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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
This is one of a series of G.I. Stories of the Ground, Air and
Service Forces in the European Theater of Operations, issued by the
Orientation Branch, Information and Education Division, ETOUSA...
Major General Milton A. Reckord, commanding the Corps of
Military Police, lent his cooperation; material was supplied by his staff.
Looking back over the road we have
traveled, we can be justly proud of our many
accomplishments. Each member of the Corps,
by doing his duty, has contributed materially
to the speedy and complete victory of our armies.
Therefore, with the deepest pride, I add my signature to a
testimonial that describes, in brief, the contributions which we all have
made to the successful campaign in Europe.
MPs crossed those narrow belts of sand at
They were not immune. The same murderous fire
caught them as well as their infantry buddies. In some
ways it was even tougher for the MP. Once posted, he
had to stand up and take it. His duty didn't allow him
to duck into a foxhole. If he became, a casualty, another
MP replaced him.
Pvt. Neil Dawson. San Antonio, Tex., a V Corps MP
was typical. Acting as a beach guide, he was exposed
to continuous artillery and small arms fire for eight
hours. Before that, Dawson and Pvt. Jack F. Conrad,
Sunbury, Pa., of the same platoon, unloaded mortar
ammunition from an LCT plastered by enemy fire.
Wounded in the shoulder as he leaped from his landing
craft, 1st Lt. Charles M. Conover, 1st Inf. Div. MP,
directed and organized traffic three hours before collapsing.
He was awarded the Silver Star.
M/Sgt. Edward Lopes, V Corps MP, led his detachment
ashore in the assault and posted men within 100 yards
of the enemy where they directed combat soldiers along
the safest routes of advance. Men under Sgt. Nicholas
T. Kinderknecht guided traffic from the beach to assembly
points and evacuated wounded from the water and nearby
front lines while dodging machine gun fire.
Helping division, Corps and Army MPs were especially
trained amphibious MP companies—the 210th, the
214th and 449th—normally assigned to Corps but now
attached to the famed Engineer Special Brigades. These
outfits, experts on beach traffic, were in at the beginning.
D-Day traffic wasn't the only problem. Increasing
numbers of PWs jampacked cages. Immediate help was
imperative. Late in the afternoon, June 6, 1944, the
302nd MP Escort Guard Co., composed of 57 percent
limited service men, came ashore. The unit suffered
casualties in men and equipment before relieving
1st Inf. Div.
MPs of their stockade responsibility. Several days
later, the 595th took charge of three beach evacuation
pens while the 301st was busily occupied with PWs in
another sector. Supposedly, these were Com Z units.
Cos. C and D, 783rd MP Bn., directed beach traffic on
D plus 4, and the entire battalion, along with the 713th,
followed Armies thereafter.
MPs looked the enemy in the teeth and hit back the
best way they knew how on that memorable
With traditional thoroughness, MPs turned in a job
well done, a performance which was to he repeated many
times—repeated during von Rundstedt's famous
break-through drive in December, 1944.
During the crucial hours of the German drive, the
Corps of Military Police, with units assigned to every
echelon of command, became a prime controlling influence—the
pivot on which the holding and regrouping of
American troops depended.
MPs kept a firm grip on traffic, ignoring enemy artillery
zeroed on vital road intersections. Pfc George F.
Swearingen, Byronville, Ga., 2nd Inf. Div.,
drove up to
Others led outfits to battle, lines. S/Sgt. Floyd
Calloway, Pfc Fred J. Warner and Pfc Henry F. Gozdan,
all of the 803rd MP Corps Co., escorted the 7th Armd.
Div. along
In another sector, Third Army, in a stream of veteran
infantry and armored units, began a northward movement.
Half-tracks, two and a half ton trucks, tanks, jeeps,
clogged the roads. Traffic jams seemed inevitable. But
the inevitable didn't happen!
Brig. Gen. Hobart R. Gay, Gen. Patton's chief of
staff, commending the 503rd and the 512th MP Bns.
(the latter now possesses the Meritorious Service Unit
Plaque), praised them for their "extremely efficient and
untiring efforts in expediting the recent heavy movement
of troops in the Third Army area..."
In First Army's sector, the situation confronting the
509th and 518th MP Bns. was acute. In the area between
Corps and Army rear boundaries, traffic was excessive,
enemy agents were at large; local inhabitants were
frightened, restless.
Co. B, 518th MP Bn., recorded: "First Army rear
echelon units were ordered to evacuate... MPs were the
only military units on duty. They were the sole means
of liaison to incoming combat teams... MPs tracked down
all reports of enemy infiltration and action... organized
and controlled all Belgians in the area...
"At Spa, Lt. Dean W. Nelson's 3rd Platoon rounded
up 21 released collaborators and calmed the civilian
populace. By Dec. 19, Lt. John Kolodziejski's 1st Platoon
were the only troops in Rochefort... At Marche, with the
exception of the 51st Engrs. and the MPs, all other military
units had evacuated... Engineers engaged the enemy
east of Hotton... MPs were subject to enemy tank and
small arms' fire, bombing, strafing and buzz-bombing..."
Further back, Com Z MPs perfected a tight security
network, with rear area defense largely the Provost
Marshal's responsibility. MP battalions posted heavy
guard on all key bridges; patrols scoured the countryside
for parachutists and enemy agents; road blocks were
thrown up from Army zones through Paris to the coast.
This vigilance trapped many disguised Krauts. S/Sgt.
Richard Hallman, and Sgt. Walter A. Sowinski, Long
Island, N.Y., 783rd MP Bn., in Advance Section, knocked
off a fleeing German after they had teamed up with
British troops to capture three Nazis in a stolen jeep.
Pfc Donald E. McHenry, Berwick, Pa., spotted a fast-moving
quarter-ton, waved it to a stop at Liege, Dec. 19.
When S/Sgt Leon M. Hansen, Muskegon, Mich., questioned
the occupants—an officer and three men—he
signalled for support. Sgt. Walter Staiger, Brooklyn;
Pfc Albert Dial, Oxford, Ga.; Pfc Lars Johnson, Seattle,
and Pfc. Alex Molnar, Detroit, got trigger fingers ready.
These 769th Bn. MPs had snared a prize—four spies
given the job of sabotaging vital material and bridges.
In the vehicle were more than enough arms and explosives
to wipe the MPs off the map.
When infantrymen stormed ashore D-Day in Southern
France, Aug. 15, 1944, MPs again gave efficient support,
following up the 6th Army Group's lightning sweep
inland. With the junction of the twin American thrusts
in France, Brig. Gen. Joseph V. Dillon's MP organizations
came under control of the Theater Provost Marshal and
Gen. Dillon became Deputy Theater Provost Marshal.
Top Priority — Keep Traffic Moving!
March 1, 1945, 0200 hours: The
9th Inf. Div. MP
platoon was charged with the responsibility of traffic
control at the Ludendorff Bridge, Remagen, Germany.
MPs were stationed at the approaches and out on the
uncertain span itself. Intense artillery fire from aroused
Germans rained down. Posts were maintained 24 hours
a day as MPs evacuated wounded, laid communication
lines, removed knocked-out vehicles. Traffic had to
keep flowing—flowing fast. One MP raced to a blazing
tank, climbed inside, rescued a trapped crew member.
Four days later, the platoon, relieved of its task, had
a slight breathing spell. It counted its casualties—14 wounded,
two killed.
During the height of the Battle of the Bulge, Pfc Anthony
Onica, Highland Park, Mich.,
2nd Inf. Div., directed
traffic on a Belgian road. An enemy plane strafed the
intersection, but Onica clung to his post. When a lull
in traffic came, he stepped off the road to get minimum
cover. Enemy fire killed him.
MPs often had to be resourceful to prevent traffic
tie-ups. Sgt. Warren H. Ecke, Teaneck, N.J., and
men of 3rd Platoon, Co. A, 509th MP Bn., learned the
value of alternate routes in a matter of minutes. When
a German aerial bomb exploded on a vital highway near
Vermers, Dec. 20, and traffic couldn't be delayed, MPs
located, posted and began operating a re-route. Ten
minutes later a blast reduced this to uselessness. Opening
a second alternate, the men kept their fingers crossed.
MPs doubled as infantrymen, then coolly returned to
traffic duties more than once during the hurried journey
across France.
Pfc John W. Wisdom, Denver, Colo., and Pfc William A.
Cooper, Sacramento, Calif., 2nd Armd. Div. MPs,
observed an enemy counter-attack pushing towards their
traffic control post at Beffe, Belgium. Borrowing an
Combat teams looked on armored MPs as friends,
willing to lend a hand when the going was hot. Sometimes,
MPs rode the backs of tanks with a task force.
When retreating Nazis destroyed a bridge at Creon,
France, Aug. 6, advanced elements of the 5th Armd.
Div. came to an abrupt halt. The division MP platoon
found a detour for the troops, then gave anti-sniper
protection to the engineers building a treadway bridge.
MP platoons assigned to infantry divisions encountered
similar experiences. At Dinant, Belgium,
9th Inf. Div.
MPs, under Sgt. John C. Mantegna, helped engineers
with their first bridge across the Meuse. Reaching the
east bank, MPs were deployed to provide security while
engineers finished the ponton span.
Eighth Inf. Div.
MPs never will forget Hurtgen Forest.
Pfc Ottis Brewer, Jackson, Ky., stood in a foot of mud
four hours while directing the 709th TD Bn. into its area.
When 8th Inf. Div.
MPs arrived, the crooked, narrow
roads were slimy morasses, splotched with craters, tree
trunks, swollen streams. Three divisions had churned
up the roads and engineers saw no end to their work.
First Lt. Robert L. Perrin, Howard, Kan., and Sgt.
Harry Fenzlein, Fairlawn, N.J., kept MPs going 24 hours
a day, directing outgoing units, clearing the roads for
ambulances, setting up traffic posts.
"Weasels," tanks, TDs and jeeps had churned through
mud to log trails. Sgt. Esse Lewis, Jacksonville, Fla.,
led 644th TD Bn.
CC R was ready at daylight, but MPs still couldn't rest.
It was time to handle the normal supply.
Lt. Perrin and Cpl. George Buhler, Passaic, N.J., led
tanks into battle Nov. 25, but couldn't crack enemy
defenses. Reinforced, they tried again four days later
and succeeded. As armor slashed ahead, muddy, bearded
MPs gave them the right-of-way. Jams, mines, shells
were overcome as traffic of three divisions and an
adjacent Corps rolled through to the front. For nine
days this nightmare continued before Hurtgen Forest
was cleared.
Enemy 88s, at one to two minute intervals, shelled the
traffic flow in the Roer River sector. Drivers stopped,
leaped for cover, leaving some vehicles parked bumper
to bumper. Germans increased the rate of fire.
Cpl. Robert T. Peterson, 102nd Inf. Div. MP Platoon,
covered the area near his post and persuaded drivers to
return, disperse their vehicles. Pfc Albert C. Howell,
reliefman, alternately running and flopping to the ground
as shell fragments whistled by, sprinted to the most
prominent knot of vehicles. Finding the drivers, he
went from foxhole to foxhole, urging them to scatter
their trucks. When the jam finally was broken and the
artillery fire ceased, only four vehicles were damaged.
Once posted, the traffic MP accepts a tremendous
responsibility. Proper movement of traffic demands that
he never once neglect his duty. Rain, snow, mud, enemy
patrol, tank fire, strafing, artillery bursts, mortar—nothing
must budge him. His post is sacred ground
which he must preserve, even if he must give his life.
Early in the German breakthrough, three members
of Co. C, 518th MP Bn., looked about in unhappy
amazement. They were 1st Lt. Robert B. Vallon, Akron,
Ohio; Cpl. Joe P. Whitehead, Henderson, N.C.; Pfc
Albert F. Thompson, Bronx, N.Y. The reason: they
found themselves manning a TP squarely in front of an
infantry platoon entrenched and waiting for Germans.
Traffic posts, like Military Police, are everywhere—in
the UK, beach areas, Paris, at the Ludendorff Bridge,
Marseilles, around the world. On the Continent, Com Z
MPs took over or established posts after Army MPs had
pressed forward into new territories. Before final
resistance was crushed, MPs of the 769th and the 707th MP
Bns. routed traffic from Cherbourg.
To erect signs and control traffic on the Red Ball
Highway was the mission of the 783rd MP Bn., which
began working with the Transportation Corps' Motor
Transport Brigade, Aug. 29, 1944.
Hundreds of miles of roads, originating in the Contentin
Peninsula and stretching to Chartres and Dreux, were
neither reconnoitered nor sign-posted. It was easy to
pinpoint and label this road network as an express supply
route. But that didn't help truck drivers find their way.
From the Theater Provost Marshal's office came Lt.
Col. Charles E. Day, former traffic expert with the
New York State Police; Maj. Forest L. Wyman and
Capt. Lawrence O. Schneiber to assist the 707th, 793rd,
783rd and later Cos. A and B, 796th Bn., in meeting
perhaps the greatest single challenge in the history of
the Corps of Military Police.
MPs began a period of intense day and night activity.
A fast but limited reconnaissance was conducted.
Advance Section Engineers furnished special Red Ball
directional signs. Static traffic posts were selected and
manned while patrols in quarter-tons and on motorcycles
were stationed in readiness. MPs posted, maintained
signs. Pointsmen assumed duties at all major cross
roads, entrances and exits to all traffic control regulating
posts and blind corners in urban districts.
Every participating service could look with pride on
that route as initial convoys roared through without a
hitch. An outstanding achievement, it later was extended
with the 783rd getting the toughest job. Because MP
strength never was sufficient to provide full-scale control
of the Red Ball route, those assigned redoubled efforts,
fighting to check pilferage, black market activities and to
curb serious traffic violations.
Waffendorf, Germany, Sept. 16-18, 1944: To control
traffic at a blind corner. 5th Armored MPs withstood
enemy artillery and mortar fire for three days. Five of
the original six men were evacuated as battle casualties.
Three volunteers, knocking out machine guns nests and
infiltrating infantry, held on until all elements of the
division were clear.
During emergency periods, the most effective means
of checking vehicles and individuals was the road block.
Identification of personnel was of utmost importance.
Acting as valves, efficiently operated road blocks regulated
the flow of authorized traffic.
MPs Herd PWs by the Numbers
Transfer of prisoners from front lines to rear was a
mission of great significance. These bedraggled, beaten
members of the "master race" easily could constitute a
back-breaking burden to swift, mobile Armies.
Through a foolproof evacuation system, Military Police
scraped up the PWs, by handfuls or by thousands,
dispatched them to the rear, clearing Army areas for
future captures.
Provost Marshals and MP units perfected a chain of
evacuation that withstood countless heavy loads thrown
at it. When the haul of prisoners was unusually large,
tactical units assisted in escorting and guarding.
But the bulk of the work fell to a small number of
MP escort guard companies, most of whom had handled
prisoners before in Zone of Interior camps. Broken into
sections, companies like the 142nd, 430th, 483rd, 554th,
and 620th MP EG, picked up PWs at division collecting
points and escorted them to enclosures. Here, Advance
Section EG companies attached to the Army PWs,
accepted and moved prisoners to forward Com Z
enclosures. PWs were passed to the rear until they reached
final destinations, Continental Central enclosures, labor
enclosures or ZI camps.
A week later 5th Armored surrounded Le Mans and
bagged a large number of Germans. Because no guards
were available, prisoners were turned over to traffic
control pointsman. These MPs not only guarded scores
of PWs and directed traffic but underwent enemy small
arms fire.
Invasion forces pushed inland. Initially, the 428th,
437th, and 472nd MP Escort Guard Cos. evacuated from
divisions under V, VII and XIX Corps, to two beach
enclosures operated by the 301st, 302nd, and 595th MP
Escort Guard Cos.
Cherbourg Peninsula, packed with Germans, began to
overflow, but First Army's Provost Marshal was prepared
to cope with any sudden influx of prisoners.
A 10,000-man enclosure was established at Foucarville
with the 552nd MP EG Co. and the 5th. Ranger Bn. in
charge. In addition, three 1000-man cages were located
on VII Corps' beach. After official notification, a second
10,000-man enclosure, under the 482nd MP EG Co.
at Valognes, was built to regulate the flow of prisoners
into Foucarville. More than 25,000 prisoners were
evacuated in one sweep when the Normandy peninsula
These temporary cages were crude affairs, often no
more than a strand of barbed wire encircling the field.
When time was available, concertina wire was used;
carbide floodlights and telephone communications installed.
Lack of personnel was a handicap. One platoon of
Capt. Joseph C. Virgillio's 454th MP EG Co. once handled
5000 prisoners. A single guard sat behind a machine
gun at each corner of the enclosure. The remainder
of the platoon processed prisoners or handled rations
and water. EG personnel, always short on organic
transportation, often had to travel 100 miles for rations
and water. Two officers and 34 men of the
82nd Airborne
MP platoon once guarded 4900 prisoners.
Division cages were up close, well within range of
enemy fire. The first MP detachment to enter Germany
was a group from 3rd Armd. Div., led by Capt. John M.
Walton and Lt. Arthur J. Rutshaw. The detachment
was in the van of the first task force to dent the Siegfried
Line, Sept. 12, 1944, and promptly set up a PW enclosure
about a mile inside the Line.
Further back and deep into Com Z were Continental
Central Enclosures, permanent structures, which
barricaded 20,000 or more prisoners. These gigantic,
sprawling compounds, with guard towers and thousands
of feet of wire on ten foot poles, were a far cry from the
first hastily-built cages.
Every advantage was taken of abandoned enemy enclosures,
of barracks such as Caserne Valaine, or of former
German civilian concentration camps like Compiegne,
where the 2022nd PW Overhead Detachment of 21 officers
and 128 men, and 14 men of the 453rd MP EG Co.,
received, guarded and administered to 4000 PWs who
increased to 20,000 in five days.
Under technical supervision of U.S. personnel, PWs
built their own enclosure fences, processed themselves,
tended their own sick and wounded.
MPs of the 2022nd also assisted Psychological Warfare
units in organizing an anti-Fascist PW group. This
overhead detachment, with a score of officers and a
company of administrative personnel, received and
evacuated 180,000 prisoners in seven months.
G-2 field interrogation detachments screened prisoners.
Transients, Allied nationals, civilians, officers,
troublemakers went to Cherbourg. First-class labor eligibles
were processed and farmed out to various services—Signal,
TC, QM, Medical, Ordnance, Engineers.
At first, PWs were transported to the U.S., but the
procedure was revised about D plus 60. By
An amazing feat accomplished by MPs was moving
PWs en masse. Pre-invasion plans established a safe,
sound ratio of one guard to every ten prisoners in transit.
Nine months later on the Continent, the accepted ratio
was one to 50, and one to 150 was not unusual.
MPs met with success in handling PWs because, while
strictly observing Geneva Convention rules, they punished
without compassion and in accordance with approved
methods any German overstepping the bounds. PWs
expected discipline; they got it.
Cracking Down on the Profiteers
Lawlessness spread, reached alarming proportions.
Armored columns spluttered to a gasless standstill as
civilian cars drove unrestricted about Paris. Cigarettes
became scarce. In Parisian bars, a pack cost cost 150 to
200 francs.
Then came a swift wedge which put fear into these
treasonable racketeers. Beginning Nov. 8, 1944, picked
criminal investigation agents, operating under the Theater
Provost Marshal, placed the quarters and personnel of
several Railway Operating battalions under surveillance.
Close watch was kept at Dreux, Velliers, Villaneuve,
St. George, St. Cyr, Matelot Yards, Versailles, and the
Batignolles Yards in Paris. Agents stoked locomotives,
lived with the men, gathering evidence. Records of
Army postal units were checked. The stage was set.
On Nov. 25, Military Police struck—CID agents,
officers and men of the 709th and 787th MP Bns. By
nightfall the job was complete, the culprits apprehended.
Within approximately two months, eight officers and
235 enlisted men had netted nearly $200,000 through
illicit traffic in essential Army goods. These merely were
a few groups among many whom MP and CID agents
constantly were breaking down.
The effect of the raid was immediately noticeable.
Pilfering and profiteering on the French black market
fell off. The weak, the susceptible, realized that MPs
ever were alert.
Agents did more than operate in rear echelons. Suppression
of crime was their interest in every locale.
Though assigned to the various Armies, Com Z sections
and Headquarters, the central drive emanated from
Lt. Col. James Edler, CID Chief in Paris, whose uncompromising
and fixed determination to wipe out crime recognized
no barriers. Rape, murder, assault, black
market—Col. Edler and hundreds of trained agents hit them all,
beating down crimes of violence.
Not only were CI Sections organized but each MP
battalion and post, camp and station company set up
investigation sections where the spadework on serious
cases frequently began, and for minor offenses, generally
Determined MPs stopped at nothing in their search
for testimony. T/4 Humbert S. Betti, Jr., Union City,
N.J., 509th MP Bn. Hq., huddled in a bathtub-size
foxhole near a German-held Siegfried Line pillbox.
While mortar shells screamed overhead, Betti took a
statement from an astonished doughfoot.
Down in CONAD, 2nd Lt. George H. Williams and
Sgt. Alfred Zeringue, 68th MP Co., PC & S, all but solved
a murder before CID agents arrived. They had located
the fatal projectile, an empty cartridge case and ascertained
the suspect's identity. Maj. Gen. Arthur R. Wilson,
CG, Continental Advance Section, commended the two
MPs for their thorough job.
MPs on traffic duty often were able to lend a hand.
The 241st MP Co. threw out a dragnet Feb. 10, 1945,
that caught a hit-and-run driver within five hours after
the fatal accident.
At 1910 hours in 241st MP Co. Hqs., Dole, France,
the desk sergeant's telephone rang. The 475th Ordnance
Depot was calling. An Army truck had hit a civilian
walking towards the depot.
First Lt. James F. Kingwell, 241st CO, got on the case
immediately, talking with men at the depot where the
driver had come for gasoline. What kind of a truck
was it? A five-ton semi-trailer. And the driver? Tall
and thin, nervous, face haggard, dressed in dirty fatigue
clothes and a blue combat jacket with the letters USN
stencilled on the back. It was dusk but the driver hadn't
heeded a suggestion to turn on his headlights.
At 1830 hours, Cpl. George L. Riddle, 241st MP Co.,
patrolling a street in Dole, told the corporal of the guard
that a battered semi-trailer had come through, its
headlights out and a ripped tarpaulin flapping in the wind.
Lt. Kingwell alerted the Provost Marshal and MP
headquarters at Dijon, as well as MP companies and
ordnance depots. Patrols set out from 241st MP Hqs.
At 2315 hours, the lieutenant and Cpl. Charles Aronson
spotted a semi-trailer off the road. The driver got
out of the cab. He was tall, gaunt, and wearing a blue
combat jacket. The driver asked the officer if he knew
of a place to sleep. Lt. Kingwell did and escorted him
to MP headquarters.
The MP — Anything, Anywhere, Anytime
With machine guns, BARs and scout cars, the 62nd
MP Co. held security posts on the Strasbourg perimeter
until the threat of German infiltration in Alsace subsided.
Hysteria and panic were prevented by Psychological
Warfare detachments and MPs whose appearance on the
streets was evidence that Americans intended to stay.
MP training, aside from its specialization, bore many
similarities to infantry training. MPs were familiar with
the light and heavy machine gun, the 60mm mortar,
Tommygun, carbine,
MPs also helped stabilize lines of resistance. In late
December, 1944, at Wirtzfeld, 2nd Inf. Div. MPs hastily
organized a straggler collecting point where personnel
and vehicles were checked.
The Provost Marshal often was charged with rear area
security. During emergencies his principle concern was
enemy agents. Disguised as Army personnel or as
civilians, these saboteurs sifted into France and Belgium.
Security-alert MPs, stringing up their counter-sabotage
net, manning road blocks, patrolling open flat lands,
checking vehicles across bridges, made a record catch.
In a single day, one MP EG lieutenant ordered his firing
squad to execute six spies.
S/Sgt. Morris F. Anderson, Willmar, Minn., Co. C,
509th MP Bn., took a long look at a civilian wandering
near an ammunition dump. The "civilian," who
carried two identity cards and said he taught at a local
school, was an SS man.
MPs flushed out pro-Nazi civilians trying to aid the
enemy. On Dec. 21, 1944, in a house near Hotton,
signals were flashed to direct German artillery. Cpl.
Michael P. Rich, Bronx, N.Y., and Pfc Stephen R.
Pavlich, Bridgeport, Conn., Co. C, 518th MP Bn.,
accompanied by a group armed with grenades and a Tommygun,
forced their way into the house. After a brief battle,
14 persons were led out.
Suspicious civilians usually were brought for questioning
to the nearest CIC detachment, with whom MPs worked
in close cooperation. The First Army Provost Marshal
operated the Master Interrogation Center and Civilian
Internee Enclosure for the Counter-Intelligence Corps.
MPs furnished raiding parties for the CIC.
Thousands of MPs rode front-bound freights as train
guards. Ex-combat soldiers of the Theater-activated
385th MP Bn. knew the rigors of this monotonous, tough
life, and for comfort they preferred a foxhole to the bare
floor of a 40 & 8. In two months this outfit guarded
548 trains of 17,786 cars and travelled 110,000 miles.
The box score: no cars pilfered!
The 794th MP Bn., probably the oldest at this new
MP duty—train security—developed a pilfer-proof system
that fathered SOPs for all units. A minimum of
three MPs boarded a train when it moved out. At the
marshalling yards, the non-com in charge of the permanent
yard MPs, along with the train guard NCO,
inspected the train. A special report was made which the
latter kept as a receipt. Guard relief stations maintained
responsibility along the route. When the train reached
its destination, a thorough report was forwarded.
When the train stopped en route, MPs deployed on
both sides, keeping an eye on cars containing pilferable
supplies. Sometimes guards turned up more than ordinary
thieves. Cpl. Richard Donovan, Pfc George D. Rivar,
Pvt. Herbert Dockery, Pvt. James W. Howard and
Pvt. Jack E. King, 389th MP Bn., pulled a German
from a ration car on a train en route to Paris,
Dec. 5, 1944.
More than 10,000 MPs, stationed in Germany, Belgium,
France and the United Kingdom, guarded runways,
hangars, bomb dumps and aircraft at all Air Corps
installations. The almost complete absence of theft, tampering
and sabotage testify to effective security methods.
MPs detailed to crash-trucks pulled airmen from
wrecked and burning planes, stood guard as enemy
strafers shot up fields, and more than once battled flames
that threatened hangars, planes and vital equipment.
The mission of aviation MPs seemed routine but
actually was of top-flight significance. Whether working
on a freshly-carved airstrip or patrolling a London
airdrome, these MPs were part of the insurance which
enabled USSTAF to carry out thousands of missions
that helped to bring Germany to its knees.
The day of the heavy-handed MP was gone. In his
stead was the specially trained World War II MP, an
expert in tact, common sense and diplomacy. Minimum
force was used to carry out his task; his club was a last
Ninth Air Service Command MPs broke up a gang of
French civilians and AWOL American soldiers dealing
in stolen Army supplies. While MPs were raiding the
group's hideout and questioning four soldiers, a truck
drove up. Sgt. Levi M. Dolloff, Needham, Mass., and
Pvt. Albert De Wilde, Pueville, La., ordered the two men
in the truck to dismount. Instead the driver fired,
wounding Dolloff. Pvt. Frank J. Woods, New York
City, killed the driver with a pistol shot but was wounded
in the exchange of fire. Pfc Lawrence Allard, Attleboro,
Mass., wounded the driver's companion. Thousands of
dollars' worth of rations, a jeep and two trucks were
Sgt. Charles A. Brence, 28th Inf. Div. MP, ran into
something tougher, proving that a town patrolman does
more than make visiting soldiers unhappy. In a surprise
move, enemy infantry and tanks poured across the Our
River and overran defenses outside Cherisaux, Luxembourg,
Dec. 16, 1944. Sgt. Brence sent his squad to a
nearby infantry CP, then reported to an aid station of
the 103rd Med. Bn. Taking weapons and ammunition
from casualties, he passed them out to his men.
The advance of the enemy endangered the aid station,
so the sergeant climbed a cliff across the road from the
station and put up a one-man defense with a sub-machine
gun. Temporarily blinded by the searchlight of an
enemy tank, Brence fell from the cliff, fracturing a leg
and his skull. He was evacuated before Germans
gained control of the town.
Cpl. Kenneth L. Meyer and Pfc Marion A. Skinner,
9th Inf. Div. MPs,
were investigating a burning house at
Kalterherberg, Germany, Dec. 24, 1944, when a German
paratrooper cut loose with a burp gun from a basement
window. The two MPs took cover and in a few minutes
the paratrooper emerged, shooting at Skinner. Meyer
fired, spinning the German around, as Skinner's
Tommy-gun spurted death.
MPs aided G-5 in controlling the movement of refugees
streaming back to their homes. They also helped enforce
curfew regulations and travel restrictions for civilians.
In turn,
MPs not only operate Disciplinary Training Centers
but five Base Section Guardhouses, which receive prisoners
from all Com Z Sections and the Armies. Once
MPs gain custody of a law-breaker, they accent
rehabilitation. Hundreds of soldiers passed through DTCs, went
back to fight and won decorations.
Besides furnishing guards for all types of Army
headquarters, MPs also provided escorts for celebrities and
top-ranking generals. The 795th MP Bn. safeguarded
Gen. Charles De Gaulle and his entourage, saw them
safely to Paris. The 769th has a long list to its credit:
the King, Queen and Princess Elizabeth of England,
Winston Churchill, Henry Morgenthau, Queen Wilhelmina,
and many generals including Gen. Eisenhower and
Field Marshal Montgomery.
The Corps of Military Police was organized in 1941 as
a separate branch of the service. Since its founding,
the Corps has spread over the face of the earth.
Under Maj. Gen. Milton A. Reckord, former Third
Service Command CG and 29th Inf. Div. commander,
the Corps not only has increased in strength but in the
efficient performance of multiple duties.
In November, 1944, 16 new MP battalions were activated
at Le Mans. They were composed mostly of men
who had seen combat. Using the same type of personnel,
eight new PW Overhead Detachments also were activated,
and previous to this, 2700 MP Escort Guards were added.
With new duties and expanding capacities, the Corps
of Military Police prospered despite its youth in the
family of the U.S. Army Service Forces.
And this is the way it will be until the job is complete—the
MPs backing up the troops at every stage and at
every hour.
Photos: U.S. Signal Corps
Draeger - Paris
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