2,000 rolls have been received and everything now in should be cleared in one week. Units will be notified when more can be sent in. The films for the studio must be sent through message center and they'll be returned the same way. It seems that there are lots of unfamiliar cameras and film in the division these days. Some prints were very good but others indicate that the owners aren't too familiar with their cameras. We suggest that men with new cameras see a "Professional" before taking pictures. Here are just a few of the common mistakes being made according to the six man studio crew:
1. Underexposed - give more exposure.
2. Overexposed - give less exposure. 3. Out of focus - measure distance. 4. Camera movement. 5. Shaded subjects. 6. Subject not centered in viewfinder. 7. Exposed roll not rolled up tight - light struck. 8. Infrared film - use red filter. 9. Finger over lens - lens dirty. 10. Picture taken into sun.
Two Signalmen Presented Awards
Two sergeants of the 156th Signal Company last Saturday were honored at a retreat parade in which S/Sgt. Daniel W. Diehl of Cameron, Mo., was awarded the Bronze Star and T/3 LeRoy B. Edinger of Boyerstown, Pa., was presented a Certificate of Merit. The awards bring to 60 the number of officers and men presented medals or certificates since V-E Day. Sergeant Diehl's Bronze Star citation reads in part: "By working extended periods of time without rest and by using special wire laying equipment designed and constructed by him to install wire circuits, Sergeant Diehl was largely responsible for the maintenance of communications under extremely difficult conditions engendered by the rapid movement of the 16th Armored Division." T/3 Edinger's citation is: "Through untiring efforts and long hours of devotion to duty he assumed a large part of the extra burden placed upon his section as a result of the rapid movement of his division. T/3 Edinger maintained high message center operations despite difficult communications with which his section had to work."
150 Pilsen Girls Attend Dance At 23d Cavalry
With more than 150 girls from Pilsen and surrounding communities as guests, the 23d Cavalry held a dance Monday night which was termed "beaucoup entertainment". The No. 2 division orchestra was in its best swing style, and although the gals weren't hep at first, they soon got into the groove and were giving a good Czech impression of good, old American jitterbugging. A check on the program showed the Czechs had a good time.
Meeks Is Very Modest, But He Has Got Points
Pfc. Wilber Meeks, of the 64 AIB's Service Company, is a very modest fellow -- but he's not so retiring that he isn't looking forward to returning home to El Paso, Texas, soon. And who can blame him -- he's got 102 points!
Cartoonist Urged To Submit Entries For Publication
Cartoonists in the 16th are urged to send in contributions for publication in the Armadillo. Each week one -- the best of those submitted -- will be published. These cartoons, in order to be properly reproduced in this paper, must measure 3 3/4 inches in width and be not more than 4 inches in height. So come on, you artists -- get behind your paper and send in some cartoon contributions!
14 GI Ex-Educators Finish First Teacher Training Class
Fourteen enlisted men from the division's various battalions -- all of them former educators with
a combined total of These classes, according to the I-E Section, are designed to train personnel to teach in the Army Education Program and to assist in the unit instructor training schools which will be established at a later date if the Army Education Program should be initiated in this division. QUERIES FLOOD I-E In answer to the many queries that have been flooding the I-E Office about when the schooling program in the division would start, it was said that the only answer that could be given at this time was that "the program would start when we are directed to start it by higher headquarters". Four of the 14 enlisted men who attended the school -- and who hold army ranks from tech sergeant to pfc -- hold graduate degrees and two of them have completed most of their work for their Doctor of Philosophy degrees. M.A. FROM HARVARD. The teacher-students who hold graduate degrees are: T/4 Harold Alquist, of the 23rd Cavalry's Trp C, who holds a Master of Arts degree from N. Y. University; Cpl. Clarkson Collins, of the 396th AFA's Hq Btry, who has an M.A. from Harvard University; Sgt. Lloyd Young, of D Co, 26th Tk, an M.A. from the University of Iowa; and T/5 Edward Corday, of the 216th Medic's C Co, who has a University of West Virginia M.A. The other men who attended the first classes, which included 18 1/2 hours of instruction on subjects ranging from teaching methods to athletics by Lt. Franklin P. Annis and T/4 Joseph Weaver, were: Pfc. Aaron Shikler, of the 69th AIB' s Hq Co, who has Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Science in Education degrees from Temple University; T/4 Leland Bradley, of C Co, 137th Ordnance, who has B. F. A. and Bachelor of Laws degrees from Cumberland University; T/5 Joseph Bolinsky, of the 216th Engrs' B Co, a B. S. Ed. from N. J. State Teachers College; Sgt. Mark Ramsey, of the 395th AFA's C Btry, a Bachelor of Arts from Nebraska State Teachers College; Sgt. Roy Meyer, of Hq Co, 5th Tk, a B. A. from Hamline University; Tech. Sgt. Lawerence Nuce, of the 64th AIB's B Co., a B. A., from Glenville State Teachers College; T/5 Charles Witherell, of C Btry, 397th AFA, a B.S. Ed. from Bridgewater State Teachers College; T/5 Reynold Erickson, of 633 TD's Hq Co, a B. A. from Augsburg (Minn.) College and Pfcs Michael Brobot, of the 18th AIB's A Co who studied at the Lawrence Institute of Technology, and Leo Klarik, of Sv Co, 26th Tk, who completed courses at N. Y. University and Rutgers.
150 Get Passes Daily For Pilsen
All roads are leading to Pilsen these days with the announcement that the Division has been authorized a daily quota of 150 for passes to the city the 16th liberated on May 6. "Ten per cent of this quota can be officers," according to the official memorandum. Passes are for 9:30 a. m. to 12 midnight. Trucks transporting the men to Pilsen are parked in the Town Square where the men are turned loose and given the opportunity to do whatever they please. Curfew is midnight. V Corps is planning to set up a miniature PX in one of Pilsen's department stores where the men can purchase various Czech merchandise. A snack bar is also being set up under the jurisdiction of the Red Cross. Battalions with companies attached to Combat Commands include these companies in their quotas. Schedule for June is: CCA, June 17, 23 and 29; CCB, June 16, 21, 22 and 28; CCR, June 18, 24 and 30. Trains, June 19 and 25; Div Arty, June 27; Division Troops, June 20 and 26. Division Troops consists of Division Headquarters Company Forward Echelon, band, MP's and 156th Signal Company. The uniform includes helmet liner, wool Od's, trousers tucked in boots. Weapons are not carried. The new Pilsen pass policy gives many men of this division an opportunity to visit their former buddies in the 8th Armored Division which is located in Pilsen. The 8th Armored is the grand- parent of the 16th. Many 8th Armored men were cadre for the 20th Armored, then came to the 16th when it was activated at Camp Chaffee, Ark.
150 Subjects Listed For ETO USAFI Now
A new list of United States Armed Forces Institute courses now available to men in the ETO which includes more than 150 subjects ranging from music to industry has been released, according to the division Information and Education Section. These courses are broken down into two groups -- correspondence and self-teaching -- lists of which have been distributed to all companies in all units. The correspondence courses include 20 high school subjects, 10 college subjects and 30 industrial and technical courses. The self-teaching course list, which supercedes all others previously issued in the ETO, consists of 98 subjects, including agricultural, business, history, music and science subjects.
64th Shuts Out CC 'B' In Opening Contest
In a one-sided slug-fest the 64th Armored Infantry Battalion "Picketeers" defeated CC "B" in their first hard ball game of the season at Kosolup by a score of 19 to 0. The outcome of the game was never in doubt from the first inning. With a total of 12 hits, the Picketeers built their score on CC "B" errors and on walks.
11 Men Finish Second In Series Of Classes
Eleven men yesterday completed the second of a series of Instructor Training Courses. This course was a longer one than the first series of classes -- it included 25 hours of instruction on a wider range of subjects -- and covered the salient features of the ITC as conducted at the Army Information and Education Staff School in Paris. The men who attended these classes are: Pfc. Francis R. Bacon, Hq Co, 26th Tk Bn; Cpl. Leonard D. Dungan, MP Platoon; T/5 William B. Toran, 156th Armd Sig Co; Sgt. Jerry Deutsch, Hq Co CCB; T/4 Manes Stone, Co D 26th Tk Bn; T/5 Paul Scheid, I and E Section, Hq 16th Armd Div; Sgt. Robert G. Osborne, Hq Btry Div Arty; Pfc. Michael G. Dalich, Hq Co 69th Armd Inf Bn; Sgt. Philip H. Garrou, Div. Hq Co; T/5 John T. Cannon Hq Co Div Tns; Cpl. Robert Hauck, Hq Co CCA;
Signal Co. Publishes Weekly Newspaper
The 156th Armored Signal company is publishing a weekly newspaper named "Nazdar" which covers company news, interviews and other items of particular interest to signalmen, including such things as the opinions of some of the men on pin ups.
Vol. 1, No. 2 Friday, June 15, 1945 Published at Graficke zavody Pour a spol., Pilsen, Czechoslovakia by and for the enlisted men of the 16th Armored Division Public Relations Section. Enlisted personnel: S/Sgt. Charles H. Peet, Jr., T/4 Philip J. Santora, T/4 Clarence H. Woods, T/5 Stephen M. Stratton, T/5 Richard Boerner. Contents passed by G-2 censor. |
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