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![]() Photos, Articles, & Research on the European Theater in World War II
H. B. Sayler Major General, Chief Ordnance Officer, ETO
A mighty armada -- the greatest assembly of ships the world ever had known -- moved steadily across the English Channel and headed for the French Coast. Overhead roared a fleet of aircraft so immense that it nearly hid the sky from view.
This was the invasion of Europe, June 6, 1944, and
nearly a quarter of a million American soldiers were
bound for two beaches -- Omaha and Utah. Primed
to destroy the German Army, these men were equipped
with the finest weapons and vehicles modern science
could devise, that modern industry could produce.
Quality of equipment was equalled only by quantity.
For every man participating in the invasion, there were
1500 pounds of Ordnance material.
What is Ordnance?
It's the blockbuster and the rocket which softened up
the invasion coast and supported the infantryman as he
hit the beach. It's the M-4 tank which rumbled off an
LST and smashed its way into an enemy stronghold.
It's the 105mm howitzer which helped pave the way for
the doughs who carried Ordnance in the form of semi-automatic
rifles, carbines, machine guns and every
other type of small arms weapons. It's the anti-aircraft
gun which brought down ME-109s two miles away;
the director which did the gun's thinking. It's the
scout car that went out on reconnaissance, the two and a
half-ton truck hauling supplies from the beachhead.
It's everything that rolls, shoots, is shot, and dropped
from the air.
The story of Ordnance in the European Theater of
Operations is the story of men as well as materiel. It's
the story of maintenance crews who put damaged
vehicles back into action while sniper bullets zinged
nearby and 88s screamed overhead; of ammunition
companies fighting off dive bombers and infiltrating
attacks; of tank recovery units and contact teams, depot
companies and storehouse workers. It's the story of
welders, small arms mechanics, artillery technicians,
instrument repairmen, bomb disposal men, foreign
materiel experts and clerks. It's the story of 150,000
officers and men who not only delivered the goods but
kept that equipment in fighting condition through
France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Germany.
It's the story of supply and maintenance in five United
States Armies.
That's Ordnance!
When asked how he won a certain Civil War battle,
Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest replied that he arrived
"first with the most." Gen. Forrest was translating
the word "logistics" into simple terms.
Since the first cave man picked up a club and began
socking his enemies with it, logistics has been the
Number One headache of any war. Supplying a military
machine is a science. Supply was the secret
behind the successes of Caesar, Napoleon, Grant,
Pershing and Eisenhower. In part, logistics is the task
of Ordnance, and Ordnancemen are justly proud of
their job. Ordnance not only helped to assemble the
mightiest military machine ever conceived, but it also
supplied and maintained its part of this machine over
communication lines thousands of miles long.
The history of Ordnance Service began during the
early days of the American Revolution when a tactical
problem involved driving the British from Boston. To
do this, Gen. Washington required artillery, and the
nearest field pieces were at Ticonderoga, near the
headwaters of the Hudson. Struggling over 200 miles of
trails, poor roads, mountain passes, through snow, rain
and mud, Col. Henry Knox's men delivered the guns.
These pieces were turned on British defenses and Boston
soon was retaken.
During the Civil War, Ordnance played a vital role
in the field of development when breech-loading, rifled
small arms gradually replaced the clumsy muzzle-loading,
smooth-bore muskets. Delivery of the goods was the
power behind Gen. Sherman's smashing drive through
Georgia and South Carolina. The picture was the
same in 1917, but to a much greater extent, when
America converted from peace time production
practically overnight to throw the might of its arms into
France and tip the scales of war towards Allied victory.
Ordnance was not at work any too soon. When
Hitler's panzers rolled through France in the spring
of 1940, Nazis were confident that the democracies had
little with which to fight. Two factors Hitler overlooked
and which eventually helped to shatter Germany's
dream of world conquest were American inventive
ability, and its product, American industry.
While Nazism struck crippling blows, American
industry rolled up its sleeves. When Gen. Eisenhower
threw his first punch at the Germans on the North
African beaches, industry and Ordnance teamed up to
pay dividends. The building of equipment stockpiles
for the invasion of Europe followed. For two years,
Ordnance labored unceasingly in United Kingdom depots
to support a military operation which had not been
accomplished successfully since the 11th century when
William the Conqueror crossed the Channel to invade
a hostile shore.
The Table of Basic Allowance for an armored division
calls for 13,148 small arms weapons, 499 artillery pieces,
879 combat vehicles and 1755 other vehicles. This
equipment weighs 23,317 tons. For tanks alone,
monthly replacements number 8000 different kinds of
parts and assemblies, involving 1,500,000 individual
pieces packed in 15,000 containers. The initial
equipment of an infantry division calls for 16,843 small
arms weapons, 280 artillery pieces, 17 combat vehicles
and 2072 other vehicles. Total tonnage is 9072.
Production of ammunition is based on the formula
of one ton per gun per day to support barrages like
Third Army's XX Corps, which threw out 1000 tons
during the 10-day assault on the fortress city of Metz.
Today, there are 23 artillery pieces for every 1000 combat
soldiers as compared with four field pieces for every
1000 line troops in World War I. Artillerymen of
1945 received more ammunition for their big guns than
doughs got for their Springfield rifles in 1917!
To meet these requirements, Ordnance brought
2,000,000 tons of equipment to England before D-Day,
including 22,741 combat vehicles, 281,768 general and
special purpose vehicles, 1,494,941 small arms weapons
and 19,959 artillery pieces. Since D-Day, Allied troops
were supplied with 2,500,000 tons of vehicles and
weapons. Artillery supply alone was 1,496,000 tons
between D-Day and V-E Day.
Ordnance rolled into England at the rate of 10 tons
per minute. There it was processed, assembled, water
proofed, inspected, issued and replaced in 21 storage
depots, 19 vehicle parks, 22 maintenance shops and
eight ammunition depots. In 32 different plants,
Ordnancemen assembled 1000 vehicles daily. The job
of preparing thousands of the 350,000 different items
which made up Ordnance equipment -- each item for its
own specific part in the invasion -- was endless.
Waterproofing alone was one of the greatest problems
facing Ordnance during the pre-invasion period.
Ordnancemen worked on waterproofing techniques for
almost a half year. Four or five minutes were needed
for a vehicle to leave the landing craft, drive through
the water, and roll ashore. To counteract the damaging
effects of salt water, technicians prepared compounds
and wrappings for equipment, and conducted training
programs in waterproofing for drivers of vehicles.
Experience in the North African and Sicilian invasions
helped to some extent, but the scale on which the
invasion of Europe was being planned made the job of
waterproofing proportionately more difficult.
The basic unit of firepower for American infantry is the
M-1 rifle, a semi-automatic weapon which spits out a
clip of eight .30 caliber shells as fast as a dough can
squeeze the trigger eight times. The Germans used the
bolt-action Mauser, a good weapon but inferior to the
Garand, which Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., calls "the
greatest battle implement ever devised."
Anti-tank guns with a high muzzle velocity are a
German specialty, but their performance falls short of
the job done by American ATs, typical of which is the
57mm piece. This mobile weapon features a breech
mechanism which ejects shell cases automatically, thereby
increasing an already rapid rate of fire.
Allied troops respected the performance of the German
88mm all-purpose gun, but Ordnance answered
this highly-touted piece with a variety of superior
artillery weapons, including the 105mm howitzer which
replaced the 75mm as the standard field piece. Germans
were so awed by its rate of fire that prisoners
frequently asked to see the American "automatic artillery."
In the heavier stock, the 155mm "Long Toms" and the
240mm pieces consistently outslugged the German
Said one German PW: "I spent three years in Russia
and then came to the American front. American artillery
is 100 percent better." Said another: "I served in Italy,
Russia and on the Western Front. The Americans have
much better artillery."
According to Gen. Patton's tactics, it's tanks versus
artillery, not tanks against tanks. Developed as a
result of this basic concept of armored tactics was the
M-4, the finest medium tank of any army. Had it
not been for the M-4, Allied armies may not have been
able to throw out the spearheads which paved the way
for the smashing breakthrough at St. Lo, the race across
France and the final assault on Germany.
The M-4 is fast, turns on a dime and throws 76mm
shells from a gun with a 360 degree traverse. Germans
could swing their armored artillery only 45 degrees and
couldn't fire while under way. Because of the gyro-stabilizers,
M-4s can blaze away while moving.
Shermans directed by Lt. John Kingsley, Co. B, 25th
Tank Bn., knocked out 11 German Tigers in one day.
Fourth Armored's S/Sgt. Pearce O. Miller's M-4 tank
took four direct hits without being stopped as it left the
smouldering remains of four Nazi tanks in its wake;
S/Sgt. Joseph L. Laperle had one M-4 knocked out from
under him, but he climbed into another and smashed
four enemy tanks.
U.S. armor gained respect from others besides the
men who drove the tanks and fired the guns. A Nazi
prisoner who fought in France, Norway, Finland and
Russia said: "Your artillery and your tanks are your best
The newest American armored Sunday punch is the
M-26 "General Pershing," mounting a 90mm piece.
When this tank made its debut with the 9th Armd. Div.
in March, 1945, it crawled into a barrage of 88s, took
several direct hits, then roared ahead as if nothing had
happened. Since then, the M-26 has left a path of
smashed enemy guns and tanks hundreds of miles long.
Among tank destroyers, the M-18 "Hellcat," which can
fire its 76mm gun while moving at a speed of 45 miles
per hour, knocked out more than its share of German
armor. A typical performance occurred at Bastogne late
in 1944 when an M-18 knocked out six Panthers in six
minutes. Slightly larger and twice as mean is the M-36
TD, mounting a 90mm gun.
The many types of automatic small arms which
answered every possible tactical need, the heavy artillery
which plastered the opposition before the infantry
assaults, the scores of combat, general and special
purpose vehicles which made the U.S. Army the most
mobile in world's history -- the performance of this
equipment was evaluated by Gen. Eisenhower's recent
The effectiveness of our Ordnance is partly due to
simplicity in design and partly to the range of U.S.
equipment, which provides a weapon for every target.
The enemy's battle losses have been far greater than
ours. In pieces of artillery, the enemy has lost eight to
our one. We have knocked out twice as many tanks as
we have lost.
Within 1000 yards of enemy lines, they issued
ammunition to 1st Division troops while simultaneously
storing a reserve supply. These men were followed by
hundreds of other Ordnance technicians, who hauled
ammunition, recovered damaged vehicles and repaired
knocked out artillery pieces despite intense fire.
The early days of the beachhead were chaotic. Demolition
charges had destroyed wharves on which to land
equipment. Railroads were twisted wreckage, highways
had been bombed and shelled. However, beaches
soon were converted into wharves and Omaha was
transformed into a giant depot where, amid bomb
craters and tetrahedrons, equipment piled in, from .45 caliber
pistols to tanks and 40-ton tank transporters.
That was Round One. Between D-Day and July 16,
Ordnance crowded the beaches with every kind of
equipment to support the assault. During this period
alone, 212,000 tons of ammunition and 64,292 tons of
replacement part requirements were landed. Shipments
were broken down, rushed to forward supply
units by truck. It took more than knocked out bridges,
bomb-pocked routes and enemy attacks to stop the
rumbling two and a half-tons. Within two weeks,
8553 of these vehicles were transported across the
Supply problems alone were sufficient to keep
Ordnance busy, but this was only half the job. There
was maintenance. The late Ernie Pyle once described
a small phase of that when he wrote:
This is not a war of ammunition, tanks, guns and
trucks alone. It is as much a war of replenishing spare
parts to keep them in combat as it is a war of major
equipment. A thousand tanks or a thousand motor
trucks are as good as no tanks or no trucks if the
butterfly valve, no larger than a quarter, is missing
from the carburetor of each of them. The gasket that
leaks, the fan belt that breaks, the nut that is lost, the
distributor point that fails, or the bearing that burns
out, will delay GI Joe on the road to Berlin, just as
much as if he didn't have a vehicle in which to start.
Ordnance technicians -- automotive mechanics, small
arms experts, artillery contact teams -- worked far into
the night to solve problems which had not even been
foreseen at the training centers in Aberdeen or Flora.
Germans struck back hard in those early days and the
amount of equipment put out of action caused many
sleepless nights for maintenance companies. But just as
fast as battered equipment came in, tank experts and gun
specialists patched it up. Nazis frequently were bracketed
by guns they thought had been knocked out for all time.
Working conditions were far from ideal. Gone now
were the air-conditioned shops and neat vehicle parks
of the United States and England. Improvisation
became the watchword as technicians moved into smashed
French villages, posted guards, dug slit trenches and
then buckled down to work. Hedgerows impeded the
movement of every type of transportation, from tanks
to jeeps. Units like the 3450th MAM Co. overcame
that obstacle by collecting German tetrahedrons from
the beaches, beating them into immense blades and
attaching them to M-4 tanks. "Tankdozers" then
ripped down the hedgerows with ease.
Typical of the maintenance crews which worked and
fought through Normandy was the 735th Maintenance
Co., supporting Pres. Harry S. Truman's World War I
outfit, the 35th Inf. Div. In the six months following
D-Day, Ordnance technicians performed so expertly
that the 35th hadn't a single artillery piece out of action
because of malfunction or the lack of service.
These Ordnancemen saw their share of fighting as
well. S/Sgt. Orville W. Johnson, Murtagh, Ohio, was
awarded the Bronze Star for retrieving a knocked out
57mm anti-tank gun and a 105mm piece while Germans
opened up with all available heavy stuff. Near St. Lo,
S/Sgt. Kenneth D. Whitmore, Fremont, Nebr., broke
up a traffic bottleneck caused by a damaged tank which
blocked one of the main supply arteries in that area.
Using a 10-ton wrecker, Whitmore dragged the tank
to one side of the road as shell fragments and Mauser
slugs peppered his vehicle.
After St. Lo, the fluid situation vexed not only welders,
mechanics and drivers, but "typewriter commandos,"
cutting through a blizzard of paperwork, as well.
Because work orders and requisitions for weapons,
ammunition and spare parts had to shuttle between
forward and rear areas, a motorized Pony Express was
organized. Ordnance couriers with First and Third
Armies would roll up collectively as much as 1000
miles a day over roads that sometimes threatened to
stop even jeeps. Pvt. "Lucky" Lucadamo, Newark,
N.J., former pro football player, found bad roads
weren't his only obstacles. On several occasions he left
the wheel to engage infiltrating Germans with machine
gun fire.
As American troops bore down the peninsula, Ordnance
converted the chaos of those first slam-bang
weeks into a semblance of organization. The Communications
Zone was divided into Base and Advance
Sections, and this combination of Base to ADSEC to
Army smoothed out multiple supply wrinkles. But new
situations developed, particularly when Gen. Patton's
tanks punched through German defenses at St. Lo and
launched a frenzied race across France. Ammunition
companies tossed the SOP book out the window.
Ammunition supply points were discarded temporarily;
there wasn't sufficient time to unload ammunition.
Instead, Ordnancemen left equipment and supplies
aboard trucks as they leapfrogged depots forward in an
attempt to keep up with the tanks, sometimes as far as
150 miles ahead of advance supply bases.
One ammunition unit moved into a small town at
night, searching for infantrymen it was supplying during
their advance. When they failed to find the doughs, the
ammunition men settled down for the night, planning to
shove on next day to catch up with the troops. Next
morning, they were awakened by the crack of small
arms fire, and discovered their infantrymen moving in
to take the town still held by the enemy.
The summer was unusually hectic; ammunition outfits
frequently were confronted with problems other than
supply. The famous 57th Ammunition Co., a Negro
outfit, was assigned to mop up a resistance pocket near
the Belgian border. Bombed, strafed and shelled by
Nazis for days, the men waited for the chance to answer
back. When a call for volunteers was issued, every
man in the company stepped forward.
Armed with Springfields, 62 picked men went to
work, eventually located a barn which was the resistance
center. T/Sgt. Harold F. Jackson, Milwaukee, Wis., put
an end to the tough opposition when he scored a direct
hit on the building with an incendiary grenade. Although
the Germans shouted "Kamerad" there was
little time to relax. First Army troops needed more
ammunition. They got it.
The little French village near Morlaix always will be
known as "Ordnanceville" to 14 members of the 16th
Ordnance Co., who took the town from the Krauts
without firing a shot. Detailed to deliver five tanks and
three armored cars to the 6th Armd. Div., these men were
stopped en route by Frenchmen who warned them of Germans
in the village.
Discussing the situation, the Ordnancemen decided to
attempt to take the village and deployed their vehicles
so that every gun was zeroed in on the enemy position.
Spotting this opposition, the German commander
assumed an entire armored division surrounded his
garrison; he surrendered his 123 officers and men.
Ordnance field service, of which the Contact Team
is a part, turned in a remarkable performance. Made
up of four to six technicians, these teams constantly
were on the move from their bases to front line units
where they inspected artillery, small arms, fire control
equipment and made on-the-spot repairs. Compact
and mobile, the teams covered from 50 to 200
miles a day. Only the heaviest barrages interrupted
their work when the men jumped into foxholes,
sweated out the attack, then returned to their tools.
Typical was one team from the 520th Ordnance Co.
comprised of S/Sgt. Harry R. Lemmen, Holland, Mich.,
heavy artillery specialist; Sgt. Francis J. Mosely, Union
Springs, Ala., instrument diagnostician; Sgt. John
Rigdon, Birmingham, Ala., small arms expert; Pvt.
Hymon Sparkes, Ashland, Ala., driver, and jack of all
trades. One of the most efficient teams in the ETO,
this group was a welcome and familiar sight to many
front line men. Said Sgt. Mosely:
The Germans got to know our vehicle pretty well
during one period when the front was more or less static.
Every day for a week they tried to zero us in with their
88s, but we were lucky and always got through okay.
Flaming Bombers went into action when Seventh
Army threw its invasion haymaker at Southern France
Aug. 15. Two officers and 25 men of the 3rd Medium
Maint. Co. accompanied glider troops. This invasion
produced another supply problem. It was answered by
With Paris as the ETO hub, supply routes to the
front were shortened immeasurably. A number of
supply and repair depots were established in the suburbs
of the French capital. Typical was Depot 0-644, where
thousands of vehicles, weapons, and spare parts were
disassembled from bulk shipments and prepared for
immediate reissue to smaller units in ADSEC. Staffed
by more than 3000 officers and men. Depot 0-644 was
the largest of any on the Continent.
The autumn stalemate was followed by the Battle of
the Bulge in December, 1944. Chief target in von
Rundstedt's drive was the First U.S. Army; thousands
of tons of equipment were in danger of being captured
during the height of the Nazi blitz. From Col. J.B.
Medaris, First Army Ordnance Officer, came the order:
Pull back. Stay in business. Fight.
Ordnance pulled back. The enemy captured little
materiel. In three days, 3500 Negro troops of the
71st Ordnance Group evacuated three ASPs under
enemy fire, reduced a large base ammunition supply
depot to point size and set up a new ASP to serve an
Army corps while turning over two of the supply
points to another Army. Simultaneously, this unit
supplied troops with a minimum of 3000 tons of
ammunition daily, and, at one point during the Bulge
battle, established a record by delivering 7500 tons in
24 hours.
The 100th Ordnance Ammunition Bn. grabbed seven
Belgian locomotives and evacuated 100,000 rounds of
155mm ammunition and 43,000 rounds of 105mm
projectiles. The 202nd Ordnance Depot Co. evacuated
its 600-ton outfit in two days. The 310th Ordnance Bn.
pulled scores of field pieces out of the line before
Germans could capture them.
Ordnance stayed in business. The 590th Ordnance Bn.
withdrew 100 miles in sub-zero weather. During this
period, units of the battalion frequently lost contact
with each other. Yet the 590th turned out 4000 repair
jobs, including work on 88 tanks, while transferring its
Ordnance fought. In one sector, the only troops
blocking a complete German breakthrough was a group of
Ordnancemen under Col. Nelson O. Lynde, then First
Army Maintenance Officer. Known as "Lynde's Task
Force," the men set up defense points and traded blows
with the enemy until help arrived. In the wake of the
4th Armd. Div.'s smash into Bastogne to relieve the
101st Airborne Div. was the 3450th MAM Co., the same
unit that built the "tankdozers" in Normandy.
In Seventh Army's sector, Flaming Bombers took
their share of the counter-offensive, and for them it was
the same thing: "Pull back; stay in business; fight."
While evacuation was the general policy, there were
some outfits which had to hang on because of the
tactical necessity. One of the few ASPs not evacuated
was that operated by the 680th Ord. Ammunition Co.
Little distance separated it from the enemy, but men of
the 680th, veterans of the North African and Italian
campaigns, had seen rough days before. When the
Krauts were only a few miles away, the Ordnancemen
planted demolition charges in the ammunition, prepared
to pull out in a hurry. But the American line held.
When Ordnance added fighting to its normal mission
of supply and maintenance, technicians frequently
found their jobs doubly dangerous. For instance, Pfc
William Coleman, Detroit, was a member of the 334th
Ord. Depot Co. which was helping evacuate another
Ordnance outfit from Malmedy, a prime German
objective. Continually bracketed by enemy artillery,
Coleman loaded his truck, drove seven hours in blackout,
almost was captured before he found his company.
There, he was given a bazooka and told to guard a
crossroads against Kraut tanks. This was not unusual.
Ordnancemen frequently found themselves serving with
infantry, artillery and TDs.
Equipment losses in four United States Armies for
December doubled those of the previous month.
However, maintenance service cut down losses
immeasurably, putting back into action some equipment
battered beyond recognition. The repair ratio was two
small arms weapons for each one lost and 12 to one for
artillery weapons.
In Third Army alone, maintenance crews put back
into action more damaged guns and vehicles than were
lost by four entire armies in December. Considerable
economy in repair work was due to the Ordnance salvage
program. Salvage crews stripped ruined equipment
of every part which could be used again on
another tank or gun. Set up at strategic locations, Ordnance
collecting points served as salvage centers, facilitating
proper distribution of damaged materiel and parts.
Between D-Day and V-E Day, third, fourth and fifth
echelon maintenance shops in the Communications Zone
repaired 335,995 vehicles of all types, 407,182 small
arms weapons and 11,182 artillery pieces -- a total of
754,259 jobs.
French plants were used for reconditioning and overhauling
of engines. Shortly after the liberation of Paris,
15 major French automobile plants were reopened.
With French labor under Army Ordnance supervision,
production was increased to more than 600 jobs per day
on every type engine used by the army. The program
cut down months, removed thousands of miles, saved
several Liberty ships' shipping space and $25,000,000.
With the Allies all-out spring drive under way, the
problem of keeping pace with tanks and infantry once
again became the chief concern of maintenance and
supply. Leapfrogging of depots again was initiated.
To support the Rhine offensive, speed was vital.
One Ninth Army Ordnance outfit near Remagen received
50 new M-26 tanks destined for the assault on the
east bank of the Rhine. These giant vehicles were
processed in 72 hours. Maintenance was more mobile
than ever before. Even heavy maintenance companies
pulled stakes and advanced several times a week.
The 3448th MAM Co., operating a Third Army
forward collecting point, had a difficult time keeping up
with Gen. Patton's troops. Although it had to pack
up and pull out unwieldy equipment six times in two
weeks, it was able to load and move out of an area one
and a half hours after receiving orders.
The 769th Light Maint. Co. was a part of the 69th
Inf. Div. which spearheaded First Army's spring
offensive, taking Leipzig and making the initial contact
with Soviet troops at Torgau. Moving 35 miles a day,
the 769th frequently flanked the infantry, and several
times its mechanics traveled with the division. During
the drive, these men improved their mobility with
captured vehicles including 150 utility trucks, 250 trailers,
60 sedans, 50 busses and several fire engines. The
company, which handled more than 1000 requisitions
and repaired 2000 items of equipment, was awarded the
Meritorious Service Plaque.
At this time, many German factories, buildings,
roads and other facilities were being used by Ordnancemen
to expedite their particular jobs. The 699th Heavy
Maint. Co. (TK) used the famous stadium at Nurnberg
for its control point. German autobahns, constructed
to speed the Wehrmacht, became traffic lanes
for Ordnance supply trucks to rush across the country.
Roads were spotted with maintenance and tire patrols.
In forward areas, Ordnance Intelligence teams scouted
for new enemy weapons and inspected recently captured
factories. Results of their findings now are being
examined by experts in Washington and Aberdeen.
These teams were made up of especially picked men like
Sgt. Otto Hess, Brooklyn. Born in Germany, Hess used
his knowledge of the country, language and people, as
well as his civilian experience in commercial photography.
He was of invaluable aid to his team.
Up ahead with armor and infantry, Bomb Disposal
squads were busy pulling stingers from UXBs. Squads
frequently helped combat engineer units remove land
mines and neutralize road blocks. In several instances,
Bomb Disposal men, working in advance of combat
troops, including both infantry and engineers, removed
fuses from demolition bombs to keep important bridges
from being destroyed.
The 20th Bomb Disposal Squad deactivated shells and
blockbusters from Normandy to the Cologne Plain.
Like others, this squad was faced with unfamiliar
problems. At Cherbourg, while inerting enemy demolition
charges set in various parts of the city, the men became
aware of the fact that Krauts had used French
ammunition. Another harrowing situation arose in Normandy
when the 20th defused two 2000-pound blockbusters
lying on either side of a road while a column of mediums,
whose vibrations threatened to set off the bombs'
detonating mechanisms, rumbled over the road.
The 146th BD Squad distinguished itself in Italy,
France and Germany. The rough jobs it handled typify
the work of any Bomb Disposal Squad. It was all in
the day's work when Capt. Andrew B. Nicholls, Ithaca,
N.Y., and T/Sgt. James P. Kendall, Louisville, Ky.,
deactivated two "screaming meemie" rockets in a CP 100
yards from the German lines; when Sgt. Robert H.
Cowan, North Canton, Ohio, and Cpl. Melvin J. Beck,
Pittsburgh, removed several artillery shells from
another CP while dodging enemy mortars; when Cpl. Leo
M. Gugliatti, Brooklyn, was blown 30 feet into the
air as his jeep went over a land mine and lived to tell
the story.
With the 4th Armd. Div., which launched the incredible
Third Army spearhead in April, 1945, was the
126th Maint. Bn. It literally was a garage on wheels,
and used 16 tons of parts and supplies in its daily repairs.
Forty Purple Heart awards were made to men of the
The 726th Light Maint. Co., serving with the 26th
"Yankee" Inf. Div., was charged with 30 to 60 percent
of the division's maintenance but never handled less
than 80 percent. Its armament platoon alone turned
out more than 1000 jobs in three months.
Attached to the 2nd Inf. Div., the 11th Ordnance Co.
manufactured 1300 grenade launcher sights for the M-1
rifle in the record time of three weeks.
Tire repair seldom makes front page stories, but had
it not been for outfits like the 158th Tire Repair Co.,
there might have been little headline news about the
mobility of American Armies. One unit of the 158th,
under S/Sgt. Robert Fullerton, Dallas, Tex., repaired
and put back into service 7000 tires in eight months as
well as inspecting and evaluating thousands more.
Third Army tankers almost bogged down because of a
spark plug shortage. But several Ordnancemen got
their hands on 40,000 captured plugs, made a few
minor changes and put them into Shermans. One
soldier owes his life to S/Sgt. Rudolph Mathews, Placerville,
Calif., and S/Sgt. Wallace W. Jensen, Omaha,
Nebr., who, in only 15 minutes, maufactured an intricate
part for a Bovie electrical surgical instrument
which broke down during a delicate brain operation.
Parts weren't available; Ordnance ingenuity was.
Lt. Anthony Pluth, Chisolm, Minn., 136th Ord. Bn.,
worked out an added safety feature for armored vehicles.
Sandbags were placed in a rack, fitted around the hull
of a tank. In the event of a direct hit, the bags would
explode Panzerfaust and bazooka shells before reaching
the armor.
Carbine-carrying troops can thank two Ordnancemen,
Sgts. Walter H. Walker, Winkle, Ohio, and "Slim"
Wolffe, Philadelphia, for a device which enables the
weapon to be fired on full automatic.
The 3212th Ordnance Small Arms Maint. Co. put
85 liberated Soviet Russians and 25 French civilians to
work for the troops of a French regiment attached to
Seventh Army. Performing 400 jobs a day, these
mechanics, under Ordnance supervision, repaired more
than 20,000 automatic and semi-automatic rifles and
machine guns in two months.
The story of Ordnance's achievement in the ETO
actually requires volumes; every one of the 150,000
Flaming Bombers -- from Maj. Gen. Henry B. Sayler,
Chief Ordnance Officer, to Pvt. Joe Smith, welder -- has
a story to tell.
The story each can relate varies in importance, but,
according to Lt. Gen. Levin H. Campbell, Jr., U.S.
Army Chief of Ordnance, "Collectively they turned out
a mechanical and technical superiority for American
troops which no other Army in the history of the world
has ever equalled."
Ordnance gave the American soldier his weapon,
then made sure that the weapon kept firing.
A few years ago a kid in dirty overalls was putting
the finishing touches on somebody's shiny convertible
back at Frank's Garage in Twin Falls. Today that
same kid has put the finishing touches on the bogie
suspension of an M-4 tank. He and thousands like
him are mopping the grime from their faces, and maybe
grinning just a little. The Nazis are whipped and
Ordnancemen have a right to smile. But it's a quick
one, for Ordnance Joe is spitting on his hands. Flaming
Bombers are ready for any or all jobs. Anywhere!
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